Unit 8 Test Corrected

Unit 8 Test-Waves
The test is worth 70 points total-1st Page=42, 2nd page=18, 3rd page=10
Each problem is worth 2 points unless otherwise noted
True False Section
1. True or False: A mechanical wave can travel through empty space.
2. True or False: Electromagnetic waves can travel through matter.
3. True or False: Electromagnetic waves can travel through empty space.
4. True or False: Tsunamis also known as tidal waves can be caused by the changing tides.
Vocabulary Matching
5. _C_Wave Period
6. _L_Frequency
7. _E_wave speed
8. _G_transverse wave
9. _J_longitudinal wave
10. _F_tsunami
11. _D_deep water wave
12. _P_shallow water wave
13. _N_capillary wave
14. _O_gravity wave
15. _A_swell
16. _B_interference
17. _M_rogue wave
18. _I_surf
19. _Q_refraction
20. _H_reflection
21. _K_splash wave
a) Long even rolling waves that travel long distances.
b) The changing of a wave’s height caused by intersecting
c) The time it takes one complete cycle of a wave to pass
a given point.
d) A wave in which the energy of the wave does not reach
the land below the ocean.
e) The rate at which a wave moves.
f) A potentially destructive wave with a long wavelength
caused by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, meteorites,
or landslides.
g) a wave in which the medium moves up and down while
transferring energy
h) A wave property in which a the a wave hits something
and the energy bounces back.
i) The point at which ocean waves begin to break onto the
j) a wave in which the medium moves back and forth
horizontally while transferring energy
k) A type of tsunami caused specifically by land slide
l) The number of wave crests that pass a given point in a
given amount of time.
m) An unusually large wave caused by constructive
n) A wave caused by wind that has an extremely small
wavelength (also called a ripple)
o) A wave in which the means of falling crests is caused
by gravity.
p) A wave in which the energy of the wave reaches the
land below the ocean.
q) The bending of waves.
Drawing Section-Each Drawing Answer is worth 3 Each
22. If a ball or other floating object were dropped out at sea into a series of waves with energy
traveling  the path the ball would follow would be circular. What about if the ball were dropped
in the surf zone? Draw a picture to explain.
23. Draw a transverse wave below and label the crest, trough, wavelength, amplitude, sea level (calm
water without waves), and wave height. See the board
Fill in the blank.
24. List three causes of ocean waves. Tides, earthquakes, wind, boats, landslides, meteorites
25. What are two causes of tsunamis? Earthquakes, landslides, underwater landslides, volcanoes,
26. What caused the largest wave ever recorded? Earthquake that led to a landslide
27. What is one practical use of waves? (besides surfing) Electricity
28. What general concept does the diagram below illustrate? (hint-don’t say waves)Interference
29. What specific concept does this diagram illustrate?______Constructive interference__________
30. Short Answer
Select two short answer question to answer in detail. Be sure to include some type of graphic.
∙Describe a tsunami from its starting point to where it strikes the shore. Focus on the cause,
wavelength, wave height, and orbital motion.
∙Explain how ocean waves can produce electricity.
∙Write a general explanation of what a wave is with examples.
∙Compare and contrast deep water waves and shallow water waves.
∙Why does a bird in the open ocean move up and down, but a surfer can ride a wave?
∙What significant event related to Oceanography happened at Latuya Bay Alaska and why?