1. Title-Grain Size of Lithogenous River Sediments 2. Purpose-The purpose of this experiment is to determine the grain sizes of lithogenous river sediments and measure the mass of each grain size of sediment. Question: What are the grain sizes of rocks in lithogenous river sediment? What percent of river sediment is made up by pebbles/small pebbles (large granules)/granules/sand? 3. Hypothesis (predictions) -I predict that river sediments contain (boulders, cobbles, pebbles, granules, sand, silt, clay). -I predict that river sediment is made up of ____% boulders, ____% cobbles, ___% pebbles (large) ____% small pebbles (large granules) ___% granules ___% sand. 4. Procedure 1. Obtain materials (4 paper plates, 1 ruler, 1 bag of screens, 1 sample of lithogenous river sediment, and 1 balance scale) 2. Tare scale 3. Measure total mass of river sediment (subtract mass of dish to obtain mass of sediment) 4. Separate sediments into 4 categories 5. Measure the length of each sediment using a ruler and magnifying lens to determine the grain size (pebbles, small pebbles (large granules) granules, and sand) 6. Determine mass of each type of sediment 5. Data Table Grain Name Pebble Small Pebbles (large granules) Granules Sand Total Mass (g) % of Total Mass 100 Observations: 6. Results (graph here-bar or pie for this lab. Click on insert, picture, and chart. Format the cells to reflect % of total mass and word will make your graph for you!) 7. Conclusion