
CS241 Notes on Chapter 2 of Sargent and Shoemaker
Our assembler, the GNU portable assembler hosted on Intel 486, uses a
different syntax than Intel intended. This writeup documents what needs
to be
changed in the book to reflect these differences. Luckily not everything
different. The register names are Intel-standard, for example. We'll
Gnu as "gas", although it's on the system as "i386-as", in a Gnu
We will be programming using only "protected mode", not "real mode". The
discusses both real and protected modes, to cover the older environments
programmers still need to know about. Protected mode is the mode in use
Windows95, Windows NT, and UNIX on i486, i.e. all the proper 32-bit
system environments. This document tells you what you can skip because
p. 15-27: This is all basic material, all relevant. We tend to write
numbers using the C syntax used by gas, "0x20" instead of 20h, but it's
enough to read. The caption on Fig. 2-2 has only little-endian examples,
spite of its title "Little and big endian...".
p. 28: Here's the first snippet of assembler.
It is written in gas as
Intel syntax
movl $8, %ax
addl $3, %ax
movl %eax, 0x200
mov al, 8
add al, 3
mov [200], al
Note how the operands are reversed, so although Intel moves data from
right to
left, gas makes it go left to right. The machine instructions are the
same -this is just the text syntax interpreted by the assembler.
Also note how Intel syntax uses "mov" without specifying whether it's
moving a
byte, word, or doubleword, leaving that determination up to the assembler
various other clues such as the destination operand size. Gas expects
information with mov: movb, movw, or movl. The Gnu assembler does
"mov", and does select between l and b based on its own obscure rules,
won't select w without explicit "w" specification. As you will see, gas
uncompromisingly 32-bit-oriented. Since we are also, this should be no
When you see "mov al, 8", it means load 8 into the A register, or
"accumulator". This is a 16-bit operation in the real-mode world, but
importantly, it is the full size of that register. Thus the natural
translation to the 32-bit world is to load 8 into the 32-bit A register,
denoted EAX for extended AX, where AX is the old 16-bit A register.
The final difference this code shows is in the reference to address 0x200
memory. This difference disappears as soon as the location in memory is
named, say "answer". Then in both cases we would simply use this name:
%eax, answer" or "mov answer, ax".
Note that we want to use 32-bit operands by default. Whenever
reasonable, we
will expand out to the full 32-bit register size. Bytes are still
just as chars are in C. So we tend to use bytes and doublewords for all
ordinary code, and words only when needed to talk to the hardware.
(Those of you who know Intel assembler already may point out that "mov
ax, 8"
can be made to execute as 32-bit code by manipulating the program's
environment, but let's not confuse the newcomers!)
p. 30 The
b8 08
83 c0
a3 00
32-bit code takes more bytes to encode it:
00 00 00 00
(with 8 as a little-endian 32-bit number)
(surprisingly, the 3 can be encoded in a
02 00 00
(with 200 as little-endian 32-bit number)
Thus the opcode for the first move is now b8 instead of b0, and for the
mov is a3 instead of a2. The add has changed from 04 to 83 c0 -- some
instructions take multiple bytes before the embedded addresses or data.
p. 34, Section 2-6 16-bit Register Set. Read this but go right on to p.
x86 32-bit Register Set. The latter is what we'll be using.
p. 38, Section 2-7 The Segment Registers. Just skip this. It describes
real-mode use of segment registers, which is different from the
protected-mode. Rest assured that you won't have to manipulate segment
registers for ordinary programming. For our environment, like Windows
95/NT/UNIX, they are loaded once and for all by the boot-up code and only
changed after that for very specialized actions. The code and data
have the same setup, so code addresses and data addresses are in the same
"space", just like MC68000 addresses.
p. 41, Section 2-8.
Some Simple Assembly-Language Examples.
Our debugger is called Tutor. Because the code and data (and stack)
are set up identically, segment prefixes are dropped from the addresses,
the addresses are simply numbers from 0 to 0x3fffff, for the 4MB of
memory actually present on the machine.
Thus once downloaded to 0x200000, the little sample program from above
look like this:
Tutor> md 200000
b8 08 00 00 00 00 83 c0 03 a3 00 02 00 00 xx xx
Tutor can't disassemble this, but it can execute it one instruction at a
Tutor> .eip 200000 (set eip to 200000)
Tutor> t
(trace 1 instruction)
eip = 200006
Tutor> t
eip = 200009
Tutor> rd
(reg display)
EAX= 00000008 ...
Tutor> t
eip = 20000e
Tutor> md 200
( look at addr 200)
00000200: 08 00 00 00 xx xx ...
You can disassemble an object file with i386-objdump, for which the alias
"disas" is defined.
p. 44, the second example to sum 10 numbers. We can write it to be
from C. In the sample below, the .text directive means start of code
The .globl directive makes _sum10 an extern variable, accessable to C.
assembly code thus is rewritten:
# sum10.s Sum of first 10 numbers
.globl _sum10
$1, %ecx
$0, %eax
addl %ecx,%eax
# 1 is the first integer to be added
# Initialize the sum to zero
# Add an int to the sum
# inc the count by 1
# compare to decimal 10
# jump back if not
# return to C caller
and the C program which calls _sum10 looks like:
/* tell C this is an extern function in another file */
extern int sum10(void);
void main()
printf("sum of 10 ints is %d\n",sum10(););
Here we are using the fact that the values in C to be returned by a
(in this case the function sum10) are normally left in %eax, so the call
"sum10()" evaluates to the sum calculated in the assembly code. Also,
it's OK
for the function to clobber %eax, %ecx and %edx, as these are the C
registers, ones that C allows each function to clobber at will. It is up
the caller (main in this case) to save and restore the register if they
their contents to be maintained across the call.
p. 45.
Here is the second version of sum10.s:
# sum10.s Sum of first 10 numbers
.globl _sum10
movl $10, %ecx
# 10 is the first integer to be added
movl $0, %eax
# Initialize the sum to zero
addl %ecx,%eax
# Add an int to the sum
loop addint
# dec ecx, loop if ecx not 0
To do the hello example, we need to output single chars, one at a time.
can be done by putchar(ch) and luckily it is pretty easy to call Gnu C
assembler. We can't use "int 21" because we don't have DOS in memory.
requires real mode execution, so it is incompatible with our environment.
could use the "out" instruction directly to some port, but that is
unnecessarily low-level.
Calling putchar from assembler.
To call putchar(ch), we need to push the argument on the stack. Gnu C
32-bit storage for chars that are on the stack during calls (just as it
on the 68000), so we push a doubleword with the char code in its low
byte. On
return, we need to adjust the stack to remove the arg pushed on it.
# note this sequence clobbers %eax, %ecx, %edx!!
pushl %edx
# assuming ch in %edx
call _putchar
# call putchar
addl $4,%esp
# adjust stack back
However, as the comment says, this little sequence also clobbers the C
"scratch registers", %eax, %ecx, and %edx. To provide a safe calling
sequence, we need to save and restore these registers around the call:
pushl %eax
pushl %ecx
pushl %edx
pushl %edx
call _putchar
addl $4,%esp
popl %edx
popl %ecx
popl %eax
# save C scratch regs
# assuming ch in %edx
# call putchar
# adjust stack back
# restore C scratch regs
We see that %edx gets pushed twice here, so this could be optimized to:
pushl %eax
pushl %ecx
pushl %edx
call _putchar
popl %edx
popl %ecx
popl %eax
# save C scratch regs
# assuming ch in %edx
# call putchar
# restore C scratch regs
The complete code for this example now looks like:
# hello.s--print hello as 5 individual chars in a loop
.globl _hello
movl $msg, %eax
# point eax at string to output
movl $5,%ecx
# ecx has # chars to output
movl $0,%edx
# clear out edx
movb (%eax),%dl
# get a char from memory
# note putchar clobbers eax, ecx and edx-pushl %eax
# save %eax
pushl %ecx
# save %ecx
pushl %edx
# save %edx and provide putchar arg
call _putchar
popl %edx
popl %ecx
popl %eax
#end of putchar sequence
incl %eax
loop dochar
msg: .asciz "hello"
# restore %edx
# restore %ecx
# restore %eax
# point eax at next char
# loop back until 5 chars done
Notice the .asciz directive with label msg: at the end of the code. This
forms a string of characters (five in this case) terminated in a zero
If we just want to print a string out, we can use
printf-<save scratch regs in use>
pushl $msg
call _printf
addl $4, %esp
<restore scratch regs in use>
For fancier printf's, just push the args in reverse order-<save scratch regs in use>
pushl %eax
# to print this in hex
pushl $format
# ptr to format string
call _printf
addl $8, %esp
<restore scratch regs in use>
format: asciz "val is %x"
p. 47
Single-char input program: Here we call the C lib's getchar.
# inchar.s Input chars until Q typed
.globl _start
_start: call _getchar
# get 1 char, echo it
cmpb $'Q', %al
# is it a Q?
jnz _start
# no, loop back
p. 49
Here is the closest translation of this example:
# binhex1.s Convert binary 0x3d to two hex digits, print them
.global _binhex
_binhex: movl $0, %eax
# Start with cleared eax
movb $0x3d, %al
# Put value to display in al
movb %al, %dh
# Save copy of val in dh
$4, %al
%dh, %al
$0xf, %al
# Shift high nibble into low
# Conv. to ASCII and print
# Move number into al again
# Zero out high nibble
# Conv. to ASCII and print
# return to C call of binhex
# do one digit: convert to ASCII code, output
dodigit: addb $0x30, %al
# Add '0' to conv to ASCII
cmpb $0x39,%al
# is digit between 0 and 9?
jbe digdone
# Conv. complete if so
addb $7,%al
# Add 7 more if digit is A-F
digdone:pushl %edx
# Save %edx (%ecx not in use here)
pushl %eax
# arg to putchar: char to print
call _putchar
# call putchar
addb $4, %esp
# adj. stack for arg
popl %edx
# restore %edx
# return to caller
We can easily generalize this by passing the number to be printed as an
arg to
binhex. Since we know args are pushed on the stack, we just go to the
for the char. It will be just under the return address, thus at 4 bytes
the current stack pointer value, at address 4(%esp) -- just like 68000
that this is little-endian. Remember, we are looking at the low byte of
doubleword on the stack from locations 4(%esp) through 7(%esp).
# binhex.s--print out byte provided by caller, in hex
.global _binhex
_binhex: movb 4(%esp), %al
# Put byte to display in al
movb %al, %dh
# Save copy of val in dh
... same as above
This would work fine.
A further refinement is used as well in binhex2.s
C program:
extern void binhex(unsigned char c);
Or, more generally, scanf in a number from the user and pass it to
clobber: destroy a value by overwriting it with another value, usually
used for register contents in assembly language, but also
used in C programming as well: update_function(&x); /* probably
"clobbers" int x */
C scratch register: a register that may be clobbered by a C-compatible
function. C uses the scratch regs for intermediate values in
computations, and does not restore them back to their original
before the function returns. The C scratch registers for i386-gcc
eax, ecx, and edx. (For the UNIX Sun3 (68020 CPU) gcc, they are
d0, d1,
a0, and a1.)
C stable register: A general register that is not a C scratch reg. If a
C-compatible function changes a stable register, it must restore it
its original value before returning.
General register: One of the CPU registers that can be accessed by
assembler programs for loading and storing values. See S&S, p. 52
for our