FORM – PSR Template Version 3 Oct/09 Monthly Project Status Report Project Name One Version of MDFs and PSFs IS Project Code IS-0163-02 Project Manager Paul Baxter Project Sponsor Paul Baxter Report Period From 4th January 2010 Report Period To 4th February 2010 RAG Status Green Report Number 2 Please include details of any achievements, completed objectives as well as any other general comments Deliverables (as outlined in Section 10 of the PPD) Planned Date (from PPD) Expected Date Date Completed e:Vision task created to facilitate module data capture into SITS 1 September 2009 5 November 2009 7 January 2010 MDF SRL built 1 October 2009 29 January 2010 29 January 2010 MOD-based e:Vision vista for data capture task created and operational 1 September 2009 5 November 2009 7 January 2010 e:Vision CON/COP records created and operational 1 September 2009 5 November 2009 7 January 2010 All required module data stored in SITS 1 October 2009 19 February 2010 IPP processes created and operational Scope changed – revised PPD to follow Module catalogue publishing data from SITS IPP data Scope changed – revised PPD to follow End Project Report (EPR) Scope changed – revised PPD to follow Progress achieved this period The delivery of the e-Vision module data task has been achieved, together with a prototype facility for limited online amendment of Module Definition Form data (yet to be rolled out), and an online Module Definition Form available through e-Vision (in testing phase). The data entry of the Module Definition data continues, and is expected to be complete by 19 February 2010. D:\401290601.doc Page 1 of 3 Outlook for next period The PPD for phase one of the Curriculum Management project has now been superseded by other requirements, and a revised PPD will be produced by the project team for approval by the Project Board. As an indication, the next deliverables are expected to be: - Develop and deliver staff training in the e-Vision Module Definition Form facility Implement a facility so that staff can produce a PDF version of the e-Vision Module Definition Form Ensure appropriate access for staff to enable proper control of the amendment facility of module data via e-Vision Develop and implement an version of the Module Definition Form for staff, students and prospective students Enable the online module catalogue to link to the version of the Module Definition Form Develop and implement an archive system for superseded Module Definition Forms Key Risks Potential Extent of Impact (H, M, L) Likelihood of Occurrence (H, M, L) Stability and reliability of eVision M M Variable performance based on the version of IE being used H M Analysis of why e-Vision tasks are effected by the version of IE Priority (H, M, L) Progress / Support Required Priority (H ,M ,L) Progress / Support Required Key Issues Change Requests Status None D:\401290601.doc Page 2 of 3 Progress / Support Required VARIANCE Scope Variance Budget Variance Resource Variance Schedule Variance (time) RAG REASON A Scope has been changed slightly to take account of changed priorities from the SITS project. Amended PPD will provide details. A Additional phase one costs have now been identified for the DeskPDF tool that will allow the production of Module Definition Forms in PDF format from e-Vision. This was unanticipated as we expected the documents to be produced in Word. Details of cost to follow when available. G A Quality Variance G Stakeholder Issue G Risk Level A The project was delayed due to technical problems relating to the use of MAV, and imposed delay as the SITS Project was established. e-Vision task has variable performance depending on the version of Internet Explorer being used. Stability and reliability of e-Vision is causing some concern. D:\401290601.doc Page 3 of 3