THE SENATE PATHWAY APPROVAL REPORT (Core and/or Franchised Provision) A confirmed report of the event held on 21 May 2009 to consider the approval of the following pathways: BA (Hons) Specialist Social Work: Social Work with Adults Graduate Diploma Specialist Social Work: Social Work with Adults Faculty of Health & Social Care Delivery of Pathways at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge & Chelmsford Quality Assurance Division SECTION A – OUTCOME SUMMARY 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 The purpose of the event was to consider the approval of the BA (Hons) Specialist Social Work: Social Work with Adults and Graduate Diploma Specialist Social Work: Social Work with Adults 1.2 The pathways will be located in the Social Work & Counselling programme, Social Work & Social Policy Department in the Faculty of Health & Social Care. 2. CONCLUSIONS 2.1 The Panel recommends to the Senate the approval of the following pathways: BA (Hons) Specialist Social Work: Social Work with Adults Graduate Diploma Specialist Social Work: Social Work with Adults Approval, once confirmed, will be for an indefinite period, subject to Anglia Ruskin’s continuing quality assurance procedures. The mode of attendance for each pathway will be part-time. 2.2 The Panel recommends to the Senate the approval of two new modules for delivery. The full titles of all new modules are provided in section D of this report. 2.3 Conditions Approval is subject to the following conditions which were set by the Panel. A copy of the response must be lodged with the Executive Officer by the date(s) detailed below: Details of Condition Deadline Response to be considered by 2.3.1 The Proposal Team shall review and re-submit the PSFs and MDFs to ensure amendments are made in line with the Technical Report and the discussions held at the Approval Event. (Paragraph 9.4) 12 June 2009 Chair, Executive Officer & Technical Officer 2.3.2 The Proposal Team shall re-visit and re-draft, as appropriate, the PSFs to reflect the observations of the Panel, in particular, the Intended Learning Outcomes and employment issues and to lodge a resulting revised mapping exercise. (Paragraphs 4.5 & 9.2) 12 June 2009 Chair & Executive Officer 2.3.3 The Proposal Team shall re-draft the Student Handbook to include: pathway specification information; the roles of relevant key personnel; and information relating to assessment tools, including patchwork texts. (Paragraphs 5.1 & 6.2) 12 June 2009 Chair & Executive Quality Assurance Division 2 Confirmed 2.4 Recommendations The following recommendations for quality enhancement were made by the Panel. A copy of the responses to the recommendations listed below must be lodged with the Executive Officer. The Faculty Board for the Faculty of Health & Social Care will consider the responses at its meeting of 13 October 2009: 2.4.1 2.5 Details of Recommendation Deadline It is recommended that the Proposal Team keeps under review the usefulness of a generic Student Handbook. (Paragraph 9.1) 12 June 2009 Issues Referred to the Senate (or appropriate standing committee) The Panel did not identify any institution-wide issues requiring the attention of the Senate or the appropriate standing committee of the Senate. Quality Assurance Division 3 Confirmed SECTION B – DETAIL OF DISCUSSION AND PANEL CONCLUSIONS 3 RATIONALE 3.1 The BA (Hons) and Graduate Diploma Specialist Social Work: Social Work with Adults were originally validated in 2008 as part of the suite of PQ Awards. The purpose of the reapproval event was to make the two pathways more balanced, accessible and flexible whilst continuing to meet the requirements of the General Social Care Council’s (GSCC’s) and those of local practitioners and employers. Delivery of the two pathways was schedules to start in September 2009. 4 CURRICULUM DESIGN, CONTENT AND DELIVERY 4.1 The terms adult and vulnerable adult were discussed. The Proposal Team was able to demonstrate what these terms meant/extended to in respect of the two pathways and also identified the modules that would relate to these such as Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults. 4.2 The student profile was of interest to the Panel. It was explained this varies by delivery site. For example in Chelmsford, the Assessing Risk module had 18 students and of those, approximately 14 students work with adults with learning difficulties and the rest with older people in a variety of settings. Whereas the cohort in Peterborough comprises mainly of students working with sensory and physical disabilities, together with learning disabilities. In terms of the delivery of the pathways, this is bespoke to meet the needs of the students in that area: focussing on the requirements of the individual learner and drawing on their expertise. 4.3 It was noted that the Proposal Team has links with larger agencies across the region but the Panel enquired as to smaller sized agencies. The Proposal Team confirmed there is less involvement with those - this was attributed to funding and time. However, it was hoped that if bursaries are maintained and expanded this may change over time. It was also felt that the use of VLEs would assist with distance learning. 4.4 A discussion took place regarding the Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) for the pathways. In addition to clarifying a number of specific points raised by the Panel, the Proposal Team was asked to amend the language used in relation to ILOs 1 and 3 in accordance with the Panel’s comments in order to ensure these appropriately conveyed the level and were sufficiently explicit. The Panel also felt that ILO 7 represented a skill and, as such, should be captured under Intellectual (thinking), practical, affective and transferable skill (16B) rather that Knowledge and Understanding (16A). (Condition 2.3.2) 4.5 The Proposal Team confirmed that the 21 units of the Occupational Standards would all be assessed in the Consolidation module Assessing Risk. The Panel considered this should be explicitly stated the Student Handbook. 5 ASSESSMENT STRATEGY 5.1 The Panel noted that the submission deadlines appeared to be heavily weighted at the end of the semester and asked how the Proposal Team would ensure that students receive the necessary formative feedback during the semester. The Proposal Team confirmed this would be achieved in part by the use of patchwork text which would enable the students to develop work with their peers and the tutor during the course of the module. It was explained that the patchwork text would consists of 3 patches/pieces of work from different perspectives that would be discussed at the time of writing with the last one weaving them together. These pieces of work could be reviewed/refined by the student prior to completing the assessment. In addition, workbooks would also be used and feedback Quality Assurance Division 4 Confirmed provided. The Panel was of the view that the use of patchwork text and other forms of formative feedback should be fully articulated in the Student Handbook and therefore made it a condition of the event. (Condition 2.3.3) 6 STAFFING, LEARNING RESOURCES AND STUDENT SUPPORT 6.1 The Panel noted the competing demands that would be placed on students in terms of work and study. The Proposal Team explained that local stakeholders are very keen for their workforce to post qualify and at the same time retain their staff. In view of this, it has been possible for staff at Anglia Ruskin to enter into working relationships with employers thus providing them with an understanding of what will be required of a student, particularly in terms of time. It was also noted that there has been a high retention rate for both the Mental Health & Child Care PQ Award pathways. The Panel concluded that the approach taken in respect of employer engagement is evidence that this approach work. 6.2 The Panel was of the view that roles of relevant key personnel, such as mentors, academic tutor and line managers, and their impact on the students should be made more explicit. Accordingly, it was decided this information would be best placed in the Student Handbook. (Paragraph 2.3.3) 7 NATIONAL, PROFESSIONAL AND STATUTORY BODY REQUIREMENTS 7.1 It was noted that the General Social Care Council (GSCC) had been made aware of the proposed changes and would be notified of the event outcome in due course. 8 DOCUMENTATION 8.1 The Student Handbook, which it was explained covers all the PQ Awards, was discussed and areas for improvement and change in respect of the Adult pathways were noted by the Proposal Team. Whilst the Panel accepted that the Student Handbook would dovetail with the module guides and that these would provide more detailed information in respect of each module, it was felt that the usefulness of having a generic Student Handbook should be keep under review. (Recommendation 2.4.1). 8.2 The Panel raised a number of points in respect of the PSFs. In particular box 17 needed to clearly state the entry requirements and should also make clear what would happen if a student lost their job during their time at Anglia Ruskin, as being in employment would be key to them achieving the pathway ILOs. Also, in line with earlier discussions, certain ILOs needed to be reviewed and where necessary amended and the relevant mapping exercise be revised in line with these changes. (Paragraph 2.3.2) 8.3 The Panel also raised a number of points regarding the MDFs as detailed on the Combined Checklist of Issues. It was noted that these and other points raised during the discussion would be captured in the Technical Report, a condition of the event, and that the Proposal Team would be provided with this report following the event. (Condition 2.3.1) 9 MISCELLANEOUS 9.1 The external panel member who had acted in the same capacity at the PQ Awards event in 2008 complimented the Proposal Team on this development. The Panel also thanked the Proposal Team for its input in the process and urged them not to undersell themselves. Quality Assurance Division 5 Confirmed 9 CONFIRMATION OF STANDARDS OF AWARDS 11.1 The Panel confirmed that the proposed BA (Hons) Specialist Social Work: Social Work with Adults and Graduate Diploma Specialist Social Work: Social Work with Adults pathways satisfied the University’s Academic Regulations with regard to the definitions and academic standards of Anglia Ruskin awards and, hence, the QAA’s Framework for Higher Education Qualifications. DRAFT UNCONFIRMED CONFIRMED FILE REF OFFICE FILE REF Quality Assurance Division 6 16 October 2009 28 October 2009 Confirmed SECTION C – DETAILS OF PANEL MEMBERSHIP AND PROPOSAL TEAM Internal Panel Members: Julia Ramsay (Chair) Shadow Deputy Head of Law Principal Lecturer - Law Faculty of Arts, Law & Social Sciences Dr Trevor Emmett Principal Lecturer Department of Life Sciences Faculty of Science & Technology External Panel Members: Jim Reid Senior Lecturer School of Education and Professional Development University of Huddersfield Jenny Smith Independent Social Work Consultant/ External Examiner Executive Officer: Sara Elliott Faculty Quality Assurance Officer Quality Assurance Division, Academic Office Technical Officer: Alex Toole Academic Regulations Officer Quality Assurance Division Academic Office Members of Proposal Team: Peter Scourfield Senior Lecturer Social Policy & Social Work Faculty of Health & Social Care Sarah Burch (Acting Head of Department) Social Work & Social Policy Faculty of Health & Social Care Andrew Maynard Programme Leader Social Work & Social Policy Faculty of Health & Social Care Adrian Black Principal Lecturer, Social Work Social Work & Social Policy Faculty of Health & Social Care Quality Assurance Division 7 Confirmed SECTION D – OUTCOME DATA Programme Department Faculty Collaborative Partner New/amended Awards Approved (nb intended awards Social Work & Counselling Social Work & Social Policy Faculty of Health & Social Care Title(s) of Named Pathway(s) Attendance mode and duration BA (Hons Specialist Social Work: Social Work with Adults Part-time 3-years Graduate Diploma Specialist Social Work: Social Work with Adults Part-time 2-years only, not intermediate awards) Validating body (if not Anglia Ruskin University) Professional body accreditation Proposal Team Leader Month and Year of the first intake Standard intake points Maximum and minimum student numbers Date of first Conferment of Award(s) Any additional/specialised wording to appear on transcript and/or award certificate Date of next scheduled Periodic Review Awards and Titles to be deleted (with month/year of last regular conferment) GSCC Peter Scourfield January 2010 NEW MODULES APPROVED DP330105S DP315069S DP315070S Social Work with Adults in Context Enabling Others Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Quality Assurance Division 8 Confirmed List of Post Qualifying Awards for Social Work as at 16 July 2009 BA (Hons) Specialist Social Work: Social Work with Adults Graduate Diploma Specialist Social Work: Social Work with Adults MA Advanced Social Work: Social Work with Adults Post-Graduate Diploma in Higher Specialist Social Work: Social Work with Adults BA (Hons) Specialist Social Work: Children and Young People, their Families and Carers Grad Dip Specialist Social Work: Children and Young People, their Families and Carers MA Advanced Social Work: Children and Young People, their Families and Carers Post-Graduate Diploma in Higher Specialist Social Work: Children and Young People, their Families and Carers MA Advanced Social Work: Leadership and Management Post-Graduate Diploma in Higher Specialist Social Work: Leadership and Management MA: Mental Health Services Post-Graduate Diploma: Mental Health Services Post-Graduate Certificate: Mental Health Services MA Advanced Social Work: Practice Education Post-Graduate Diploma in Higher Specialist Social Work: Practice Education Quality Assurance Division 9 Confirmed