Applying Formal Methods to Configuration Synthesis and Debugging


Applying Formal Methods to Configuration

Synthesis and Debugging

Sanjai Narain

Information Assurance and Security Department

Telcordia Technologies, Inc.

DIMACS Workshop on Designing Networks for Manageability, November 11, 2009

Home Theater Configuration


To Satisfy End-To-End


Set Up Physical Layer

Then Configure It


Confused? Here Is Help.

Bridging Gap Between Requirement and Configuration

End-To-End Requirements

Requirement specification

Configuration synthesis



Reconfiguration planning


Distributed configuration

Configuration file parsing

Why are these hard?

• Need to specify connectivity, security, performance and reliability

• Synthesis, reconfiguration planning and verification require searching very large spaces

• Security and functionality interact

• Components can correctly work in isolation but not together

• Removing one error can cause another

• Distributed configuration is not wellunderstood

• Hard to formalize configuration language grammar documented in hundreds of pages of English


Classes of Configuration Errors In Enterprise Networks

• Connectivity

– Incorrect addressing or IP, GRE, MPLS, IPSec links

• Security

– Incorrect firewall policies

• Performance

– Inconsistent QoS policies

• Reliability

– Single points of failure due to misconfigured routing protocols, in spite of diversity

Single points of failure across layers

• Interaction between security and performance

Packet dropping due to mismatched MTU and ICMP blocking

• Interaction between security and reliability

IPSec tunnels not replicated in HSRP cluster

• Interaction between security and connectivity

Static routes not directing packets into IPSec tunnels

• Lack of centralized configuration authority

– Static routes accumulated due to inefficient collaboration between network administrators

Consequences of Configuration Errors

• Setting it [security] up is so complicated that it’s hardly ever done right. While we await a catastrophe, simpler setup is the most important step toward better security.

– Butler Lampson, MIT. Computer Security in the Real World.

IEEE Computer , June 2004

• …human factors, is the biggest contributor—responsible for 50 to 80 percent of network device outages.

– What’s Behind Network Downtime? Proactive Steps to Reduce Human Error and Improve

Availability of Networks, 2008.

• We don’t need hackers to break the systems because they’re falling apart by themselves.

– Peter G. Neumann, SRI. “Who Needs Hackers”, NY Times, September 7, 2007.

Things break. Complex systems break in complex ways.

– Steve Bellovin, Columbia University. Above article




First order logic: Alloy

ConfigAssure Design


• Project jointly with Sharad Malik, Princeton,

Daniel Jackson, MIT




• QFF = Boolean combination of:

– x op y

– contained(a, m, b, n)

– where x , y , a , m , b , n are integer variables or constants and op is = , < , > , <= , >=


• Application-layer quantifier elimination with partial evaluation scales to networks of realistic size


Boolean quantifier elimination does not scale to large variable ranges

• Narain, 2005

• Narain, Kaul, Levin, Malik, 2008

• Narain, Talpade, Levin, 2010




Solve millions of constraints in millions of variables in seconds

Bridging The Gap With ConfigAssure

Specification: Security, functionality and configurations all specified as constraints

• Synthesis: Use Kodkod constraint solver

Diagnosis: Analyze UNSAT-CORE

• Repair: If x=c appears in UNSAT-CORE, it is a root-cause. Remove it and re-solve

Reconfiguration planning: Transform safety invariant into a constraint on times at which variables change from initial to final value. Solve.


– Represent firewall policy P as a QFF auth_P on generic packet header s,sp,d,dp,p

– P1 is subsumed by P2 if there is no solution to auth_P1  ¬auth_P2 .

– P1 is equivalent to P2 if P1 subsumes P2 and vice versa

– A rule R in P1 is redundant if P1-{R} is equivalent to P1


– No grammar

– Parse file into a database of command blocks. Query these to extract needed information


ConfigAssure Technology Transition

• Trialed with major enterprise

• Diagnosis only product, IP Assure, deployed at Securities and Exchange


– Non-invasive network testing

Currently, being transitioned to High Assurance Platform

– Integrates VMWare with SELinux

– Configuration complex

– Jointly with Trent Jaeger, Penn State, Sharad Malik and Daniel Jackson

Related Work

• Optimal identification of configurations to change to prevent attacks: Ou, Homer, 2009

– Specification language: Datalog

– Uses properties of Datalog proofs and MinCost SAT solvers

• Firewall verification with BDD-based model-checking: Hamed, Al-Shaer, Marrero, 2005

• Symbolic Reachability Analysis:

– Answer questions e.g.:“Does firewall policy strengthening change the set of packets flowing from A to B?”

– Abstract algorithm by Xie, Zhan, Maltz, Zhang, Greenberg, Hjalmtysson, and Rexford, 2005

– Implementation of more general algorithm using BDD-based model-checking: Al-Shaer, Marrero, El-Atawy,


• BGP policy verification in a higher-order logic, Isabelle: Voellmy, 2009

• Parsing with PADS/ML: Mandelbaum, 2007

• Parsing with ANTLR: Narain, Talpade, Levin, 2009

A Question on Specification Language

• Are logic-based languages really hard for an administrator?

• IOS is declarative – no side-effects

• What is the problem with introducing Boolean connectives, quantifiers?



Al-Shaer E, Marrero W, El-Atawy A, ElBadawy K (2009) Towards Global Verification and Analysis of Network Access Control Configuration. International Conference on Network Protocols


Anderson P (2006) System Configuration. In Short Topics in System Administration ed. Rick

Farrow. USENIX Association


Enck W, Moyer T, McDaniel P, Sen S, Sebos P, Spoerel S, Greenberg A, Sung Y-W, Rao S,

Aiello W, (2009) Configuration Management at Massive Scale: System Design and Experience.

IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications


Hamed H, Al-Shaer E and Will Marrero (2005) Modeling and Verification of IPSec and VPN

Security Policies , Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols.


Homer J, Ou X (2009) SAT-solving approaches to context-aware enterprise network security management. IEEE JSAC Special Issue on Network Infrastructure Configuration


Mandelbaum Y, Fisher K, Walker D, Fernandez M, and Gleyzer A (2007) PADS/ML: A functional data description language. ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Language


Narain S (2005) Network Configuration Management via Model-Finding. Proceedings of USENIX

Large Installation System Administration (LISA) Conference


Narain S, Levin G, Kaul V, Malik, S (2008) Declarative Infrastructure Configuration Synthesis and

Debugging. Journal of Network Systems and Management, Special Issue on Security

Configuration, eds. Ehab Al-Shaer, Charles Kalmanek, Felix Wu


Narain S, Talpade R, Levin G (2010) Network configuration validation. Chapter in “Guide to reliable Internet Services and Applications” eds Chuck Kalmanek, Richard Yang, Sudip Misra,


10. Voellmy A, Hudak P Nettle (2009) A domain-specific language for routing configuration.

Proceedings of ACM SafeConfig Workshop.

11. Xie G, Zhan J, Maltz D, Zhang H, Greenberg A, Hjalmtysson G, and Rexford J (2005) On Static

Reachability Analysis of IP Networks. IEEE INFOCOM


• Configuration errors cause 50%-80% of down time and vulnerabilities

• To eliminate these, we need tools for synthesis, diagnosis, repair, reconfiguration planning, verification, distributed configuration, and parsing

• Modern formal methods based on constraint solving, BDD-based modelchecking and logic programming are being used to build these tools that solve configuration problems for real networks
