English 2328.Fall.2012.doc

Part I: Course Information
Fall 2012
When the student is ready, the teacher appears. (ancient proverb)
Art lives upon discussion, upon experiment, upon curiosity, upon variety of attempt, upon
exchange of views and the comparison of standpoints. . . .
(Henry James, “The Art of Fiction)
Name: Mr. Jeff Lindemann
Office location: Office 221, West Loop Campus (On main hallway, take stairs or
elevator on left just after the information desk, walk forward to 221.)
Office hours (depending on faculty/committee meetings):
Monday/Wednesday: 2:00 – 3:30
Tuesday/Thursday: 3:30 – 7:00
Friday: 9:30 – 12:00 and by appointment in afternoons
Office phone: 713-718-8853
E-mail: Jeff.Lindemann@hccs.edu
Learning Web: http://sw-plone.hccs.cc/members/jeff.lindemann
English 2328 Course Description
English 2328 is a critical study of major American writers from 1865 to the present. This
course requires substantial reading and research. Students who enroll in this course are
strongly advised to have passed English 1302 with a grade of “C” or better. Prerequisite
is English 1302. Three credit hours (three lecture).
The Norton Anthology of American Literature, eighth edition, volumes C, D,
and E. (optional)
If you use my Learning Web instead of the textbooks, you will need to find/buy
copies of Long Day’s Journey into Night and A Streetcar Named Desire.
Other Materials
Three ring binder for class handouts and literature that you wish print (optional)
Grade Percentages
Five exams:
Exam #1: (20%) Realism and naturalism (out-of-class essay/1,000 words)
Exam #2: (20%) Early modern literature (out-of-class essay/1,000 words)
Exam #3: (10%) Long Day’s Journey into Night (in-class multiple choice exam)
Exam #4: (20%) Modern fiction (out-of-class essay/1,000 words)
Exam #5: (10%) A Streetcar Named Desire (in-class multiple choice final exam)
Other grades:
Daily quiz grades: (20%)
English 2328, Jeff Lindemann, Southwest College, HCCS, Fall 2012
Grading Scale
A = Excellent (90-100): A+ = 100, A = 95, A- = 93
B = Good (80-89): B+ = 88, B = 85, B- = 83
C = Adequate (70-79): C+ = 78, C = 75, C- = 73
D = Needs work (60-69): D+ = 68, D = 65, D- = 63
F = Unacceptable (0-59): F+ = 58, F = anywhere between 0 – 57
Other Abbreviations
L = Late (minus 10 points or a letter grade)
R = Revise (for no higher than 75)
P = Plagiarized (0 for the assignment/no opportunity for revision)
? = Question about assignment (See me!)
Grading Components
1. Content (most points)
2. Organization
3. Sentences
4. Diction
5. Punctuation, capitalization, and manuscript mechanics
Note on Major Sentence/Grammar Errors
Major grammar errors include fragment, comma splice, run-on, awkward/garbled
sentence, and subject-verb agreement errors. These errors will cause you to lose
valuable points on your essay. By the time you are a sophomore, you should not
be making these errors. We have on-site tutors and AskOnLine, our 24/7 on-line
tutoring service to help you with your out-of-class-essays before you submit them.
Attendance Policy
Regular attendance is required at Houston Community College. HCCS class
policy states that a student who is absent more than 12.5% (6 hours) of class may
be administratively dropped. Students who intend to withdraw from a course must
do so themselves by the official last day to drop. After the official drop date
(April 21 by 4:30), I am unable to assign you a grade of “W”; I have no other
option but to assign you a grade of “F.”
Withdrawal Policy
The State of Texas has begun to impose penalties on students who drop courses
excessively. For example, if you repeat the same course more than twice, you
have to pay extra tuition. Beginning in the Fall of 2007, the Texas Legislature
passed a law limiting first time entering students to no more than six total course
withdrawals throughout their academic career in obtaining a certificate or
baccalaureate degree. There may be future penalties imposed.
If you do not withdraw before the deadline, you will receive the grade that you are
making as the final grade. This grade will probably be an “F.”
English 2328, Jeff Lindemann, Southwest College, HCCS, Fall 2012
You should visit with your instructor, an HCC counselor, or HCC Online Student
Services to learn what, if any, HCC interventions might be offered to assist you to
stay in class and improve your performance. Such interventions could include
tutoring, child care, financial aid, and job placement.
International Students
Receiving a “W” in a course may affect the status of your student visa. Once a
“W” is given for the course, it will not be changed to an “F” because of the visa
consideration. Please contact the International Student Office at 713-718-8520 if
you have any questions about your visa status and any other transfer issues.
Student Course Reinstatement Policy
Students have a responsibility to arrange payment for their classes when they
register, either through cash, credit card, financial aid, or the installment plan.
Students who are dropped from their courses for non-payment of tuition and fees
who request reinstatement after the official date of record can be reinstated by
making payment in full and paying an additional $75.00 per course reinstatement
fee. The academic dean may waive the reinstatement fee upon determining that
the student was dropped because of a college error.
Please note: If you are dropped for non-payment, you run the risk of not being
able to renter the course you selected because it filled to seat capacity before you
were ready to pay.
HCC Student Email Accounts
All students who have registered and paid for courses at HCC automatically have
an HCC email account generated for them. Please go to
http://www.hccs.edu/students/email/ to review how to send email using this
account. You must use your HCC email account when you want to contact the online tutors.
Daily Grades
Daily grades are worth twenty percent of your grade. They are usually ten
multiple-choice questions on the homework readings. I give no make-ups on
daily quizzes. On some days, I give two daily quizzes. I do not give early daily
quizzes before class or late quizzes after class. You may drop two quiz grades.
Special Conditions
Any student with a documented disability (e.g. physical, learning, psychiatric,
vision, hearing, etc.) who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must
contact the Disability Services Office at the Southwest College at the beginning of
each semester. Faculty members are authorized to provide only the
accommodations requested by the Disability Support Services Office. You may
contact Dr. Becky Hauri, counselor for the Southwest College Office of
Disabilities at becky.hauri@hccs.edu .
English 2328, Jeff Lindemann, Southwest College, HCCS, Fall 2012
Free English Tutoring
The Southwest College offers you free tutoring at our tutoring centers where you
will receive individual attention with any of your writing concerns. Check with
me for location, dates, and times of tutoring. Signs will be posted once the hours
have been established for the semester. Electronic tutoring is also available 24/7
at www.hccs.askonline.net.
Open Computer Lab
You have free access to the Internet and word processing in the open computer
lab. Check on the door of the open computer lab for hours of operation.
The West Loop Library homepage (for hours) is
http://swc2.hccs.edu/swc/0506/library/westloop_lib.php .
The HCC Library homepage (for research) is
http://www.hccs.edu/system/library/library.html .
Student Organizations
Southwest Writers is a group of students who write and read their works (in a
public forum as well as on the Internet) and receive peer support and constructive
criticism. Students in this group create a supportive network to create poetry,
fiction, drama and non-fiction prose. Contact faculty advisor Dr. Christopher
Dunne at
Phi Theta Kappa is the honor society of two-year colleges. Students must earn a
3.5 grade point average and accumulate 12 credit hours at HCCS. HCCS has a
very active chapter called the Omega Sigma Chapter. For contact information
visit www.omegasigma.org or contact the Southwest College faculty advisor Ms.
Eunice Kallarackal at Eunice.Kallarackal@hccs.edu.
The Women’s Studies Club meets each month and online to discuss the roles of
women and men in society and to investigate how sexual differences and cultural
constructions of gender may affect identity. The organization promotes awareness
of women’s issues on campus, encourages research and discussion of gender
issues, hosts prominent speakers in the field, and serves the community. Faculty
advisors are Ms. Marie Dybala at Marie.Dybala@hccs.edu and Iliana Loubser at
The West Loop Student Association (WLSA) is part of the Southwest College
Student Government Association (SGA). This organization is the official
governing body of students who give voice to student life at the West Loop
Campus. The faculty advisor is Mr. Jeff Lindemann at jeff.lindemann@hccs.edu.
English 2328, Jeff Lindemann, Southwest College, HCCS, Fall 2012
Inclement Weather
During inclement weather conditions, monitor major local channels for updates
on school closings.
Due Dates and Make-Up Exams
All essays have due dates. Out-of-class essays turned in late are docked a letter
grade (ten points).
Grade of “I”
An “I” is assigned for a missed final due to an emergency, not for unfinished
coursework such as a research paper. All work must be submitted by the end of
the semester, even if it is not finished. A student has 60 days to complete the
missed final. After 60 days a grade of “I” incomplete becomes an “F.” I am
unable to give a final after 60 days.
My Course Policies (Reasonable Behavioral Guidelines)
1. Please come to class on time. Time missed before class is subtracted from the
12.5% attendance policy. Leaving class early or arriving late also results in time
subtracted from the 12.5% attendance policy.
2. Sorry! No sleeping or heads on desks permitted. If you fall asleep, I’ll wake
you up by tapping on your desk.
3. Please do not ever ask, “Are we doing anything important in class today?” The
answer always is “Yes! We are!”
4. If you must leave early, please tell me before class starts.
5. No food allowed in class. Water and beverages are fine. Please throw away
trash at end of the class session.
6. I dismiss class ten-fifteen minutes early so you can take a break before another
class; therefore, do not pack books before I dismiss class.
7. Please do not chat with class colleagues during discussion. Let us listen to what
our class members have to contribute.
8. Do not bring small children to class.
9. An 89.4 average at the end of the semester is a B. A 79.4 average at the end of
the semester is a C.
10. The time to discuss an essay grade is after it is returned, not at the end of the
11. The out-of-class essays must be typed in Times New Roman (point twelve).
12. If for some reason, I am more than fifteen minutes late, class is dismissed.
Follow your course calendar and complete any assignments for the next session.
13. When you email me, please use correct English. Proofread your message. Use
correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
14. Save an electronic copy of out-of-class essays.
15. The HCC Southwest English Department believes that a turn-around time in
grading a set of essays should be no more than two weeks.
16. If you decide to use my Learning Web instead of purchasing the textbook, it is
your responsibility to print or download the readings for use in class. It is also
English 2328, Jeff Lindemann, Southwest College, HCCS, Fall 2012
your responsibility to find/purchase copies of Eugene O’Neill’s A Long Day’s
Journey into Night and Tennessee Williams’ A Streetcar Named Desire.
17. You must be making an “A” or “B” in order for me to write you a letter of
recommendation during the semester. You must have made an “A” or “B” in the
course in order for me to write you a letter of recommendation after the semester
ends. I do not write “last minute” letters of recommendation. I need two weeks
notice to write you a thoughtful letter and place it on HCC stationary for you.
18. Good learning attitude, cooperative demeanor, and courteous behavior all go a
long way with me!
Personal Electronics Policies (A Note to the “Thumb Generation”)
1. Turn off and put away all electronic devices when class starts unless you are
using them to access course materials. (The sounds of cell phones ringing
during class are disruptive to me and other students.)
2 Students should not leave the class to make a call or answer one (or worse—
answer a call in class).
3. No Bluetooth devices in ears or ear buds allowed during class.
4. If you have an impending emergency and need to keep an electronics device
turned on, I would like to know as soon as class starts.
Consequences for Violating Basic and Reasonable Standards of Conduct
I view the use of personal electronic devices during class to be a distraction of the
normal educational process and a failure on your part to abide by basic and
reasonable standards of classroom conduct. If you are text messaging to someone
during class, you are obviously not engaged in the classroom experience.
If I have to ask you to put away a cell phone, text messaging device, or other
electronic communications device, then you will have disrupted the class, and I,
as the instructor, will ask you to leave that day’s class session. (If you have been
asked to leave class and subsequently miss a daily quiz, you may not make up that
daily quiz. At the end of the semester, you may drop two low or missed quiz
If you refuse to leave the classroom voluntarily, I will call campus security. (The
consequences for violating my class policies are backed by the Student Conduct
section of the 2006-2009 Student Handbook, pages 34-40.)
Use of Cameras and Recording Devices
Use of recording devices, including camera phones and tape recorders, is
prohibited in classrooms, laboratories, faculty offices, and other locations where
instruction, tutoring, or testing occurs. These devices are also not allowed to be
used in campus restrooms. Students with disabilities who need to use a recording
device as a reasonable accommodation should contact the Office for Students
with Disabilities for information regarding reasonable accommodations.
English 2328, Jeff Lindemann, Southwest College, HCCS, Fall 2012
Scholastic Dishonesty
According to the Student Handbook for the Houston Community College
“Students are responsible for conducting themselves with honor and integrity in
fulfilling course requirements. Penalties and/or disciplinary proceedings may be
initiated by College System officials against a student accused of scholastic
dishonesty. ‘Scholastic dishonesty’ includes, but is not limited to, cheating on a
test, plagiarism, and collusion.”
Cheating on a test includes:
Copying from another student’s test paper;
Using materials during a test that are not authorized by the person giving the test;
Collaborating with another student during a test without authority;
Knowingly using, buying, selling, stealing, transporting, or soliciting in whole or
part the contents of an unadministered test; and/or
Bribing another person to obtain a test that is to be administered.
Plagiarism means the appropriation of another’s work and the unacknowledged
incorporation of that work in one’s own written work offered for credit.
Collusion means the unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing
written work offered for credit” (34-35).
Please note the possible consequences of such dishonesty, as stated in the 20062009 Student Handbook: Possible punishments for academic dishonesty may
include a grade of “0” or “F” for the particular assignment, failure in the course,
and/or recommendation for probation or dismissal from the College System (35).
EGLS3 -- Evaluation for Greater Learning Student Survey System
At Houston Community College, professors believe that thoughtful student
feedback is necessary to improve teaching and learning. During a designated time,
you will be asked to answer a short online survey of research-based questions
related to instruction. The anonymous results of the survey will be made available
to your professors and division chairs for continual improvement of instruction.
Look for the survey as part of the Houston Community College Student System
online near the end of the term.
1. Enjoy the experience of the course!
2. Explain the characteristics and distinguishing features of literary genres:
a. non-fiction prose,
b. fiction (short story and novel),
c. poetry, and
d. drama.
English 2328, Jeff Lindemann, Southwest College, HCCS, Fall 2012
3. Use critical contexts within which literature is created and evaluated:
a. formal (elements of literature),
b. biographical,
c. historical,
d. feminist,
e. psychological, and
f. reader response.
4. Make and defend critical judgments about literature.
5. Stretch the imagination.
6. Practice and refine research skills.
7. Write researched papers using primary sources and credible secondary sources
8. Practice and improve study skills.
9. Learn on your own. (“Learn how to learn.”)
10. Work cooperatively with others.
11. Organize time efficiently.
Students will, by the end of the semester:
1. Explain and illustrate stylistic characteristics of representative works of major
American writers from 1865 to the present (since the Civil War).
2. Connect representative works of major American writers from 1865 to the present
to human and individual values in historical and social contexts.
3. Demonstrate knowledge of various works of major American writers from 1865
to the present.
4. Analyze critical texts relating to the works of major American writers from 1865
to the present.
5. Critique and interpret representative literary works of major American writers
from 1865 to the present.
Reading: Reading material at the college level means having the ability to analyze and
interpret a variety of printed materials--books, articles, and documents.
Writing: Writing at the college level means having the ability to produce clear, correct,
and coherent prose adapted to purpose, occasion, and audience. In addition to knowing
correct grammar, spelling and punctuation, students should also become familiar with the
writing process, including how to discover a topic, how to develop and organize it, and
how to phrase it effectively for their audience. These abilities are acquired through
practice and reflection.
Speaking: Effective speaking is the ability to communicate orally in clear, coherent, and
persuasive language appropriate to purpose, occasion, and audience.
Listening: Listening at the college level means the ability to analyze and interpret
various forms of spoken communication.
English 2328, Jeff Lindemann, Southwest College, HCCS, Fall 2012
Critical Thinking: Critical thinking embraces methods for applying both qualitative and
quantitative skills analytically and creatively to subject matter in order to construct
alternative strategies. Problem solving is one of the applications of critical thinking used
to address an identified task.
Critical thinking as applied to the study of literature involves
1. connecting patterns and motifs in works of literature,
2. looking for relevant information that supports your assertions,
3. interpreting literature,
4. solving literary problems,
5. drawing conclusions, and
6. tolerating ambiguity and complexity in literature.
Computer Literacy: Computer literacy at the college level means having the ability to
use computer-based technology in communicating, solving problems, and acquiring
information. Core-educated students should have an understanding of the limits,
problems, and possibilities associated with the use of technology and should have the
tools necessary to evaluate and learn new technologies as they become available.
Demonstrate awareness of the scope and variety of works in the arts and humanities.
Understand those works as expressions of individual and human values within an
historical context.
Respond critically to works in the arts and humanities.
Engage in the creative process or interpretive performance and comprehend the
physical and intellectual demands required of the author or visual or performing
Articulate an informed personal reaction to works in the arts and humanities.
Develop an appreciation for aesthetic principles that guide and govern the humanities
and arts.
Demonstrate knowledge of the influence of literature, philosophy, and/or the arts on
intercultural experiences.
English 2328, Jeff Lindemann, Southwest College, HCCS, Fall 2012
Establish broad and multiple perspectives in the individual in relationship to the
larger society and world in which we live and understand the responsibilities of living
in a culturally and ethnically diversified world.
Demonstrate knowledge of those elements and processes that create and define
Understand and analyze the origin and function of values, beliefs, and practices found
in human societies.
Develop basic cross/multi-cultural understanding, empathy, and communication.
Identify and understand underlying commonalities of diverse cultural practices.
Analyze the effects of cultural forces on the area of study.
(Composition, Literature, Creative Writing, and Technical Writing)
1. Write in appropriate genres using varied rhetorical strategies.
2. Write in appropriate genres to explain and evaluate rhetorical and/or literary
strategies employed in argument, persuasion, and various genres.
3. Analyze various genres of writing for form, method, meaning, and interpretation.
4. Employ research in academic writing styles and use appropriate documentation
5. Communicate ideas effectively through discussion.
English 2328, Jeff Lindemann, Southwest College, HCCS, Fall 2012
You can keep a running record of your grades in this course. At any given moment
during the semester, you should have a very good idea what your gfrade is in this course.
Your Exam Grades:
_____ Exam #1 (20%) Realism and naturalism (out of class)
_____ Exam #2 (20%) Early modern literature (out of class)
_____ Exam #3 (10%) Long Day’s Journey into Night (multiple choice in class)
_____ Exam #4 (20%) Modern fiction (in class)
_____ Exam #5 (10%) A Streetcar Named Desire (multiple choice final exam)
_____ Daily Quiz Grades (20%)
Daily Quiz Grades:
_____ Quiz #1
_____ Quiz #11
_____ Quiz 21
_____ Quiz #2
_____ Quiz #12
_____ Quiz 22
_____ Quiz #3
_____ Quiz #13
_____ Quiz 23
_____ Quiz #4
_____ Quiz #14
_____ Quiz 24
_____ Quiz #5
_____ Quiz #15
_____ Quiz 25
_____ Quiz #6
_____ Quiz #16
_____ Quiz #7
_____ Quiz #17
_____ Quiz #8
_____ Quiz #18
_____ Quiz #9
_____ Quiz #19
_____ Quiz #10
_____ Quiz #20
Reminder: No make-ups on daily quizzes. I will drop the two lowest daily grades at the
end of the semester.
English 2328, Jeff Lindemann, Southwest College, HCCS, Fall 2012
Fall 2012
SESSION #1: (Tuesday) August 28th
 Introduction to English 2328
 Course information, texts, objectives, grades, class policies
 Overview of English 2328
Assignment for Session #2: Buy textbooks. Read introduction to Mark Twain Read
“How to Tell a Story” (Learning Web) Read “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras
County” If you do not have your text yet, you can find both readings on-line at:
SESSION #2: (Thursday) August 30th
 Mark Twain
 Realism: Frontier humor
 “How to Tell a Story”
 “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County”
 Biographical and historical criticism
Assignment for Session #3: Read introduction to Henry James. Read Daisy Miller: A
Study. Note: Daisy Miller: A Study is a short novel or novella. Schedule time for reading
(one-and-a half to two hours). You can find the novella on-line at
SESSION #3: (Tuesday) September 4th
 Henry James
 Realism: Psychological realism
 Elements of fiction/formal criticism
 Daisy Miller: A Study
Assignment for Session #4: Read Mary Wilkins Freeman. Read “The Revolt of Mother”
Read Charlotte Perkins Gilman. “The Yellow Wallpaper.” Read “Why I Wrote ‘The
Yellow Wallpaper.’” If you do not have you book yet, you can find the stories (in the
order of the reading assignment) on-line at
http://etext.virginia.edu/toc/modeng/public/GilYell.html (When you get to the site, click
on “Story” to access “The Yellow Wallpaper.”)
English 2328, Jeff Lindemann, Southwest College, HCCS, Fall 2012
Session #4 (Thursday) September 6th
 Realism: Psychological realism, continued
 Charlotte Perkins Gilman
 “The Yellow Wallpaper”
 “Why I Wrote ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’”
 Realism: Regionalism
 Feminist critique/gender studies
 Mary Wilkins Freeman
 “The Revolt of Mother”
Assignment for Session #5: Read the brief biography of Stephen Crane in your textbook
or on my website. Read Crane’s “The Open Boat.” Read the brief biography of Kate
Chopin in your text or on my website. Read “The Storm.”
Session #5 (Tuesday) September 11th
 Realism: Naturalism
 Stephen Crane
 “The Open Boat”
 Kate Chopin
 “The Storm”
Assignment for Session #6: Read the brief biography on Sarah Orne Jewett in your text
or on my website. Read Jewett’s “A White Heron.” Read the short biography of Charles
W. Chesnutt in your text or on a website posted on our Learning Web. Read Chesnutt’s
“The Wife of His Youth.”
Session #6 (Thursday) September 13th
 Sarah Orne Jewett
 “A White Heron”
 Charles W. Chesnutt
 “The Wife of His Youth”
Assignment for Session #7: Read the brief biography of Hamlin Garland in your text or
on a website posted on our Learning Web. Read “Under the Lion’s Paw.” Read the brief
biography of Sui Sin Far in your text or on our Learning Web. Read Sui Sin Far’s “In the
Land of the Free.”
Session #7 (Tuesday) September 18th
 Hamlin Garland
 “Under the Lion’s Paw”
 Read the brief biography of Sui Sin Far in your text or on our Learning Web.
Read Sui Sin Far’s “In the Land of the Free.”
Assignment for Session #8: Select your topic from list of topics for Essay #1. Begin
writing Essay #1. Bring your rough draft to the next class session.
English 2328, Jeff Lindemann, Southwest College, HCCS, Fall 2012
Session #8 (Thursday) September 20th
 Writing an essay on literature
 Analysis of a sample critical thinking essay on literature
Assignment for Session #9: Complete Exam #1 on American realism and naturalism and
have it ready to submit at the beginning of Session #9.
Session #9 (Tuesday) September 25th
 Exam #1 is due at the beginning of class!
 Introduction to early modern poetry
 Edwin Arlington Robinson
 Poems by Edwin Arlington Robinson
Assignment for Session #10: Read Brief introduction to Willa Cather in your text or on
our Learning Web. Read “Neighbor Rosicky” from a link on our Learning Web. Read
brief introduction to Arna Bontemps on a website posted on our Learning Web. Read “A
Summer Tragedy” (class handout).
Session #10 (Thursday) September 27th
 Willa Cather
 “Neighbor Rosicky”
 Arna Bontemps
 “A Summer Tragedy” (class handout)
Assignment for Session #11: Read the brief biography of Robert Frost in our text or on
our Learning Web. Read poems by Robert Frost: “The Pasture,” “The Death of the Hired
Man,” “The Road Not Taken,” “Fire and Ice,” “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy
Evening,” “Desert Places,” “Once by the Pacific,” and “Design.”
Session #11 (Tuesday) October 2nd
 Robert Frost
 Poetry by Robert Frost (see assigned poems above)
Assignment for Session #12: Read the brief biography of Langston Hughes in our text or
on our Learning Web. Read poems by Langston Hughes: “The Negro Speaks of Rivers,”
“Mother to Son,” “I, Too,” “The Weary Blues,” “Song for a Dark Girl,” “Genius Child,”
and “Theme for English B.”
Session #12 (Thursday) October 4th
 The Harlem Renaissance
 Langston Hughes
 Poetry by Langston Hughes (see assigned poems above)
Assignment for Session #27: Read the brief biography of Zora Neal Hurston in our text
or on our Learning Web.
English 2328, Jeff Lindemann, Southwest College, HCCS, Fall 2012
Session #13 (Tuesday) October 9th
 Langston Hughes, continued
 Zora Neal Hurston
 “The Gilded Six Bits”
Assignment for Session #14: Read brief biography of Katherine Anne Porter. Read “The
Jilting of Granny Weatherall.” Read brief biography of John Steinbeck. Read “The
Session #14 (Thursday) October 11th
 Katherine Anne Porter
 “The Jilting of Granny Weatherall”
 John Steinbeck
 “The Chrysanthemums”
Assignment for Session #15: Write Essay #2 and have it ready to submit on Session #15.
Session #15 (Tuesday) October 16th
 Essay # 2 is due at the beginning of class!
 Early modern American poetry
 Ezra Pound’s “In a Station of the Metro”
 Amy Lowell’s “The Captured Goddess”
 William Carlos Williams’ “The Red Wheelbarrow”
 Hilda Doolittle’s “Oread”
 Carl Sandburg’s “Chicago”
 Wallace Stevens’ “The Emperor of Ice Cream”
 Marianne Moore’s “Poetry”
Assignment for Session #16: Read the brief biography of Eugene O’Neill in your text or
on our Learning Web. Read Act I of Long Day’s Journey into Night.
Session #16 (Thursday) October 18th
 Eugene O’Neill
 Long Day’s Journey into Night (Act I)
Assignment for Session #17: Read Act II of Long Day’s Journey into Night.
Session #17 (Tuesday) October 23rd
 Long Day’s Journey into Night (Act II)
Assignment for Session #18: Read Act III of Long Day’s Journey into Night.
English 2328, Jeff Lindemann, Southwest College, HCCS, Fall 2012
Session #18 (Thursday) October 25th
 Long Day’s Journey into Night (Act III)
Assignment for Session #19: Read Act IV of Long Day’s Journey into Night.
Session #19 (Tuesday) October 30th
 Long Day’s Journey into Night (Act IV)
Assignment for Session #20: Prepare for Exam on Long Day’s Journey into Night.
Session #20 (Thursday) November 1st
 Mid-Term Exam: Long Day’s Journey into Night
Assignment for Session #21: Read the brief biography of F. Scott Fitzgerald. Read
“Babylon Revisited” and “Winter Dreams.”
Session #21 (Tuesday) November 6th
 F. Scott Fitzgerald and the Jazz Age
 “Babylon Revisited”
 “Winter Dreams”
Assignment for Session #22: Read the brief biography of Ernest Hemingway. Read “The
Snows of Kilimanjaro” and “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place.”
Session #22 (Thursday) November 8th
 Ernest Hemingway
 “The Snows of Kilimanjaro”
 “A Clean Well-Lighted Place”
Assignment for Session #23: Read the brief biography of William Faulkner. Read “A
Rose for Emily.” Read brief biography of Eudora Welty. Read “A Worn Path.”
Session #23 (Tuesday) November 13th
 William Faulkner
 “A Rose for Emily”
 Eudora Welty
 “A Worn Path”
Assignment for Session #24: Read the brief biography of Flannery O’Connor. Read
“Good Country People.” Read brief biography of Alice Walker. Read “Everyday User.”
English 2328, Jeff Lindemann, Southwest College, HCCS, Fall 2012
Session #24 (Thursday) November 15th
 Flannery O’Connor
 “Good Country People”
 Alice Walker
 “Everyday Use”
Assignment for Session #25: Read Legend of La Llorona (on Learning Web). Read the
brief biography of Sandra Cisneros. Read “Woman Hollering Creek.” Read brief
biography of Amy Tan. Read Amy Tan’s “Two Kinds.”
Session #25 (Tuesday) November 20th
 “Legend of La Llorona” (on Learning Web)
 Sandra Cisneros
 “Woman Hollering Creek”
 Raymond Carver
 “Cathedral”
Assignment for Session #26: Write Exam #4 and have it ready to submit on Session #26.
Session #26 (Thursday) November 22nd
 Thanksgiving Holiday: No class tonight!
Assignment for Session #27: Finish Essay #3 and have it ready to submit on Session
#27. Read the brief biography of Tennessee Williams in your text on our Learning Web.
Read Scenes 1 and 2 of A Streetcar Named Desire.
Session #27 (Tuesday) November 27th
 Essay #3 due at the beginning of class
 Tennessee Williams
 A Streetcar Named Desire (Scenes 1-2)
Assignment for Session #28: Read Scenes 3-5 of A Streetcar Named Desire.
Session #28 (Thursday) November 29th
 A Streetcar Named Desire (Scenes 3-5)
Assignment for Session #29: Read Scenes 6-8 of A Streetcar Named Desire.
Session #29 (Tuesday) December 4th
 A Streetcar Named Desire (Scenes 6-8)
Assignment for Session #30: Read Scenes 9-12 of A Streetcar Named Desire.
English 2328, Jeff Lindemann, Southwest College, HCCS, Fall 2012
Session #30 (Thursday) December 6th
 A Streetcar Named Desire (Scenes 9-11)
Assignment for Final Exam Session: Study for final exam on A Streetcar Named Desire.
Final Exam on A Streetcar Named Desire. Thursday, December 13, at 7:30
English 2328, Jeff Lindemann, Southwest College, HCCS, Fall 2012