ArraySet and ArrayIterator Time Comlexity Analysis

ArraySet Methods and ArrayIterator
• Homework review
• ArraySet and ArrayIterator Methods with
Big-O analysis
• Reading: L&C 3rd ed:15.3, Pages 40-41
2nd ed: 3.6. (Book has some mistakes.)
Problem size parameter
• In analyzing the time complexity of the
operations of the ArraySet class we need
to choose the parameters which specifies
the size of our problem.
• We choose the size of the set: n to be the
parameter. Then, we analyze the time
complexity of ArraySet with respect to
changes in the size of the set.
• In Big-O analysis we always consider the
worst case.
ArrayIterator Methods
• Default constructor should NOT be used
• May want to include this code to prevent
any calls to the default constructor:
private ArrayIterator() { }
• Overloaded Constructor:
public ArrayIterator(T[] collection, int count)
items = collection;
// NOTE: creates an
// not a new array
this.count = count;
current = 0;
ArrayIterator Methods
• hasNext – O(1)
public boolean hasNext()
return current < count;
• next – O(1)
public T next()
if (!hasNext())
throw new NoSuchElementException();
return items[current++];
ArrayIterator Methods
• remove – O(1)
• We don’t need to implement real code for the
remove method, but there is no return value that
we can use to indicate that it is not implemented
• If we don’t implement it, we indicate that the code
is not implemented by throwing an exception
public void remove() throws
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
ArrayIterator Methods
• If we do implement the remove method,
notice that we don’t specify the element that
is to be removed and we do not return a
reference to the element being removed
• It is assumed that the calling code has been
iterating on condition hasNext() and calling
next() and already has a reference
• The last element returned by next() is the
element that will be removed
ArrayIterator Method Analysis
• All three ArrayIterator methods are O(1)
• However, they are usually called inside an
external while loop or “for-each” loop
• Hence, the process of “iterating” through a
collection using an Iterator is O(n)
ArraySet Methods
• size - O(1)
public int size()
return count;
• isEmpty – O(1)
public boolean isEmpty()
return count == 0;
ArraySet Methods
• expandCapacity – O(n)
private void expandCapacity()
T[] larger =
(T[]) new Object[2 * contents.length];
for (int i = 0; i < contents.length; i++)
larger[i] = contents[i];
contents = larger;
// original array
// becomes garbage
ArraySet Methods
• contains – O(n): The code is a bit different
than the one used in the book (both O(n)).
public boolean contains(T target)
for (T element : contents)
if (target.equals(element))
return true;
return false;
ArraySet Methods
• add – O(n)
public void add (T element)
if (!contains(element))
if (size() == contents.length)
contents[count] = element;
ArraySet Methods
• addAll – O( (2n + m).m)
• (Note: We also can code addAll using a foreach loop because we added extends
Iterable to SetADT interface definition)
public void addAll(setADT<T> set)
for(T element : set)
ArraySet Methods
• remove – O(n)
public T remove(T target) throws
EmptySetException, NoSuchElementException
if (isEmpty())
throw new EmptySetException();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (contents[i].equals(target)) {
T result = contents[i];
contents[i] = contents[--count];
contents[count] = null;
return result;
throw new NoSuchElementException();
ArraySet Methods
• removeRandom – O(1)
public T removeRandom()
throws EmptySetException
if (isEmpty())
throw new EmptySetException();
int choice = rand.nextInt(count);
T result = contents[choice];
contents[choice] = contents[count-1];
contents[count-1] = null;
return result;
ArraySet Methods
• removeRandom (Bad Alternative?)
• We may want to avoid some duplicate code in the
removeRandom method and make it shorter.
• Throws any EmptySetException that occurs in remove
public T removeRandom() throws
The above alternative algorithm is O(n)
instead of O(1)!
ArraySet Methods
• union:
• this set size: n parameter set size m
public SetADT<T> union (SetADT<T> set) {
ArraySet<T> both = new ArraySet<T>();
both.addAll(set); //O((2n+m).m)
return both;
O(n.n) + O((2n+m).m) = O(n.n + 2m.n + m.m)
ArraySet Methods
• toString – O(n)
public String toString()
String result = “”;
for (T obj : contents) {
if (obj == null) // first null is at count
return result;
result += obj + “\n”;
return result; // exactly full – no nulls
ArraySet Methods
• iterator – O(1)
public Iterator<T> iterator()
new ArrayIterator<T>(contents, count);