Mr. Stephens Oceanography Week 25 Lessons (3/19-3/23) Unit 7-Circulation of the Oceans and Atmosphere Due: Day in Year Day in Week Articles Read 113 1 To synthesize scientific information from An Inconvenient Truth Article/Movie Summary 114 2 To interpret data from Climographs. Climograph Worksheet 115 3 To determine global warmings effects on hydro/cryo/biosphere based on data. Outputs 116 4 To determine GW potential effects on climate and ocean currents. Global Warming Pamphlet 117 5 To quiz you California Standard Students know how differential heating of Earth results in circulation patterns in the atmosphere and oceans that globally distribute the heat Students know how differential heating of Earth results in circulation patterns in the atmosphere and oceans that globally distribute the heat Students know how differential heating of Earth results in circulation patterns in the atmosphere and oceans that globally distribute the heat Students know how differential heating of Earth results in circulation patterns in the atmosphere and oceans that globally distribute the heat Students know how differential heating of Earth results in circulation patterns in the atmosphere and oceans that globally distribute the heat Assessment AIT KWL Climpgraph Worksheet Nicenet Posts Nothing Quiz Warm-up MB-You have a cylindrical can of the sort that baked beans are sold in. You want to fill it exactly one quarter full of water but you have no measuring instrument and the can is not graduated in any way (though you can scratch it yourself if you wish). How should you proceed? MB-You are traveling to the North Pole by sled, but your huskies are too enthusiastic and you overshoot the Pole slightly. Will east be to your left or right? MB-This is Angela's first time in the three-mile Fun Run, and she is finding it a little tough. In fact she has only just completed the first two miles, and as she looks at her watch she says to herself (breathlessly), I'm only averaging four miles an hour. Oh dear, I wanted to average six miles per hour for this run - I must go a bit faster. How fast will she have to run the final mile in order to get her average speed for the whole Fun Run up to six miles per hour? MB-Jane Higgins was walking down the high street when she bumped into an old friend. "Hello, I haven't seen or heard from you since graduation back in 1982!" said Jane, "what's happened to you?" "Well, I got married in 1989 to somebody you wouldn't know. This is our son", said the friend who was holding hands with a little boy. "Hello and what's your name?" said Jane to the boy. "It's the same as Daddy's". "Ah so it's Peter is it?" said Jane How did Jane know? MB-It is not too difficult to get from TWO to SIX by changing one letter at a time, each time making a proper word, like this: TWO TOO TOP TIP SIP SIX So TWO to SIX can be done in five steps. FOUR to FIVE takes longer. How many steps do you need to turn FOUR into FIVE? Can you do it with every letter changing at least once, including the F? How about turning ONE into TWO? Learning Target (Objective) TOTD- Money is like manure; it's not worth a thing unless it's spread around encouraging young things to grow. TOTD-When it's a question of money, everybody is of the same religion. TOTD-Student generated TOTD-Student generated. TOTD-Student generated. Agenda (APK-First) (EPK-Next) ∙Finish An Inconvenient Truth ∙Share out L column ∙Groups of 3 Posters or Pamphlet or Flyers:What is the problem?-Three pieces of evidence. What is the cause? 2 pieces of evidence What is the solution? 4 things people can do. Include graphic and definitions. Cite Film or article and one outside source. ∙Questions on Global Warming. (quiz) ∙Read silently-Climates of the Earth (Sci Encyclopedia p.194) ∙Check HW ∙Station Explanation (Climate Notes) ∙Discuss climographs ∙Climograph Spreadsheet and questions ∙Build your own climograph ∙Computer Research on Exploratorium site. ∙GW Research Notes ∙Answer Essential Questions on nicenet: How is Global warming affecting the cryosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere? ∙Update all nicenet posts (time permitting) ∙Read p151 AIT ∙Week 25 Quiz ∙Write the main idea and questions w/partners ∙Discuss ∙Is it important to learn about Ocean Currents? ∙View Temp Map of Ocean ∙How do ocean currents affect the ocean? (LA Hurricanes) ∙Define Current Vocabulary (surface current, deep current, density, salinity, thermohaline, gulf stream, gyre, eddy, convection) Homework Materials ∙Pick one article that you read ∙Finish worksheet and try over the weekend and write a your own. half page summary of the article and the film (output) An Inconvenient Truth KeyAPK-Accessing Prior Knowledge EPK-Extending Prior Knowledge Hyperlinks to documents only work on the school server Hyperlinks to internet work anywhere Differentiation -Laptops enable students to work at their own pace ∙Finish outputs for AIT, Climate Notes, and GW Research Notes ∙Study for Quiz Quiz Output