
Template Version 3
Monthly Project Status Report
Project Name
Management: Modules
and Pathways
IS Project Code
Project Manager
Angie Heffer
Project Sponsor
Paul Baxter / Paul Smith
Report Period From
1 April 2010
Report Period To
07 May 2010
RAG Status
Report Number
Please include details of any achievements, completed objectives as well as any other general
Deliverables (as outlined in Section 10 of the
Planned Date
(from PPD)
Expected Date
Date Completed
e:Vision task created to facilitate module data capture
into SITS
1 September 2009
5 November 2009
7 January 2010
MDF SRL built
1 October 2009
29 January 2010
29 January 2010
MOD-based e:Vision vista for data capture task created
and operational
1 September 2009
5 November 2009
7 January 2010
e:Vision CON/COP records created and operational
1 September 2009
5 November 2009
7 January 2010
All required module data stored in SITS
1 October 2009
19 February 2010
28 February 2010
Revised PPD created and finalised for Phases 1 and 2
08 March 2010
08 March 2010
PPD for Phase 3 to be finalised
31 May 2010
Phase 2: Manage my Curriculum Stage 1:
Access to e-Vision for all appropriate staff
31 March 2010
30 April 2010
13 April 2010
Verification of Module Data by academic and relevant
support staff – development and implementation
12 April 2010
16 April 2010
Arrangements for training of academic and relevant
support staff
31 March 2010
31 March 2010
31 March 2010
Develop e-Vision task for printing viewing and limited
amendment of MDF data
9 April 2010
16 April 2010
20 April 2010
Supporting training material for training sessions for
academics and relevant support staff
28 April 2010
07 May 2010
07 May 2010
Implementation of Manage my Curriculum
10 May 2010
Staff Development and training for all academic staff and
relevant support staff
21 May 2010
Module Catalogue Online Phase 1 development
31 May 2010
Testing, documentation and handover to Operations and
Customer Support
31 May 2010
Deliverables (as outlined in Section 10 of the
Planned Date
Expected Date
Date Completed
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PPD) – cont’d
(from PPD)
Implementation of Module Catalogue Online Phase 1
25 June 2010
Develop functionality in My.Anglia to retrieve module
31 May 2010
Testing, documentation and handover of My.Anglia
31 May 2010
Implementation of module information via My.Anglia
25 June 2010
Redirect Online Module Catalogue links to module data
on My.Anglia
25 June 2010
Amend online module catalogue search facility to link to
module data on My.Anglia
25 June 2010
Communiqué Development to retrieve
information via our marketing website
31 May 2010
Testing, documentation and handover of Communiqué
31 May 2010
25 June 2010
Close MDF provision on “J” Drive
30 June 2010
Phase 3: Module Diets and automatic module enrolment for level 1 undergraduate students entering Anglia Ruskin
Initial Consultancy – Tribal
28 February 2010
Tribal Consultancy and training session for development
of module diets functionality
30 April 2010
Further deliverables and timescales to be detailed
following consultancy on 8 and 9 April
28 February 2010
28 February 2010
8/9 April 2010
31 May 2010
Progress achieved this period
Budget £47,000 set up – remaining budget from IS-0056 being transferred.
PPD for Phase 3 (Module diets and automatic module enrolment for level 1 undergraduate students
entering core ARU) started – to be finalised following consultancy on 8 April 2010.
Tasks within e-Vision for Manage my Curriculum and academic staff to validate MDF data complete
and implemented into QA 16 April 2010
Operations and Customer Support Handover for e-Vision task development held on 16 April 2010
Resolution of upside down question marks complete
Staff records on SITS updated to enable access to e-Vision for core ARU staff
Consultancy and training from Tribal for first phase of module diets 8-9 April 2010
Follow-on Tribal consultancy to begin specification for module diets task held on 6 May 2010
Procurement of Ecrion PDF solution
Development of PDF solution for viewing and printing of MDFs (90% complete)
CAB approval for implementation of PDF solution on 7 May 2010 (this has been deferred to 14 May
2010) as development for linking to the task is incomplete
Skills and knowledge transfer for PDF solution to Operations and Customer Support teams 7 May
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Training materials for training sessions complete
Outlook for next period
Finalise development of PDF solution to link to task for printing and viewing of MDF data - date for
implementation rescheduled for 14 May 2010.
Training sessions for Manage my Curriculum and Verification of MDF data by academic and support
staff scheduled for 2 weeks commencing 10 May 2010. Additional days being sought for cancelled
days: 11 May 2010 (lack of attendance due to VC’s away day) and cancellation of 14 May due to
FHSC Away Day.
Tentative dates of 24-26 May 2010 agreed with Tribal (on-site) to undertake first stage of module diets
Development work for Online Module Catalogue Phase 1 – currently maintained on My.Anglia by
Development work the www (marketing) interface for module information
Resource secured to undertake business analysis in relation to the processes currently in place for
module selection to assess likely changes in business process required for module diets – work to
commence during May 2010.
Key Risks
Extent of
(H, M, L)
(H, M, L)
Stability and reliability of e-Vision
Variable performance based on the
version of IE being used
Analysis of why e-Vision tasks
are effected by the version of IE
Availability of A&D resource due to
competing high priorities
Timely requests to be
presented to ISMS A&D
Planning Group
Key Issues
(H, M, L)
Progress / Support Required
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Progress / Support Required
Ability for MDFs to be printed in
desired format – Resources booked
to undertake development in March
2010 were diverted to higher
priorities – this has resulted in
slippage in ability to deliver the
solution in time for training sessions
scheduled to commence 10 May
Update April 2010: Resources ringfenced to
complete the development required to
implement the PDF solution. Development work
on the PDF solution has taken longer than first
envisaged. Whilst this is 80% complete, it has
not been possible to finalise and implement the
solution in time for the training sessions.
Development work to be concluded w/c 10 May
2010 with implementation estimated w/c 17 May
2010. Paul Baxter understands the position and
will manage expectations during the course of
the training sessions.
Translation of characters held in
SITS to the web interface is currently
converting punctuation marks into
upside down question marks
A&D support to advise – time booked during
March 2010 – issue resolved
Staff who have not accessed eVision for some time will no longer
have an active account. This needs
to be resolved before training
sessions to all academic and
relevant support staff in May 2010
Update April 2010: Resolved.
Issue Closed.
Core ARU staff records will need to be verified
and updated. It may be possible to automate
this process, but if not then temporary resource
will be required to manually validate records.
Update March 2010: A&D / Operations staff
time booked during April to ensure access is
granted to all relevant staff. Report from HR
being worked on by Paul Baxter to inform.
Update April 2010: Staff records are now
enabled for access to e-Vision
Issue Closed.
New issue: RFC for task verification
approved. However, it subsequently
came to light that there are 20+
hotfixes in DEV that have not been
applied to Live which means the
implementation of development into
Live could carry risk as the 2
environments are not the same
Hotfixes applied to QA1 15/04/2010.
Development will be implemented into QA
environment rather than Live. A fast track
period testing will be undertaken and once we
are assured that risk has been minimised, both
will go Live. Any complications or problems
during this period may cause unacceptable
delay and impact scheduled training.
Update 20/04/2010: Hotfixes implemented into
Live – awaiting go ahead from Mark Utting to
launch tasks into Live (RFC 2010_0051)
Update 22/04/2010: Implemented into live –
Issue closed.
Change Requests
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Progress / Support Required
(H ,M ,L)
Scope Variance
Scope has been changed slightly to take account of
changed priorities from the SITS project. Amended PPD
will provide details.
Infrastructure and hardware requirements for a .NET
service have been removed from the scope – existing
server and services (use of StuTalk / PubSub to push
MDF data on a scheduled or per change basis)
Budget Variance
Resource Variance
No variance
Competing priorities for ISMS A&D resources – means
that planned work to achieve deliverables need to be
carefully managed.
Additional resource secured and ring-fenced to complete
the PDF solution, albeit timescales for implementation
have slipped.
Schedule Variance (time)
Quality Variance
+ 2 weeks for implementation of PDF solution – this has
not been achieved in readiness for delivery of training
sessions – Paul Baxter and his team to manage
expectations throughout the delivery of the training.
Stakeholder Issue
Risk Level
e-Vision task has variable performance depending on the
version of Internet Explorer being used. Stability and
reliability of e-Vision is causing some concern.
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