Name______________ Date_______________ Physics Period_______ Momentum Machines Your mission should you choose to accept: Build an vehicle that can attain a high momentum (p=mv) This is not just any vehicle you are building however. This vehicle should be built for momentum! That means it should be able to travel at high velocities and the vehicle should have a high mass. There are rules to building this vehicle: You must work in a group of two or three. Your materials can only be obtained from the classroom or what you have in your backpack. Your vehicle must be cool looking and have a name. Your vehicle must not lose any parts or break. Your vehicle must be self-propelled or gravity propelled Your vehicle must travel at least 5 meters if self-propelled or gravity propelled. You can measure momentum using instantaneous velocity at any point or average velocity, the choice is yours, choose wisely. You must measure momentum in kg∙m/s. (If you measure the mass in g make sure you convert!) Your group can compete in more than one category. If you break any rule your vehicle is disqualified from consideration for extra credit. There are two categories of momentum machines: self-propelled or gravity propelled. The self-propelled category could involve rubber bands, springs, etc. The gravity propelled category will be launched down a ramp. The winner of each category will receive fifteen extra credit points! You will turn in a lab report when we are done with the project. See page 2 for the template. If a section is highlighted, it needs your attention. Do not turn in your lab with anything highlighted! Names 1. Title-Momentum Machines 2. Purpose-The purpose of this lab is to measure velocity, measure mass, and calculate momentum while determining the momentum machine champion. Questions: a. Who can build the best momentum machine in each category? b. What category will result in the highest average momentum? c. What factors affect an objects momentum? 3. Hypothesis (predictions) a. I predict that… b. I predict that… c. I predict that… 4. Procedure 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 5. Data Table-Complete the data tables. Period 1-2008 Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Name Mass Velocity (kg) (m/s) Wild Cherry 8.18 2.24 Floam Mobile .243 1.8 How was velocity measured? (average over total distance, average over 1 m, etc) Average velocity over the first 1.84 m. Gravity propelled. Average velocity over the whole 5 m. Gravity Vehicle Momentum (kg∙m/s) 18.32 .437 Momentum Vectors (write in a vector key) Butterfly .0054 10.98 Tablita 3.6 3.42 Big Jeff 1.5 1.66 Crasher .018 14.7 Period 2 2008 Vehicle Vehicle Name Mass (kg) Vehicle Velocity (m/s) Jellyfish 3.3 2.73 Terminator 4.7 2.7 Elby 1.36 3.93 Heifer Mobile Hot Wheels 1.13 1.85 0.075 1.64 propelled. Average velocity over 5 m. Human propelled. Average velocity over 2.5m. Gravity Propelled. Average velocity over 3m. Gravity Propelled. Average velocity over 5 m. Self propelled. Overall Average Momentum How was velocity measured? (average over total distance, average over 1 m, etc) Average Velocity over 7m. Gravity Propelled Average Velocity over 5m gravity propelled Average velocity over 5 m. Gravity propelled Average velocity over 5m, gravity propelled. Average velocity over 3m. Gravity propelled. 0.0592 12.31 2.49 1.5876 Vehicle Momentum (kg∙m/s) Momentum Vectors (write in a vector key) 9.009 13.05 5.34 2.1 0.123 Overall Average Momentum Observations-Make your own observations about the velocity (average vs instantaneous) of the vehicle and way in which the vehicle traveled. Make sure you record in bullet points or in a table. 6. Results (graph here) Click on insert, picture, and chart. Format the cells to reflect the above data. In your graph(s) make sure you show the data from your tables including the overall average momentum. Do not forget to include a graph title and to label your axes. 7. Conclusion-FOLLOW THE RERUN FORMAT and address the questions. When you are finished, post your lab on your UNIT 3 webpage. Also, remember to post your conclusion on nicenet. No paper needed!