South Dakota State University Department of Teaching, Learning, and Leadership Written Examination (Portfolio) Rubric Candidate: Date: ____ Evaluator: ____ ____ ____ ____ Curriculum and Instruction Acceptable: Most artifacts meet the conditions stated below and all Goals are supported by artifacts that meet the conditions stated below. Unacceptable: There are goals for which the portfolio does not provide sufficient evidence that the goal has been met. Please indicate whether the condition is met (M) or not met (N) for each criterion and Goal. Met/Not Met Comments 1. Artifacts are appropriate to goals Goal 1 ___ Goal 2 ___ Goal 3 ___ Goal 4 ___ Goal 5 ___ Goal 6 ___ Specify any artifacts that are not appropriate and explain. 2. Artifacts demonstrate student’s competence Goal 1 ___ Goal 2 ___ Goal 3 ___ Goal 4 ___ Goal 5 ___ Goal 6 ___ Specify any artifacts that fail to demonstrate competence. 3. Artifacts consist only of work in which student had a role in production Goal 1 ___ Goal 2 ___ Goal 3 ___ Goal 4 ___ Goal 5 ___ Goal 6 ___ Specify any artifacts for which this is not true. 4. Rationales successfully make the case that, based on the artifacts provided, the student has met the Goal. Goal 1 ___ Goal 2 ___ Goal 3 ___ Goal 4 ___ Goal 5 ___ Goal 6 ___ Specify any artifacts for which the rationale is inadequate. The portfolio will be judged as Unacceptable and the student will not be able to continue to the oral exam if 1, 2, and/or 3 above are not generally met OR if there is a Not Met for any Goal in 4. Based on the criteria listed and your analysis, rate the portfolio as Acceptable or Unacceptable. __ Acceptable __ Unacceptable CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION GOALS Goal 1. Displays knowledge of current practices, research, theories, and issues in education. 2. Demonstrates knowledge of how students learn and is able to effectively apply that knowledge within a variety of educational roles. Candidate generally understands current practice, research, theories, and issues relevant to the content area and level of education. The candidate is often able to express multiple perspectives and describe the complexity and changing nature of this knowledge. The candidate displays commitment to teaching and learning for all learners. The candidate is able to explain the theory and practice of learning in his or her area(s) of specialization. The candidate is able to explain how cultural diversity as well as individual student differences can impact student learning. There is evidence that the candidate has effectively applied this understanding in educational settings. Candidate demonstrates no intolerance for those who are diverse in terms of race, ethnicity, exceptionality, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status or gender. 3. Effectively participates in curricular processes. Candidate displays knowledge relevant to learning goals, objectives, and activities. Content is structured to meet student needs and expressed in terms of student achievement. There is evidence that the candidate has successfully participated in curriculum development and implementation. 4. Effectively communicates. The candidate is able to verbally and nonverbally communicate appropriately relative to intent and setting. The candidate is a competent speaker, writer, and listener. The candidate is sensitive to the importance of culture in communication processes. 5. Displays commitment to professional involvement and growth through continual learning Candidate will continue to learn when opportunities for doing so are present. Candidate is able to communicate personal beliefs and core values regarding education. Candidate has both long and short term career goals. Candidate is aware of appropriate professional organizations and has plans for joining. Candidate is aware of opportunities to contribute collaboratively as a professional and has plans for doing so. Candidate does not demonstrate a lack of personal or professional integrity. 6. Appropriately uses educational technology Revised 9/1/07 Candidate describes actions in terms of the positive impact those actions will have on others. Candidate can demonstrate appropriate knowledge and use of educational technology.