Momentum APK-Unit 3 Definition of Momentum:

Momentum APK-Unit 3
Examples of where I have heard the word momentum:
Definition of Momentum:
Momentum is equal to the direction of the speed of an object multiplied by its mass. The
formula is p=mv. (bold represents a vector) Momentum is labeled with the units “kg∙m/s”
and a direction, thus it is a vector quantity.
Example problems:
1. What is the momentum of a 100 kg man running northwest at 10 m/s?
a. 100kg ∙ 10m/s = 1000 kg∙m/s northwest
b. vector
2. Who has more momentum in the following situation? Christina, with a mass of 50
kg, is running east at 5 m/s. Bryan, with a mass of 60 kg is running west at 4 m/s.
a. Christina’s momentum=50 kg ∙ 5 m/s = 250 kg∙m/s
b. Bryan’s momentum= 60 kg ∙ 4 m/s = 240 kg∙m/s
c. Christina has more momentum