THE SENATE PATHWAY APPROVAL REPORT A confirmed report of the event held on 27th May 2009 to consider the approval of the following pathways: MSc Building Surveying MSc Quantity Surveying MSc Real Estate Management Faculty of Science and Technology Delivery of Pathways at Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford Campus. Quality Assurance Division SECTION A – OUTCOME SUMMARY 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 The purpose of the event was to consider the approval of MSc Building Surveying, MSc Quantity Surveying, MSc Real Estate Management. 1.2 The pathways will be located in the Surveying Programme, Department of the Built Environment in the Faculty of Science and Technology. 1. CONCLUSIONS 2.1 The Panel recommends to the Senate the approval and/or franchise of the following pathways: MSc Building Surveying, full and part time standard delivery MSc Quantity Surveying, full and part time standard delivery MSc Real Estate Management, full and part time standard delivery Approval, once confirmed, will be for an indefinite period, subject to Anglia Ruskin’s continuing quality assurance procedures. 2.2 The Panel recommends to the Senate the approval of 13 new modules for delivery. The full titles of all new modules are provided in section D of this report. 2.3 The Panel was impressed by the strong documentation produced for the approval event and noted within this the Faculty’s commitment to the future staffing needs of the Department, particularly with regard to the MSc Real Estate Management award. 2.4 The Panel was delighted to see the support that the Faculty offered with regard to the development of research through the Work Load Plan and also through Research Groups and Centres. 2.5 Conditions Approval is subject to the following conditions which were set by the Panel. A copy of the response must be lodged with the Executive Officer by the date detailed below: Details of Condition Deadline Response to be considered by 2.5.1 The Team shall submit electronic versions of PSFs and MDFs amended in accordance with the Technical Report. 12th June 2009 2.5.2 The Team shall submit a paragraph to be inserted in the Student Handbook outlining where students should go for specific support. 12th June Chair, Technical Officer, Executive Officer Chair, Technical Officer, Executive Officer Quality Assurance Division 2 Confirmed 2.6 Recommendations The following recommendations for quality enhancement were made by the Panel. A copy of the responses to the recommendations listed below must be lodged with the Executive Officer. The Faculty Board for the Faculty of Science and Technology will consider the responses at its meeting of 5th October 2009: 2.7 Details of Recommendation Deadline 2.6.1 The Team should review modules to ensure that the breadth of material is not so great that it cannot be delivered at the depth required at MSc level. 7th September 2009 2.6.2 The Team should continue to develop employer relations and look for opportunities to work closely with employers and industry. 7th September 2009 2.6.3 The Team should consider adding an explicit statement to box 15 of the PSFs that Environmental Awareness is a key component which underpins all three awards. 7th September 2009 2.6.4 The Team should continue to look into innovative learning methods and delivery, particularly formative assessment, as part of VLE and e-learning developments. 7th September 2009 Issues Referred to the Senate (or appropriate standing committee) The Panel did not identify any institution-wide issues as requiring the attention of the Senate or the appropriate standing committee of the Senate. Quality Assurance Division 3 Confirmed SECTION B – DETAIL OF DISCUSSION AND PANEL CONCLUSIONS 3 RATIONALE 3.1 The MSc Building Surveying, MSc Real Estate Management and MSc Quantity Surveying pathways had been designed to provide an accredited route to Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) qualifications for non-cognate degree holders. Initially they were designed to replace the existing Post Graduate Diplomas but these are now to be retained. 4 CURRICULUM DESIGN, CONTENT AND DELIVERY 4.1 Following discussions regarding the breadth and depth of the curriculum for the new pathways, the Panel concluded that the Team should keep modules under review to ensure that the breadth of material is not so great that it cannot be delivered at the depth required at MSc level. 4.2 It was noted that RICS had been involved in the design of the new pathways and their comments had been taken on board when writing the approval documentation. The Panel requested that the Team continue to develop employer relations and look for opportunities to work closely with employers and industry in addition to the professional, statutory and regulatory bodies. 4.3 The Panel commented that Environmental Awareness had been referred to but questioned how and where it had been embedded into the curriculum. The Team clarified which modules this subject area would be covered in. The Panel requested that the team consider adding an explicit statement to box 15 of the PSFs that Environmental Awareness is a key component which underpins all three awards. 4.4 Discussions took place regarding methods of learning and teaching to be used in the delivery of the new pathways including the current use of WebCT. It was concluded that the Team should continue to look into innovative learning methods and delivery, particularly formative assessment, as part of VLE and e-learning developments. 5 ASSESSMENT STRATEGY 5.1 The Panel was satisfied with the information provided on assessment within the approval documentation and as such raised no substantive issues under this section at the event. 6 STAFFING, LEARNING RESOURCES AND STUDENT SUPPORT 6.1 The Panel noted that new staff would be required and that posts had been advertised. This was particularly relevant for the Real Estate Management pathway. The Team gave their assurance that the pathway would not commence delivery until adequate staff were in place. 7 QUALITY ASSURANCE AND ENHANCEMENT 7.1 The Panel was satisfied with the information provided on quality assurance and enhancement within the approval documentation and as such raised no substantive issues under this section at the event. Quality Assurance Division 4 Confirmed 8 DOCUMENTATION 8.1 The Panel noted that the international students would be required to have a minimum IELTS score of 6.5 for entry onto the masters level pathways. 8.2 The Panel commended the Team on the student handbook provided in the approval documentation but requested that further information be provided to outline where students should go for specific support, e.g. academic/personal. 9 CONFIRMATION OF STANDARDS OF AWARDS 9.1 The Panel confirmed that the proposed pathways satisfied the University’s Academic Regulations with regard to the definitions and academic standards of Anglia Ruskin awards and, hence, the QAA’s Framework for Higher Education Qualifications. Quality Assurance Division 5 Confirmed SECTION C – DETAILS OF PANEL MEMBERSHIP AND PROPOSAL TEAM Internal Panel Members: Alison Ainley Head of Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty of Arts Law and Social Science Patricia Brown Programme Leader , Acute Care Department(CPD) Faculty of Health and Social care External Panel Members: Paul Bird Associate Surveyor Savills (L&P) Ltd David Keel Head of Surveying and Architectural Technology Leeds Metropolitan University Executive Officer: Ellen Lanford Faculty Quality Assurance Officer (Science and Technology) Academic Officer Technical Officer: Alex Toole Academic Regulations Officer Academic Office Members of Proposal Team: Mike Coffey Director of Post Graduate Studies Department of the Built Environment Faculty of Science and Technology Steve Fenton Senior Lecturer Department of the Built Environment Faculty of Science and Technology Terence Lam Senior Lecturer Department of the Built Environment Faculty of Science and Technology Mark Tree Senior Lecturer Department of the Built Environment Faculty of Science and Technology Quality Assurance Division 6 Confirmed SECTION D – OUTCOME DATA Programme Department Faculty Collaborative Partner New/amended Awards Approved Surveying Built Environment Faculty of Science and Technology N/A Title(s) of Named Pathway(s) MSc MSc MSc Building Surveying Quantity Surveying Real Estate Management Validating body (if not Anglia Ruskin University) Professional body accreditation Proposal Team Leader Month and Year of the first intake Standard intake points Maximum and minimum student numbers Attendance mode and duration All 3 pathways approved for full and part time standard delivery N/A N/A Mike Coffey January 2010 January and September Minimum 12, Maximum 30 students across the 3 pathways Date of first Conferment of Award(s) Any additional/specialised wording to appear on transcript and/or award certificate Date of next scheduled Periodic Review Awards and Titles to be deleted (with month/year of last regular conferment) N/A 2014 N/A NEW MODULES APPROVED EB415047S EB415048S EB415049S EB415050S EB415051S EB415052S EB415053S EB415054S EB415055S EB415056S EB415057S EB415058S EB415059S Building Surveys and Pathology Design and Specification Professional Practice and Contract Management Procurement and Supply Chain Management Quantity Surveying Practice Construction Economics Contract Practice and Procedure Law Valuations Project Development Commercial Property Practice Investment Appraisal and Property Finance Property Marketing and Management Quality Assurance Division 7 Confirmed Module Definition Forms (MDF) MSc Building Surveying Level 3 Module Code Module Title New/Existing Approved Y/N EB315009S EB315013S Conversion and Adaptation of Buildings Existing Y Maintenance Management Existing Y New/Existing Approved Y/N Required Amendments N/A Level 4 Module Code Module Title EB415032S Management Theory Existing Y N/A EB415020S Management Practice Existing Y N/A EB415047S Building Surveys and Pathology New Y Please incorporate the LO3 in the assessment description. EB415048S Design and Specification New Y 9. Please amend learning outcomes. EB415049S Professional Practice and Contract Management New Y Please incorporate the LO3 in the assessment description. Required Amendments 12. Do you want the min qualifying mark to be 35% like other BE modules? EB415013S Research Design and Methods Existing Y 12. Do you want the min qualifying mark to be 35% like other BE modules? EB460998D Major Project for MSc Built Environment Existing Y N/A PSF Pathway Title Award MSc Building Surveying Required amendments 17. Please add IELTS score of 6.5 MSc Quantity Surveying Level 4 Module Code Module Title Credit rating Approved Y/N EB415032S EB415020S Management Theory Existing Y N/A Management Practice Existing Y EB415050S N/A Procurement and Supply Chain Management New Y EB415051S Quantity Surveying Practice New Y Required Amendments 6a. Please add the assessment detail to description. 7. Please number learning outcomes 8. Please enter “150” as total hours 12. Do you want the min qualifying mark to be 35% like other BE modules? EB415052S Construction Economics New Y 6a. Please add the assessment detail to description. 7. Please number learning outcomes 8. Please enter “150” as total hours EB415053S Contract Practice and Procedure New Y 6a. Please add the assessment detail to description. 7. Please number learning outcomes 8. Please enter “150” as total hours 12. Do you want the min qualifying mark to be 35% like other BE modules? EB415054S Law New Y 6a. Please add the assessment detail to description. 7. Please number learning outcomes Quality Assurance Division 8 Confirmed 8. Please enter “150” as total hours EB415013S Research Design and Methods Existing Y 12. Do you want the min qualifying mark to be 35% like other BE modules? EB460998D Major Project for MSc Built Environment Existing Y N/A Pathway Specification Form (PSF) Award MSc Pathway Title Quantity Surveying Required amendments 17. Please add IELTS score of 6.5 MSc Real Estate Management Level 4 Module Code Module Title Credit rating Approved Y/N EB415032S EB415020S Management Theory Existing Y N/A Management Practice Existing Y EB415055S Valuations N/A New Y 6a. Please add the assessment detail to description. Required Amendments 7. Please number learning outcomes 8. Please enter “150” as total hours EB415056S Project Development New Y 6a. Please add the assessment detail to description. 7. Please number learning outcomes 8. Please enter “150” as total hours EB415057S Commercial Property Practice New Y 6a. Please add the assessment detail to description. 7. Please number learning outcomes 8. Please enter “150” as total hours 12. Do you want the min qualifying mark to be 35% like other BE modules? EB415058S Investment Appraisal and Property Finance New Y 1. Consider changing title to avoid confusion with level 3 module 12. Do you want the min qualifying mark to be 35% like other BE modules? EB415059S Property Marketing and Management New Y 1. Consider changing title to avoid confusion with level 3 module 12. Do you want the min qualifying mark to be 35% like other BE modules? EB415013S Research Design and Methods Existing Y 12. Do you want the min qualifying mark to be 35% like other BE modules? EB460998D Major Project for MSc Built Environment Existing Y N/A Pathway Specification Form (PSF) Award MSc Pathway Title Real Estate Management Required amendments 17. Please add IELTS score of 6.5 23.1 Please remove these modules and add to level 4 (with new L4 codes) 26. Please change the level 3 modules (above) to level 4. Pre-Requisite Modules Level 3 Quality Assurance Division 9 Confirmed Module Code Module Title EB315042S Construction Technology New/Existing Approved Y/N New Y Required Amendments 6a. Please add the assessment detail to description. 7. Please number learning outcomes 8. Please enter “150” as total hours 12. Do you want the min qualifying mark to be 35% like other BE modules? EB315043s Law for the Built Environment New Y 6a. Please add the assessment detail to description. 7. Please number learning outcomes 8. Please enter “150” as total hours 12. Do you want the min qualifying mark to be 35% like other BE modules? EB315044S Measuring and Estimating New Y 6a. Please add the assessment detail to description. 8. Please enter “150” as total hours 12. Do you want the min qualifying mark to be 35% like other BE modules? Quality Assurance Division 10 Confirmed