South Dakota State University High Performance Computing Research Experience for Undergraduates 2016

South Dakota State University
High Performance Computing
Research Experience for Undergraduates 2016
Application Instructions
Thank you for your interest in our REU program. This REU will take place on the campus
of South Dakota State University in Brookings, South Dakota. The start date of the
program is Tuesday, May 31, 2016, and the end date is Friday, August 5, 2016.
Students who are interested in applying are asked to complete the following three items.
1. Please complete application, which follows this instruction page, and save it as a single
pdf file with the filename REU2016_Firstname_Lastname-Application.pdf.
2. Please obtain a copy of your current transcript (unofficial transcript is acceptable for the
application, but an official transcript is required prior to beginning the REU). You may
save this as a pdf with the filename REU2016_Firstname_Lastname-Transcript.pdf.
3. Please ask two professional references to complete and submit the reference form,
which may be found on the SDSU HPC REU 2016 webpage.
Items 1 and 2 are to be submitted by the applicant while Item 3 is to be submitted by each
Electronic submissions are encouraged and may be submitted to the following address.
Alternatively, paper versions of the documents may be sent to:
Attn: Dr. Stephen Gent
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Crothers Engineering Hall 218, Box 2218
South Dakota State University
Brookings, SD 57007
The application deadline for full consideration is March 31, 2016.
Selected students will be notified via e-mail and/or telephone on or around April 10, 2016.
The selection process is expected to be finalized by April 20, 2016.
SDSU HPC REU 2016 Application
South Dakota State University
High Performance Computing
Research Experience for Undergraduates 2016
Application Form
Name: First MI Last
Date of Birth: Enter date of birth here
Contact Information
Current Address:
Permanent Address:
Current Street Address
Permanent Street Address
Current City, State, Zip Code
Permanent City, State, Zip Code
Email Address: Enter email address here.
Cell Phone Number: Enter cell phone number here.
What is your residence status? Note that you must be a US citizen
or permanent resident to qualify for this REU and will be required to provide documentation
of your resident status.
U.S. Citizen
Permanent Resident
What is the gender in which you identify
Prefer not to answer
What ethnicity or ethnicities do you identify yourself (select all that apply)?
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Prefer not to answer
SDSU HPC REU 2016 Application
Do you have a disability?
Hearing Impairment
Mobility or Orthopedic Impairment
Visual Impairment
Other: Please specify.
Not Reported
Are you a veteran?
Are you a first generation college student in your
What is your current academic background?
Institution: Institution
Major: Major
Other Major (Minor): Minor
Cumulative GPA: Enter cumulative GPA here.
Credit hours completed (as of end of Fall 2015): Completed hours
Credit hours currently enrolled in (Spring 2016): Current hours
Expected Graduation Date (MM/YYYY): MM/YYYY
How many semesters of college have you completed at your current institution?
1 semester
2 semesters
3 semesters
4 semesters
5 semesters
6 semesters
7 semesters or more
SDSU HPC REU 2016 Application
Have you considered pursing a research-based career or any career that requires
graduate school prior to hearing about this REU program?
Do you plan to attend graduate school?
Housing for the REU Site
If selected, do you plan to stay on campus in REU provided housing or off campus?
In REU provided housing (NOTE: on-campus housing will be provided at no cost.)
On campus in currently arranged housing
Off campus
Of the three research topic areas, please indicate your top two personal preferences.
Mathematics and Statistics (including computational sciences)
Biological Sciences
Prospective REU research area:
Primary (the first choice):
Math, Engr., Biol.
Choose One
The second choice
Choose One
Please provide a list of relevant science, math, engineering, computing and technology
courses taken, including programming languages known and any other relevant information.
Enter response here.
Please list and describe any extracurricular activities, leadership activities, and other interests
of yours.
Please provide a brief statement (250-400 words) of your interest in the REU program, your
academic and research interests, and your professional goals.
Enter response here.
SDSU HPC REU 2016 Application
Please list the two references you have contacted for your application
First Reference's Name
First Reference's Position
Phone Number
Second Reference's Name
Second Reference's Position
Phone Number
SDSU HPC REU 2016 Application