Balancing Workforce Productivity Against Disease Risks for Environmental and Infectious Epidemics Nina H. Fefferman, Ph.D. Rutgers Univ. Direct threats: Well people Sick people Pathogens of all sorts Nothing terribly surprising about this Sick Workers have a choice: Workers Being Productive Stay home (don’t be productive) Sick workers Lack of Productivity AND Sick People Go to work and maybe infect coworkers Basic idea behind this research : Can we train or allocate our work force according to some algorithm in order to maintain a minimum efficiency? Elements of the system : Different tasks that need to be accomplished Maybe each task has its own 1) rate of production (depends on having a minimum # of workers on each task) 2) time to be trained to perform the task 3) minimum number of workers needed to accomplish anything An assumption for today: We will deal with all absence from work as “mortality” (permanent absence from the workforce once absent once for any reason) – Depending on the specific disease/contaminant in question, this would definitely want to be changed to reflect “duration of symptoms causing absence from work” and “what is the probability of death from infection” Based on this framework, we can ask whether or not infectious disease and environmental (or at least non-coworker mediated infectious disease) lead to different “successes” of task allocation methods? We can simulate a population, with new workers being recruited into the system, staying in or learning and progressing through new tasks over time according to a variety of different allocation strategies We measure success by amount of work produced (in each task and overall) and the survival of population (also in each task and overall) (Today I’ll just show the “total” measures for the whole population, even though we measure everything in each task) We’ll examine four different allocation strategies (Suggested by the most efficient working organizations of the natural world – social insects!) 1. Defined permanently : only trained for (Determined) one thing 2. Allocated by seniority : progress (Discrete) through different tasks over time 3. Repertoire increases with seniority : (Repertoire) build knowledge the longer you work 4. Completely random : just for comparison, (Random) everyone switches at random Model formulation – (discrete) Three basic counterbalancing parameters: 1. Disease/Mortality risks for each task Mt (this will change over time for the infectious disease, based on how many other coworkers are already sick) 2. Rate of production for each task Bt 3. The cost of switching to task t from some other task (either to learn how, or else to get to where the action is), St We have individuals I and tasks (t) in iteration (x), so we write It,x In each step of the Markov process, each individual It,x contributes to some Pt,x the size of the population working on their task (t) in iteration (x) EXCEPT 1) The individual doesn’t contribute if they are dead In each iteration, for each living individual in Pt,x there is an associated probability Mt of dying (independent for each individual) Individuals also die (deterministically) if they exceed a (iteration based) maximum life span 2) The individual doesn’t contribute if they are in the ‘learning phase’ They’re in the learning phase if they’ve switched into their current task (t) for less than St iterations We also replenish the population periodically: every 30 iterations, we add 30 new individuals This is arbitrary and can be changed, but think of it as a new “class year” graduating, or a new hiring cycle, or however else the workforce is recruited Then for each iteration (x), the total amount of work produced is B P t t,x t And the total for all the iterations is just B P t t,x x t We also keep track of how much of the population is “left alive”, since there is a potential conflict between “work production” and population survival Notice that we actually can write this in closed form – we don’t need to simulate anything stochastically to get meaningful results HOWEVER – part of what we want to see is the range and distribution of the outcome when we incorporate stochasticity into the process Now we can examine different relationships among the parameters: Suppose that we take all combinations of the following: Increasing Decreasing Constant Bt = ρ1t Bt = ρ1(|T|-t) Bt = ρ1|T| St = ρ2t St = ρ2(|T|-t) St = ρ2|T| Mt = ρ3t Mt = ρ3(|T|-t) Mt = ρ3|T| ρ is some proportionality constant (in the examples shown, it’s just 1) Also in the examples shown the minimum number of individuals for each task is held constant for all t So do we actually see differences in the produced amount of work? Range for Total Work as Relationship Among Parameters Varies in Non-Infectious Disease 1.0×10 7 1.0×10 6 1.0×10 5 Allocation Method re pe rt oi re ra nd om di sc re te in is tic 1.0×10 4 de te rm Amount of Work Produced So even as the relationships among the parameters vary, we do see drastic differences in the amount of work produced How about Survival? 100 Allocation Method re pe rt oi re ra nd om e di sc re t in is t ic 0 de te rm Number Left Alive Range for Survival as Relationship Among We also see Parameters Varies in Non-Infectious Disease differences in the 400 survival probability of the population as 300 the relationships among the 200 parameters vary So the full story as the relationships among the parameter values vary looks like: If you want to be safest on average, via both metrics, Repertoire wins! 1.0×10 7 Number Left Alive 6 1.0×10 5 300 200 100 Allocation Method re pe rt oi re ra nd om e di sc re t in is t re pe rt oi re ra nd om in is tic di sc re te Allocation Method ic 0 1.0×10 4 de te rm 1.0×10 400 de te rm Amount of Work Produced Range for Total Work as Relationship Among Range for Survival as Relationship Among Parameters Varies in Non-Infectious Disease Parameters Varies in Non-Infectious Disease But notice: In the examples you just saw, the mortality cost in each task was independent of the number of individuals in that task already affected This is much more like an environmental exposure risk What if we wanted to look at infectious disease risks? Then the risk of mortality in each task would depend on the number of sick workers already performing that task Mt = c + β(# Infectedt) where β is the probability of becoming infected from contact with a sick coworker and c is any constant level of primary exposure For simplicity now, let’s not let the other parameters vary in relation to each other – let’s just look at : Bt = ρ1t Increasing St = ρ2t Increasing Mt = c + β(# Infectedt) Constant primary + secondary And again a constant minimum number for each task And we will compare this with the narrower range of non-infectious scenarios by then keeping everything the same, but changing Mt back to just the constant primary exposure 6.3×10 7 5.3×10 7 1.9×10 7 1.8×10 7 1.7×10 7 R ep er to ire an do m R is cr et e D et er m in ed 1.6×10 7 D Noninfectious Exposure Amount of Work Produced So do we still actually see differences in the produced amount of work without infectious spread, but with the narrower range? Allocation Method And when we introduce infectious spread, we still see differences among the allocation strategies 4.4×10 6 1.1×10 5 R ep er to ire an do m R D is cr et e et er m in ed 1.0×10 4 D Infectious Exposure Amount of Work Produced 4.8×10 6 Allocation Method And in direct comparison? Non-infectious vs Infectious Mortality Risk? Total work Produced 7.0×10 7 5.0×10 7 2.0×10 7 1.8×10 7 1.5×10 7 5.0×10 6 2.5×10 6 nf R an do m -E -I R an do m -E nv D is cr et e -I nf is cr et e D nv R ep er to ire -I nf R ep er to ire -E nv D et er m in ed -E nv -I nf 0 in ed - BUT – the difference in outcome is drastically different! 5.5×10 7 D et er m - Makes sense 6.0×10 7 Work Produced Always better to have environmental disease 6.5×10 7 Allocation Methods and Exposure Type How about differences for overall survival? Noninfectious Exposure 480 R ep er to ire an do m R is cr et e D et er m in ed 430 D Number Left Alive 530 Allocation Method So we also difference in survival 300 Infectious Exposure 200 150 100 50 R ep er to ire an do m R is cr et e D et er m in ed 0 D Number Left Alive 250 Allocation Method Number Left Alive 500 400 300 200 100 nv -E ep er to ire -I nf -E an do m R ep er to ire nv nf -I an do m R -E nv is cr et e -I nf is cr et e -E nv D D R R D et er m in ed in ed -I nf 0 et er m But again, differences in delta between strategies 600 D Again, better to have only environment al exposure (makes sense again) And again - DirectPopulation comparison? Left Alive So, are the differences seen across strategies from environmental to infectious exposure the same for both survival and work? No! Survival comparisons Smaller delta 600 6.5×10 7 300 Allocation Methods and Exposure Type nv -E -I nf ep er to ire R R -E an do m ep er to ire nv nf -I R an do m R -I nf is cr et e D -E in ed et er m D nv -I nf nv -E ep er to ire R nv ep er to ire R an do m -E -I R an do m R -I nf is cr et e D is cr et e nv D -E D et er m in ed in ed -I nf 0 nf 0 -E nv 100 -I nf 2.5×10 6 -E nv 200 in ed 1.5×10 7 5.0×10 6 400 et er m 1.8×10 7 Larger delta 500 D 5.0×10 7 2.0×10 7 D et er m Work Produced 5.5×10 7 Smaller delta Number Left Alive Larger delta 6.0×10 7 is cr et e 7.0×10 7 D Work comparisons Take home messages: YES! There are conflicts between productivity and disease risks, and the change depending on type of disease It’s unlikely that these sorts of models will provide “easy” answers – but it IS likely that they could provide public policy makers with “likely disease-related repercussions” of societal organization policies The more we look at the problem, the better the information to the decision makers can be