APES Unit 4-Populations Study Guide Name_________________________

APES Unit 4-Populations Study Guide
Looking at the figure, you are able to determine ________.
a. that the population in part (a) is growing rapidly
b. that the population in the part (b) is growing rapidly
c. that the population in the part (b) has many more males than females
d. that the population in the part (b) is aging rapidly
e. that there was a "baby boom" in the population on the right 30 years ago
What is the population in part (b) likely to experience soon?
a. more single males
b. more households
c. lack of economic growth
d. more senior citizens
e. resource depletion and decreased quality of life
What is the population in part (a) likely to experience soon?
a. more single males
b. exponential population growth
c. government institution of a population control policy
d. more senior citizens
e. resource depletion and decreased quality of life
The human population is approximately ________.
a. 1.5 million
b. 6.5 million
c. 1.5 billion
d. 6.7 billion
e. 10 billion
During which time period did the world's population more than double?
a. 1750–1800
b. 1800–1850
c. 1850–1900
d. 1900–1950
e. 1950–2000
If a population roughly doubles in the course of 50 years, its growth rate would be close to ________%.
a. 1.5
b. 5
c. 10
d. 20
e. 25
________ is the world's most populous nation, home to ________ of the people living on Earth.
China; half
China; 1/5
The US; half
The US; 1/3
India; 1/3
Which of the following are the world's top five most populous nations?
a. US
b. China
c. Great Britain
d. Vietnam
e. India
f. Brazil
g. Indonesia
Replacement fertility ________.
a. restores population size after a catastrophic event
b. is a contraceptive technique
c. is below 2 in Latin America and the Caribbean
d. is below 2 in Africa
e. is equal to 2.1 in stable populations
The 1994 Cairo, Egypt, conference was organized ________.
a. by President Clinton to seek world funding for family planning initiatives
b. to lower the world's population to preset targets by advocating the use of contraceptives
c. to urge governments to better address social issues such as poverty and disease as potential sources of population problems
d. to address the growing AIDS epidemic in Africa
e. to reevaluate the effectiveness of China's one-child policy
Life expectancy in parts of southern Africa ________.
a. has fallen dramatically since 1990
b. is starting to fall
c. is on the rise
d. has stabilized due to population control
e. cannot be determined due to lack of adequate methods for data collection
Declining death rates due to increased food production and improved medical care while birth rates remain high is characteristic of the ________
a. pre-industrial
b. stabilization
c. transitional
d. post-industrial
e. revolutionary
Areas with the least dense human populations are in ________.
a. agricultural areas
b. temperate areas
c. Europe
d. Mexico
e. the suburbs
Which of the following countries has the highest population growth rate?
a. Spain
b. Italy
c. Pakistan
d. Canada
e. United States
Which of the following factors drives TFR down?
a. rural lifestyle
b. social and economic security
c. sexism
d. education of women
e. b and d
f. all of the above
The transitional stage in Frank Notestein's demographic model is initiated by ________.
a. government intervention
b. the increased use of contraceptives
resource depletion
The richest one-fifth of the world's population possess approximately ________ times the income of the poorest one-fifth, and the richest onefifth use over 86% of the world's resources.
a. 10
b. 20
c. 40
d. 60
e. 80
If global fertility rates remain at 2006 levels, the United Nations predicts that world population will be approximately ________ billion in 2050.
a. 12
b. 10
c. 7
d. 5
e. 4
The annual global growth rate of the human population peaked in the ________ and has been declining ever since.
a. early 1900s
b. 1950s
c. 1960s
d. 1990s
e. year 2000
A country with ________ is not expected to grow quickly in the near future.
a. a pyramid shaped age structure diagram
b. high female literacy
c. a female to male ratio of 1.2 to 1
d. growing industrialization
e. many developing regions
In a country where there are increasingly more households, ________.
a. consumption should decrease
b. consumption should increase
c. birth rates should increase
d. birth rates should remain constant
e. population growth rates should increase
As of 2008, total cumulative HIV infections since 1980 are estimated at nearly ________ million.
a. 78
b. 50
c. 25
d. 10
e. 1
Demographic effects of AIDS are most significant because ________.
a. AIDS strikes affluent people more than poor people
b. it is caused by a virus
c. it is not known who is resistant to AIDS
d. AIDS leaves behind orphans
e. AIDS sickens and kills young people who are generally the most productive members of society
America's age‑structure diagram ________.
a. looks like a pyramid
b. reflects unequal distribution of males and females at all age groups
c. reflects a "baby boom" in the early 1980s
d. reflects an aging population
e. reflects a population with a high growth rate
The world population growth rate is currently close to ________%.
a. 20
b. 10
c. 5
d. 2.5
e. 1.2
According to the IPAT model, technology that enhances our acquisition of minerals, fossil fuels, timber, and ocean fish ________.
increases environmental impact
decreases environmental impact
increases population
increases sensitivity
decreases sensitivity
Declining death rates due to increased food production and improved medical care while birth rates remain high is characteristic of the ________
a. pre-industrial
b. stabilization
c. transitional
d. post-industrial
e. revolutionary
The Cornucopian view held by many economists suggests that resource depletion due to greater numbers of people ________.
a. is not a problem if new resources can be found to replace depleted ones
b. is not a problem because disease will limit population size
c. is not a problem because humans are too intelligent to allow it to be
d. will lead to natural selection of the most fit individuals
e. will cause a population crash
The "sensitivity factor" in the model used to represent human environmental impact denotes ________.
a. human sensitivity to what needs to be done to protect the environment
b. the sensitivity of an environment to human pressures
c. the sensitivity of endangered species to human population infringement
d. the sensitivity of governments to carrying capacity demands
e. economic sensitivity to resource use
The most accurate terms describing the trend over the past 50 years in resource use for human energy and agricultural systems are ________.
a. increasing and unsustainable
b. decreasing and sustainable
c. steady state - no change
d. from unsustainable to sustainable
e. rapidly increasing, moving from unsustainable to sustainable
According to the model developed by Donella Meadows and her colleagues, if human society proceeds as it has for most of the 20th century
a. pollution levels will soar and productivity decrease exponentially in the next century
b. human population will stabilize at about 8 billion
c. industrial production will reach steady-state as non-renewable resources increase
d. human population will reach 20 billion by 2100 as pollution levels drop rapidly
e. human population will crash and then grow exponentially to 20 billion
(2008 Practice Exam #30) The country with the highest population density is…
a. Australia
b. Bangladesh
c. China
d. Ethiopia
e. India
(2008 Practice Exam #31) The country with a population about three times that of the United States is..
a. Australia
b. Bangladesh
c. China
d. Ethiopia
e. India
(2008 Practice Exam #32) On an annual basis, per capita electricity usage in Ethiopia is approximately what percent of the per capita electricity
usage in the United States?
a. 0.2
b. 10
c. 50
d. 100
e. 200
(2008 Practice Exam #36) Which of the following practices would have the biggest impact on achieving global sustainability?
a. Recycling aluminum cans
b. Using fuel-efficient vehicles
c. Replanting deforested areas
d. Reducing human population size
e. Developing ecotourism venues
(2008 Practice Exam #40) As a country goes throught the demographic transition, the greatest rate of population growth takes place during
which phase?
a. The preindustrial
b. The pretransitional
c. The transitional
d. The industrial
e. The post industrial
(2008 Practice Exam #45) Which of the following is a true statement about the total fertility of a society?
a. The total fertility of a society is the difference between the crude birth rate and the crude death rate.
b. The total fertility of a society is the number of children necessary for a couple to replace themselves in the next generation.
c. The total fertility of a society is positively correlated with the average education of women.
d. The total fertility of a society is negatively correlated with the number of women of child bearing age.
e. The total fertility of a society is decreases as the society progresses through demographic transition.
(2008 Practice Exam #49) Which of the following is the best description of a populaiton that has a stable age distribution?
a. A large population that is growing at a constant rate.
b. A large population with a negative growth rate.
c. A population that is in the early stages of logistic population growth.
d. A growing population in which the proportions of individuals in the different age class remain constant.
e. A small populaiton that has not yet achieved exponential growth.
The town of Fremont Center shares its power plant with the towns of West Fremont and East Fremont. Information about the three towns is
shown in the table below. The maximum capacity of the existing power plant is 2,000 MW.
Population and Electric Power Demand in the Fremont
Population Growth Rate
Population Size
East Fremont
West Fremont
Fremont Center
Per Capita Power Demand
(2008 Practice Exam #57) The number of years that the power plant will be capable of supplying all of the demand for energy in the three cities
is nearest to…
a. 0.5 year
b. 5 years
c. 15 years
d. 25 years
e. 70 years
(2008 Practice Exam #58) Assuming per capita demand stays the same, what will be the approximate power demand in Fremont Center in 40
a. 1000 MW
b. 2000 MW
c. 3000 MW
d. 4000 MW
5000 MW
(2008 Practice Exam #59) The percent of the total available power currently being used by West Fremont is nearest to…
a. 5%
b. 10%
c. 15%
d. 25%
e. 50%
(2008 Practice Exam #75) Which of the following is generally true of K-strategist species as compared to r-strategist species?
a. They reach sexual maturity earlier.
b. They have more young.
c. They are more likely to be invasive species.
d. They have longer life spans.
e. Their population cycles are more rapid.
(2008 Practice Exam #85) It has recently been estimated that the growth in world population has slowed in the past decade. Despite this trend,
environmentalists remain concerned about the environmental impact of world population, principally because…
a. The standard of living is increased in many develping countries leading to increased per capita use of natural resources.
b. People are living longer in developed nations, putting a strain on the economies of those countries.
c. Life expectancy is still decreasing in Africa due to AIDS.
d. The standard of living is poor in many developing countries, leading to a great deal of deprivation and suffering
e. Fertility is falling due to exposure to endocrine disruptors released into the environment.
(2008 Practice Exam #86) The country of Sudan has an estimated annual growth rate of 2%. At this rate of growth, approximately many years
will it take for the population of Sudan to double?
a. 30 years
b. 35 years
c. 50 years
d. 80 years
e. 140 years
(2008 Practice Exam #86) Of the phenomena that corelate with the data above, the one that is the most direct consequence of the trend in air
travel is…
a. The increase in spread of infectious disease.
b. The increase in urban sprawl
c. The decrease in biodiversity
d. The increase in hypoxic aquatic ecosystems
e. The decrease in the total fertility rate of developed nations
(2001 Released MC samples #1-3)
Which of the lettered points shows population growing exponentially?
Which of the lettered points shows population decreasing at the greatest rate?
Which of the lettered points shows population growing at a decreasing rate?
(2001 Released MC samples #13) A country currently has a population of 100 million and an annual growth rate of 3.5%. If the growth rate
remains constant, what will be the population of this country in 40 years?
a. 150 million
b. 200 million
c. 300 million
d. 400 million
e. 800 million
1. This region has been hit the hardest by
the HIV/AIDS epidemic
2. Second most populous region on Earth
3. Region where the United Nations celebrated the
birth of the six-billionth human in
4. TFR is 2.5 in this region
5. nation where a very high percentage of women
hold national parliamentary seats
Great Britain
Latin America
True/False-If an answer is true, write true; if an answer is false, write false and explain why it is false.
___________If growth rate of a given area is steady, population size will soon stabilize.
___________Poorer societies tend to have lower birth rates than more affluent societies.
___________The global annual growth rate of the human population has declined since 1960.
___________Presently, over 80% of the world's population lives in developing nations.
___________Urbanization tend to drive TFR down.
___________The number of people per household is rising rapidly in the United States and Great Britain.
___________As of 2008, TFR is highest in Europe and lowest in Africa
Short Answer
What specific population characteristics do demographers study? Why is it important to study these things?
Briefly explain how the status of women affects population growth.
What factors determine whether a population of humans grows, shrinks, or remains stable?
Briefly explain the advantages and disadvantages to China's policy on population control. Has the policy been
How does poverty and affluence affect the environment?
Why do environmentalists view unchecked population growth as a problem?
What social challenges are posed by a pyramid-shaped versus an inverted pyramid-shaped age structure diagram?
Briefly describe how family planning helped reduce the TFR in Bangladesh.
The application of population ecology principles to the study of statistical change in human populations is the focus of
the social science of ________.
Free Response Questions
2008 FRQ #4
Answer the following regarding world human population:
Create a graph of the data from table 1 below on the axes below.
Table 1: Worldwide Total Fertility Rate
Worldwide total fertility rate
Identify and discuss TWO of the causes for the trend in the worldwide TFR that you graphed in part a.
Table 2: Population data for select nations (2005)
Crude Birth
*rates are per thousand per year
Crude Death
Infant Mortality
Per Capita Income (US Dollars)
Consider the data in table 2 above. Identify and discuss TWO economic or societal factors that account for
the difference between the TFR of Kenya and that of the United States.
Describe TWO human activities related to the rapidly growing world population that are having an impact on
Earth’s biodiversity.
2003 FRQ #2
A certain fictional country called Industria is tracking its population data. In 1855, the first year vital statistics were
reported by the country, the population was 1.6 million, with a crude birth rate of 43 per 1000. At that time the
population of Industria was growing quite slowly, because of the high death rate of 41 per thousand. In 1875 the
population began to grow very rapidly as the birth rate remained at its 1855 level, while the crude death rate dropped
dramatically to 20 per 1000. Population growth continued to increase in the small country into the late 1800’s even
though birth rates began to eventually decline slowly.
In 1895 the crude birth rate had dropped to 37, and the death rate to 12 per 1000. In that year (1895) a complete
census revealed that the population of Industria had grown to 2.5 million. By 1950 population growth gradually began
to decline as the death rate remained at its 1895 level, while birth rate continued to decline to 22 per 1000. In 1977
vital statistics revealed that the death rate was 10 per 1000, and that population growth had slowed even more to an
annual rate of 0.4%. By 1990, Industria had reduced its birth rate to that of its now constant, low death rate, and the
population transition was complete.
On the axes below, plot the crude birth-rate data from 1855 to 1990. Now plot the crude death rate data on
the same axes. Clearly label the axes and the curves.
What was the annual growth rate of Industria in 1950? What was the birth rate in Industria in 1977?
Indicate TWO factors that might have accounted for the rapid decline in the death rate in Industria between
1855 and 1895. Indicate one specific reason why the birth rate might have been so high in 1855 and 1950.
Determine what the population size of Industria would have been in 1951 if the population had continued to
grow at the annual rate of growth recorded for Industria in 1895.
2000 FRQ #4
The figures above show the age structures of human populations in three countries X,Y, and Z.
Which of these three countries has the largest rate of population growth? Which has the smallest rate?
Compare the infant mortality rates that are likely in Countries X and Y. Explain your reasoning.
Describe the changes in both the birth rate and the death rate for a country making the transition from a
preindustrial society to an industrial society.
Describe one incentive that the government of a country could offer its citizens that would favor a reduction
in the growth rate of its population. Explain how this incentive would work, and describe on possible