Mr. Stephens Oceanography Week 5 Lessons (10/16-10/13) Unit 3-Plate Tectonics and Ocean Basins Due: Day in Year Day in Week Week 4 Quiz Output 21 1 Sea Floor Spreading Output 22 2 Output ?s 23 3 Output and Materials 24 4 Earth Models 25 5 Learning Target (Objective) Describe features of the ocean floor (magnetic patterns, age, and sea topography). Assess the validity of the plate tectonics theory using the feature of the ocean floor as evidence Assess the validity of the plate tectonics theory using the feature of the ocean floor as evidence Assess the validity of the plate tectonics theory using the feature of the ocean floor as evidence Assess the validity of the plate tectonics theory using the feature of the ocean floor as evidence California Standard Plate tectonics operating over geologic time has changed the patterns of land, sea, and mountains on Earth’s surface Plate tectonics operating over geologic time has changed the patterns of land, sea, and mountains on Earth’s surface Plate tectonics operating over geologic time has changed the patterns of land, sea, and mountains on Earth’s surface Plate tectonics operating over geologic time has changed the patterns of land, sea, and mountains on Earth’s surface Plate tectonics operating over geologic time has changed the patterns of land, sea, and mountains on Earth’s surface Assessment Demo Questions Warm-up (APK) MB-In the neighborhoods of Cypress Park, Highland Park, and Lincoln Heights, 10 percent of people’s phone numbers are unlisted. Assume that the population of these neighborhoods is 50,000. If you took the phonebook for these neighborhoods (remember the pop.) how many of the numbers would be unlisted? MB -What 2 words, formed from different arrangements of the same 9 letters, will complete the sentence below? MB- Lee, Joe, Sue, Janet and Charles took a math exam. Charles was not last, Janet was not first or last. Charles scored higher than Joe, Janet scored higher than Sue, Lee scored lower than Joe but higher than Janet. Who had the highest score? MB-OHHHHWAAAHHHH MB-Cows, toaster TOTD-There are 25,000 nuclear weapons in the world. TOTD-Only speak if it is an improvement upon silence, ∙Waves in the Earth Movie ∙Isostatic Adjustment Lab (Students design an experiment to demonstrate Isostatic Adjustment) ∙Brainstorm Earth Model Ideas ∙PPT Slides 19-27 ∙Week 5 Quiz ∙Earth Models ∙Earth Models Work Time -Convection, core, mantle, crust, asthenosphere, mesosphere, lithosphere, outer core, inner core, physical characteristics (thickness, composition, density, temperature, ), how do we know, plate boundaries) ∙Form Groups ∙Work Time ∙Isostatic Adjustment Lab ∙Comprehensive Diagram of TOTD-SOCAL Experiences thousands of earthquakes a year. In the past 16 years there have been 10 earthquakes over 5.0. Agenda (EPK) ∙Hawaiian Earthquake ∙Unit III PPT Slides 13-18 ∙Sea-Floor Spreading Animation ∙Read p.74-77 Demo-Convection Currents 1. How does this relate to plate tectonics? 2. What other evidence is there to support convection? 3. Where is the heat flow the greatest?/least? 4. Where is the crust the thickest?/Thinnest? Homework ∙Read p. 79-83 The homesick recruit told his civilian buddy, "I guess I should have been __________to my father when he told me to go to school instead of ___________." TAAHHHFUUUUU TOTD- LAYAM TOTD-The Symbol on the Calfirornia State Flag is extinct. ∙Edison Challenge/Quick Science ∙Review Convection Questions ∙Earthquake Rotating Lab 1. Review of earthquake maps (Sketch plates) 2. Model a P-wave and an S-wave. Record your drawings in your 3. Sketch the physical and chemical layers of the Earth. ∙P and S Wave Animation ∙P and S Wave Animation 2 ∙Seismic Refraction Animation ∙Bring Materials for Modern Earth on Thursday Earthquake Rotating Lab ?s Week 5 Quiz Output ∙Sea Floor Spreading Output Materials Beakers, water, food coloring, hot plates 1. How do we know what the inside of the earth looks like? 2. What waves would do the most damage in an earthquake? 3. How do we know where the plate boundaries are? Slinky, computer KeyAPK-Accessing Prior Knowledge EPK-Extending Prior Knowledge Hyperlinks to documents only work on the school server Hyperlinks to internet work anywhere Differentiation -Laptops enable students to work at their own pace Output (Lab Design vs following directions) ∙Bring Earth Model Materials Earth Models Models Due Monday Materials for Earth Model Materials for Earth Model Materials for Earth Model