Tissue Biorepositories: Do You Really Want to Know How the Sausage is Made? David A. August Professor of Surgery The Cancer Institute of New Jersey UMDNJ / Robert Wood Johnson Medical School The Cancer Institute of New Jersey CINJ “SNP” Protocol Goal: to identify genetic variants as markers for • risk of developing breast cancer • earlier age of diagnosis • outcomes 1168 patients consented 980 genomic DNAs isolated Demographics to date from chart review Collaborative studies with: • • • • • Dr. Arnold J. Levine Dr. Vassiliki Karantza-Wadsworth Dr. Shridar Ganesan Dr. Bruce Haffty Dr. Mark Brenneman Race African American Asian Caucasian Hispanic Indian Other Number of Patients 38 32 613 37 19 22 % 5.0 4.2 80.6 4.9 2.5 2.9 Tumor Type Colloid/Mucinous DCIS Invasive Ductal Invasive Lobular LCIS/Atypical hyperplasia Medullary Metaplastic Other Number of Patients 11 63 561 82 5 4 4 19 % 1.5 8.4 74.9 11.0 0.7 0.5 0.5 2.5 ER Status Positive Negative Number of Patients 531 180 % 74.7 25.3 PR Status Positive Negative Number of Patients 445 252 % 63.9 36.2 Her2/Neu Status Not amplified or 0-2+ IHC Amplified or 3+ IHC Number of Patients 420 100 % 80.8 19.2 Stage Control/LCIS /Atypical hyperplasia 0 1 IIA IIB IIIA IIIB IIIC IV Number of Patients % 5 62 260 161 105 44 25 10 28 0.7 8.9 37.1 23 15 6.3 3.6 1.4 4 Tumor T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 % 5.2 46.3 24.7 6.5 4.6 Node status N0 N1 N2 N3 % 47.6 32.5 3.7 0.2 Metastatic Status M0 M1 % 83.4 3.5 Recurrence Status Yes No % 15.5 84.5 http://www.hhs.gov/ohrp/humansubjects/guidance/45cfr46.htm NCI_Best_Practices_060507biospecimens.cancer.gov Types of Tissue Support Clinical Basic • Tissue banking (deidentified:discarded, annotated) • Protocol specific support • Translational research • Bench support Front End / Back End Clinical Processes (collectors) •Protocol development •Regulatory approval •Subject consent •Tissue acquisition •Clinical analyses •Initial processing •Clinical annotation •Linkage/de-identification •Tissue storage •Acquisition QA •Longitudinal annotation Technical Processes (repository, recipients) •Tissue storage •Quality assurance •Sample preparation •Sample distribution •Database management •End user support Clinical Uses • Prognosis • Risk assessment • Pharmacodynamics (Phase O trials) • “Fingerprinting” • Inheritance analysis • Etiology • Response assessment • Response prediction The Worker Bees • Director • Pathologist • Database development/management/support • Manager • Technicians (histo, retrieval, IHC, TMA) • Data managers, research nurses, chart abstracters • Regulatory manager • Protocol support (writer, “shepherd”, consultant) • Consent docents