Calendar of assignments 1302 Spring 2011.doc

Calendar of Assignments—English 1302 College Now—Liscum
January 5, 2011 – Wednesday
Browse the book, Living Literature; discuss course materials, objectives;
assign groups for presentations of topics from The Story of Edgar Sawtelle.
Receive handout explaining journals for the semester (one journal per
class, rotating topic areas: Op/Ed, Response to Literature, and Senior Portrait)
Assignment: Analyze Edgar Sawtelle for literary elements; begin reading
of Hamlet, Act I. *It is recommended that you obtain a copy of Hamlet; the No
Fear version works well for most students.
January 7, 2011 – Friday
Edgar Sawtelle groups meet, begin planning strategy for presentations;
view opening scene of Hamlet (Kenneth Branaugh version) to get a sense of the
play’s exposition.
Assignment: Continue reading of Hamlet, Act I; write in journals
January 10, 2011 – Monday
Receive Hamlet packet: Lines for Study. For each group of lines, note
speaker, to whom he/she is speaking, subject of their conversation, and
relevance to play as a whole.
Listen to Hamlet, Act I, scenes 4-5 from the Branaugh version (but with
no visual) to get the sense of the lines and emphasis.
Assignment: Prepare three journals for check in the next class. Include
Table of Contents with topic area, original title, and date of journal.
January 12, 2011 – Wednesday
Journal check #s 1-3; share aloud in class.
Assignment: Continue in Hamlet, Act II; continue planning presentation
for Edgar Sawtelle.
January 14, 2011 – Friday
Edgar Sawtelle groups finalize plans for presentations next week.
Assignment: Continue reading in Hamlet; write journals.
January 17, 2011 – Monday HOLIDAY – Birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
*No journal needs to be written for this date.
January 19, 2011 – Wednesday
Begin Edgar Sawtelle presentations. 15-minute time frame per group.
Assignment: Continue reading Hamlet and doing annotations in Lines for
Study packet in preparation for upcoming comparison/contrast essay over Edgar
Sawtelle and Hamlet.
January 21, 2011 – Friday
Journal check #2: three entries
Hamlet, Act III: Listen to Branaugh version of play and annotate.
Assignment: Read Hamlet, Act IV. (It is shorter than most.) Continue
annotating the Lines for Study packet in preparation for the upcoming essay
comparing the novel with the play.
***Read “Strategies for Writing a Comparative Paper,” p. 82 in Making
Literature Matter. In particular, “Weight Your Comparison” on p. 84 will make all
the difference for the way you think about how to write the upcoming essay
effectively. “Summing Up” on pages 89-90 is an excellent overview of the
January 24, 2011 – Monday
Turn in preliminary thoughts about what you might write in a
comparison/contrast essay; read Hamlet, Act V along with audio.
Assignment: Create a topic comparing and contrasting Wroblewski’s novel
with Shakespeare’s play for approval at the next class session. Formulate a thesis
for this topic. Finish reading any parts of Hamlet that you may be behind on for
January 26, 2011 – Wednesday
Conferences with instructor about essay topics and thesis statements;
begin rough drafts for essay due Wednesday, February 3rd.
Assignment: Work on rough draft #1 of Essay 1; prepare journals for
check on Friday.
January 28, 2011 – Friday
Journal check; journal share.
Assignment: Essay #1 rough draft due comparing/contrasting Edgar
Sawtelle to Hamlet. RD should include parenthetic references to both primary
January 31, 2011 – Monday
Essay 1 rough draft due; peer grouping for content comments
Assignment: Continue revising and editing draft. Final draft is due
Wednesday for the next class meeting (We will have worked on it Tuesday 2/2
as well). Be sure to submit final copy of essay to by 7:30 a.m.
February 2, 2011 – Wednesday
Hard copy and Turnitin copy (by 7:30) of essay due; review for Hamlet
Assignment: Update all journals and Table of Contents.
February 4, 2011 – Friday
Journal share; readaround
Assignment: Read “The Story of an Hour,” p.659.
February 7, 2011 – Monday
Journal check 4; analysis of technique in “The Story of an Hour.”
Assignment: Choose one story from list of assigned stories to analyze with a
List is as follows:
“Everyday Use,” by Alice Walker, p.297
“I Stand Here Ironing,” by Tillie Olsen, p. 281
“A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner, p. 667
“Hills like White Elephants,” by Ernest Hemingway, p. 523
“Another Way to Die,” by Haruki Murakami, p. 1031
“Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong,” by Tim O’Brien, p.1380
“Harrison Bergeron,” by Kurt Vonnegut, p. 1512
“The Lesson,” by Toni Cade Bambara, p. 1148
“Persimmons,” by Yiyun Li, p. 1189
February 9, 2011 – Wednesday
Groups meet to discuss approaches for story analysis; each individual
group member focuses on a different aspect of the story for an essay topic.
Teacher records groups and story choices after talking about each one with the
Assignment: Annotate the story you have chosen before the next class.
February 11, 2011 – Friday
Continue library research of the story that you began yesterday. You must
use one secondary source in your story analysis essay.
Assignment: Complete annotations of short story in MLM or on a Xerox
copy to show me for a grade. Xerox the secondary source you intend to use in
your essay.
*Note: You will want to read through chapter five in MLM: “How to Write about
Stories,” starting on p. 91. “Summing Up” on pp. 123-24 gives you excellent
reminders of what is most important.
February 14, 2011 – Monday
Story conferences; catch up; work on draft.
February 16, 2011 – Wednesday
Check of annotations and copy of criticism; check of journals through
Assignment: Read Raymond Carver’s “Cathedral,” on a handout for
tomorrow. (This story is NOT in MLM.) Do Inner/Outer Circle graded discussion
of story (see my district webpage for discussion template and instructions).
Focus of the discussion should cover the short story elements we have been
discussing and covered in MLM chapter 5.
February 18, 2011 – Friday
Continue Inner/Outer circle discussion of “Cathedral” started yesterday in
Assignment: Work on rough draft of short story analysis.
February 21, 2011 – Monday
President’s Day Holiday. No journal needs to be written for this date.
Assignment: Continue to revise and edit essay #2. Rough draft due
Wednesday 2/23/11. (750-word minimum, 1000-word maximum)
February 23, 2011 – Wednesday
Rough draft due in its entirety. Peer edit in class for flow of ideas and
Assignment: Prepare final draft of short story analysis to hand in Friday,
February 25, 2011 – Friday
Essay #2 due. Submit hard copy in class and electronic copy to Turnitin
by 7:30 a.m.
Short story groups meet to plan presentations for next week.
February 28, 2011 – Monday
Short story presentations with group; take notes on analysis of others.
You are responsible for all of these stories.
Assignment: Work on journals for check Friday.
March 2, 2011 -- Wednesday
Finish short story presentations; journal check #6 (no check last week)
Assignment: Review in-class writing tips for success to prepare for Midterm exam on Monday. (It will be a story analysis.)
March 4, 2011 – Friday
Review for Monday’s test. Tips for quick story analysis (and obviously,
your story will be very short.)
Assignment: Review short story analysis methods.
March 7, 2011 – Monday
Midterm examination; in-class essay—short story analysis
Assignment: Bring MLM for introduction to poetry Wednesday; continue
writing journals.
March 9, 2011 – Wednesday
Introduction to poetry; skim Ch. 6 of MLM beginning on p. 125.
List of poems for coverage (handout) *All poems are to be read by
Monday, March 28th.
Assignment: Read Keats’ “On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer,”
March 11, 2011 – Friday
Journal check 7; analysis of “Chapman’s Homer” and sonnet forms. Demo
essay analyzing the poem.
Assignment: Have a good Spring Break! Bring MLM Monday the 21nd to
read and do a grouping activity on T.S. Eliot’s “The Love Song of J. Alfred
Prufrock,” p. 637.
March 21, 2011 – Monday
Analysis of “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,” p. 637. Discussion of
interior monologue, persona, objective correlative, use of allusions.
Assignment: Journal writing for check
March 23, 2011 – Wednesday
Journal check; handout of Eliot’s “The Hollow Men.” Analyze for allusions,
anaphora, objective correlative.
Assignment: Prepare journal to turn in Friday (last day of Ft. Bend 9
March 25, 2011 – Friday
Journal share; hand in all journals to date
Assignment: Go over list of poems; finish ones you have not yet read.
March 28, 2011 – Monday
Sign up for poem for research analysis from list. *Please be sure you are
not analyzing work that you did Poet Focus writing on for freshman English.
Assignment: Annotate poem; find one source about it from an approved
database and bring to class.
March 30, 2011 – Wednesday
Plan presentation of poem, using book, powerpoint, handouts, etc.
Assignment: Find a work of art, photograph, or video clip that pairs well
thematically with your poem to include in your presentation. Also locate music
that thematically links with your poem.
April 1, 2011 – Friday
Journal share—oral presentation of a journal of your choice
April 4, 2011 – Monday
Rough drafting of essay about poem; include 2 additional sources besides
the one you brought for Wed., March 31st. Argue for your interpretation and for
the parallel art and music you will present to explain it. (1000+ words)
Assignment: Continue rough draft; work on presentation of poem to class
April 6, 2011 – Wednesday
Rough draft with sources incorporated and highlighted due. All rough
drafts must be typed and accompanied by a Works Cited page.
Peer editing of drafts; choose a date for upcoming presentation. Get
rubric for evaluation of paper and presentation.
Assignment: Complete your poetry essay in which you argue for your
interpretation of the work and its accompanying art and music.
April 8, 2011 – Friday
Final copy of poetry essay due to Turnitin by 7:30 a.m. Hard copy and all
rough drafts and Xeroxed articles with highlighting due in folder in class.
Begin presentations (2)
Assignment: Practice presentations as needed.
April 11, 2011 – Monday
Poetry presentations, continued
Assignment: Keep up with journal; select a work of literature that we have
studied this semester (poetry or prose) to evaluate in a critical review format.
Please do not select a work in prose or poetry that you have already written
extensively about; it should be new to you.
April 13, 2011 – Wednesday
Continue presentations
Assignment: Do prewriting for final critical analysis. (750 words)
April 15, 2011 – Friday
Continue presentations
Assignment: Rough drafting for critical analysis
April 18, 2011 – Monday
Rough draft due for critical analysis; continue presentations.
Assignment: Polish essay to turn in Wednesday, 4/20/11.
April 20, 2011 – Wednesday
Hand in final copy of critical analysis in class and to Turnitin by 7:30 a.m.
Continue presentations as needed.
Assignment: Finalize journals for semester. Check table of contents; make
sure each entry has a creative title.
April 22, 2011 – Friday – HOLIDAY no school
April 25, 2011 – Monday
Hand in all journals. Begin satire unit with viewing of Stanley Kubrick’s
“Dr. Strangelove.” Take notes on the target of the satire.
April 27, 2011 – Wednesday
TAKS testing: Schedule at CHS to be announced. Continue satire with film
April 29, 2011 – Friday
TAKS testing: Schedule at CHS to be announced. Begin viewing “Monty
Python’s Holy Grail” for romantic allusions and satiric targets.
May 2, 2011 – Monday
Continue “Monty Python’s Holy Grail” for romantic allusions and satiric
May 4, 2011 – Wednesday
Complete viewing of “Holy Grail”; assemble portfolio with all papers to
date from this year.
May 6, 2011 – Friday
Review for final exam retrospective essay Monday
May 9, 2011 – Monday
Final exam—in-class essay