Improving the Formal Performance Review Process CEB HR Leadership Council

CEB HR Leadership CouncilTM
For Midsized Companies
Improving the Formal Performance
Review Process
Tips to Plan and Conduct Formal Performance Reviews
CEB HR Leadership Council TMFor Midsized Companies
© 2010 The Corporate Executive Board Company. All Rights Reserved.
Three Tips
Resource for Your Help
1. Establish Healthy Employee Relationships
To Remember: The messenger matters as much as the message.
Establishing Healthy
Employee Relationships
2. Clearly Explain Performance Standards
To Remember: Clearly and explicitly state performance criteria to your employees
before you begin assessing performance.
3. Provide Immediate Informal Feedback Along the Way
To Remember: Provide immediate informal feedback along the way.
Source: CLC Learning and Development research; HR Leadership Council research.
CEB HR Leadership Council TMFor Midsized Companies
© 2010 The Corporate Executive Board Company. All Rights Reserved.
Four Tips
Resource for Your Help
1. Planning
To Remember:
 If not already required, ask employees to complete a self-review and read it before you
deliver their reviews.
 Rehearse conversations and key messages before the review takes place.
Tips for Providing Feedback
on Performance Weaknesses
2. Providing Feedback on Personality Strengths
To Remember: Commenting purely on personality strengths is simple flattery; to make
this feedback more meaningful, tie it to performance strengths.
3. Providing Feedback on Performance Strengths
To Remember: Provide specific examples of strengths “in action.”
4. Providing Feedback on Performance Weaknesses
To Remember: .
 When providing this type of feedback, avoid judgmental words like “poor performance”
or “weakness”; instead, present it in the context of a developmental opportunity.
 Do not assume you understand the reason for a performance weakness; allow the
employee to discuss why he or she is performing in a particular way.
Source: CLC Learning and Development research; HR Leadership Council research.
CEB HR Leadership Council TMFor Midsized Companies
© 2010 The Corporate Executive Board Company. All Rights Reserved.