
User’s Guide
January 20, 1998
Prepared for:
University of Massachusetts Boston, Harbor Campus
100 Morrissey Boulevard
Boston, MA 02125-3393
Professor William Campbell, Ph.D.
Laboratory in Software Engineering I, II (CS 611, CS 613)
Prepared by:
Language Teacher (LT) Project Team
Satit Phanichyakarn, Project Lead
Contributors: James R. Hill, William Perry, Malisetti Sagar
University of Massachusetts Boston, Harbor Campus
100 Morrissey Boulevard
Boston, MA 02125-3393
User’s Guide
January 20, 1998
Prepared for:
University of Massachusetts Boston, Harbor Campus
100 Morrissey Boulevard
Boston, MA 02125-3393
Professor William Campbell, Ph.D.
Laboratory in Software Engineering I, II (CS 611, CS 613)
Prepared by:
Language Teacher (LT) Project Team
Satit Phanichyakarn, Project Lead
Contributors: James R. Hill, William Perry, Malisetti Sagar
For example, the keyword might be “mucho” in a sentence like ”En el banco nacional hay ----dinero.” The system positions the cursor just to the left of the first dash.
You fill-in the keyword by typing each letter. As you type each letter, the system replaces the
dash to the right of the cursor with the typed letter and advances the cursor one space to the right. When
you complete the keyword, “Enter” is clicked and the score is tallied. “Correct!!” is displayed as
feedback to you for successful completion of the missing keyword. “Incorrect.” is shown for erroneous or
incomplete entries.
You may get assistance from the system while filling-in the letters of the missing keyword. If
you hit the <TAB> key when the cursor is to the right of a dash. The dash is replaced by the correct
corresponding letter of the keyword. The cursor is moved to the right. The “Assists” total is incremented
and displayed. You may also get a complete answer by clicking the “See Answer” button at the bottom of
the text field. If you click the “Definition” submenu item under the “Exercise” menu item of the
“Functions” menu, the keyword definition is presented to you in a special text window called a dialogue
box [not implemented in prototype]. You may study the definition(s) of the word. When done, a “Clear”
button is clicked, then the system removes the definition dialog box and you continues the vocabulary
You move to the next sentence by clicking the “Next” button. You may go back to the
previous sentence by clicking the “Repeat” button. You continue filling-in the keywords until each
sentence in the word list has been exercised.
When finished with the vocabulary exercise function, you may select a new function. The
system clears the main text window, the new function interface view is presented to you and the
“Exercise” button in the system toolbar becomes active again.
Your Language Teacher Package
Installing Your Software
Compiling Your Software
Starting Your Language Teacher
3.0 CONFIGURING YOUR OPTIONS [not implemented in prototype]
Saving Your Options
Retrieving Text In Language Teacher
Getting Definition of Selected Words (not implemented in prototype)
Building A List of Vocabulary Words
Reviewing Your List Of Vocabulary Words
Fill-In The Blanks View Of Language Teacher
The EXCERCISE view of the LT user interface maintains the basic layout of LT. It has three
areas. The top area or panel, the center area, and the bottom feedback area. During this exercise, the
EXERCISE button in the top area is inactive, i.e., “clicking” on it does nothing. The center area contains
a panel for filling-in-the-blanks with vocabulary words or keyword list selected during the reading
session. LT presents sentences in which vocabulary words were selected. Letters of the words are shown
as “dashes.” The user replaces dashes with letters of the word. There are four buttons. The ENTER
button, tells LT to check entry and compute the score. REPEAT takes the user back to the last
word/sentence. NEXT takes the user to the next sentence on the keyword list. Answers may be obtained
by “clicking” the SEE ANSWER button. A score is tallied and displayed a four text fields labeled as
“Correct,” “Errors,” “Assists,” and “Total.”.
Matching Vocabulary And Definitions (not implemented in prototype)
Fill-In The Blanks
6.0 BUILDING A HISTORY OF VOCABULARY WORDS [not implemented in prototype]
Listing Of Current Vocabulary Words
Adding Words to History From Current Vocabulary List
Reviewing Your Vocabulary History
Removing Words from Your History
Fill-In The Blanks Exercise In Language Teacher
When a you select the “Exercise” function, the system presents the exercise view to you. It
opens a main text window. The current word list generated earlier during a reading session is used. In
the text window, the system, displays sentences from the word list without the word or keyword. The
keyword is replaced by a series of dashes where each dash represents a letter of the missing keyword.
RetrievingText In Language Teacher
You retrieve text for reading in a secondary language as follows. A library of books on disk
and/or the Internet serve as sources of the text. You tell the system where to obtain the text via a text field
labeled “Source.” The text is identified as active text and is displayed to you in a main text window in the
middle of the screen. Since active text may exceed the display size of the main text window, scrollbars
may be used to view the active text from beginning to end.
Getting Definition Of Selected Words [not implemented in prototype]
While reading the active text, words may be encountered that are unfamiliar to you. When a
word is selected, the system translates it to a word in your primary language. The translation is done by
the system using a translation dictionary. Then using the translated word, definition(s), also in your
primary language, are retrieved from a definition dictionary and presented to you in a special text
window called a dialogue box and labeled “Definition.”
You may study the definition(s) of the selected word and make a decision to keep the word or
not for later exercises. If you decide to keep the word, an “Accept” button in the definition dialog box is
clicked to save the word and its associated definition(s).
Building A List Of Vocabulary Words
When a word is selected while reading, the system puts the word in a word list along with its
definition(s) and the sentence from which it was selected. If you decide not to keep it, a “Clear” button is
clicked. Upon clicking either button, the system removes the definition dialog box - leaving you free to
continue reading.
You may wish to continue reading. More words may encountered that are unfamiliar. You
may select these words, obtain definitions [not implemented in prototype], and decide to keep them or
not. This process is repeated until you are finished reading the current active text.
When you are finished reading the current active text, you may clear it by clicking an “X” on
the upper right-hand corner of the main text window. Reading may continue with a new source of active
text. New active text is obtained via the “Source” text field as before. It is read. Words are selected.
Definition(s) are furnished. Decisions are made to keep the words or not. More active text is obtained
and so on until you are completely finished reading.
When finished reading, you may select a new function. The systems clears the main text
window, the new function interface view is presented to you and the “Read” button in the system toolbar
becomes active again. The word list built during this session is saved by the system for your use in
subsequent system functions and exercises.
Reviewing Your List Of Vocabulary Words
[not implemented in prototype]
[not implemented in prototype]
This user’s guide describes how to install, set up and configure your options available with the
Language Teacher (LT) product. It covers the basic features that allow you to read text in a new or
secondary language; development of a vocabulary list; use of vocabulary list in exercises designed to
enhance vocabulary retention; and development of a vocabulary history.
Note, this guide is intended to be used with the prototype version of Language Teacher (LT).
A final version will be released with the initial product delivery. Several features of LT are not
available in the prototype. Best attempts will be made to indicate “not available in prototype” where
references occur for these features.
LT operates in a “stand alone” mode and/or interconnected with the Internet. Sample text is
made available directly for you on the system. You can also retrieve text from the Internet, if an Internet
connection is available, you may retrieve text for your exercise from it.
Reading; Reviewing; Exercises; and History
Reading Text View Of Language Teacher
The READ view of the LT user interface maintains the basic layout of LT. It has three areas.
The top area or panel contains the main menu, a toolbar that holds the primary function buttons, and a
text field for the user to enter a source of text material. During reading, the READ button is inactive, i.e.,
“clicking” on it does nothing. By contrast, “clicking” on any of the other function buttons will cause LT
to switch to the corresponding view of the function selected. Beside the “Source” text field there is an
ENTER button which activates LT to search and retrieve the text material specified. A keyboard “Enter”
input with the cursor located in the “Source” text field is functionally equivalent to “clicking” on the
ENTER button. The center area contains a panel for active text presented in the secondary language.
The caption for the text area identifies the active secondary language. For visual effect, the area is
decorated with relevant icons. The text area needs scrollbars as we expect the active text will frequently
exceed the space available. Definitions will be presented in dialogue boxes when words are selected in
the active text. The dialogue box is labeled as “Definitions” and has two buttons. One will ACCEPT the
word selected for later review. The other will CLEAR or close the definition dialogue box. The bottom
area remains as a modeless feedback area.
Installation Files
Language Teacher (LT) Java Classes
Java Foundation Classes (JFC)/Swing
Reading Material (Text Files)
Miscellaneous Files (Icons, Graphics,
Type a “D” or “d” and hit “enter” or “return.” This will install swing into your local hard
drive. . (On most computers, the local hard drive is identified as “C:”).
You will again be asked the same question regarding LangugeTeacher:
Your Language Teacher Package
Your software package comes with several items on a single CD ROM:
Installation File
Language Teacher (LT) Java Classes
Java Foundation Classes (JFC)/Swing
Reading Material (Text Files)
Miscellaneous Files (Icons, Graphics, etc.)
Your package should contain the following items:
xcopy .\LanguageTeacher C:\LanguageTeacher /s/e
Does C:\LanguageTeacher specify a file name or directory name on the target
(F = file, D = directory)?
Type a “D” or “d” and hit “enter” or “return.” This will install LanguageTeacher into your
local hard drive. (On most computers, the local hard drive is identified as “C:”).
You will see a message at the end of install saying “Language Teacher install completed.”
Language Teacher has been installed to your local hard drive
You are ready to compile and run the Language Teacher application
User’s Guide
Release Notes (may be included)
Compiling Your Software
Double click on “My Computer “ icon
If your package does not have the items identified or if you have any questions, please contact
the Language Teacher Project Team at:
Double click on C: drive icon saying (C:)
Double click on Folder “Language Teacher.” You should see two (2) folders: “images” and
“SampleText” along with a number of additional files.
Insert the CD-ROM into CD-ROM drive.
Double click on icon “Compile.” A MSDOS window should open and start compiling the
Language Teacher application
Please wait till window disappears. This means that your compilation is successful
Double click on "My Computer" Icon on desktop. A list of “My Computer” icons will be
[Please note that you have to compile this application only once. There is no need to compile
each time you want to run the application.]
Double click on CD-ROM Icon which says "LangTeacher." This will display all folders and
files from the CD-ROM
Single click with right mouse button on file called “LanguageTeacher.” A pull down menu
will be displayed.
Double click on file "Install.bat"
Click on “Create Shortcut.” This will create a short cut to run the Language Teacher
Installing Your Software
A window will open showing the following:
Drag the shortcut icon onto desktop.
xcopy .\jdk1.1.5 C:\jdk1.1.5 /s/e
Does C:\jdk1.1.5 specify a file name or directory name on the target
(F = file, D = directory)?
Type a “D” or “d” and hit “enter” or “return.” This will install jdk1.1.5 into your local hard
drive. (On most computers, the local hard drive is identified as “C:”).
You will be asked the same question regarding swing:
xcopy .\swing C:\swing /s/e
Does C:\swing specify a file name or directory name on the target
(F = file, D = directory)?
Close all open windows and you should see an Icon for LanguageTeacher.
Starting Your Language Teacher
Double click on Shortcut icon on your desk top to run the Language Teacher application. A
MSDOS window will open indicating the application has been started
The main window of Language Teacher will open and you are ready to use the application.