THE SENATE PATHWAY APPROVAL REPORT (Core and/or Franchised Provision) A confirmed report of the event held on 26th May 2009 to consider the approval of the following pathways: BSc (Hons) Accounting & Finance BA (Hons) Tourism Management MSc Management [final stage] Ashcroft International Business School Delivery of Pathways at University Centre Peterborough Quality Assurance Division SECTION A – OUTCOME SUMMARY 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 The purpose of the event was to consider the delivery of the BSc (Hons) Accounting & Finance, BA (Hons) Tourism Management, and the final stage of the MSc Management at University Centre Peterborough. The final stage of the MSc Management will provide progression to Masters from the Postgraduate Diploma in Management already delivered by University Centre Peterborough. 1.2 The pathways will be located in the Chelmsford Programme in the Chelmsford Department in the Ashcroft International Business School. 1. CONCLUSIONS 2.1 The Panel recommends to the Senate the approval of the following pathways for delivery at University Centre Peterborough: BSc (Hons) Accounting & Finance; BA (Hons) Tourism Management; MSc Management. Approval, once confirmed, will be for an indefinite period, subject to Anglia Ruskin’s continuing quality assurance procedures. The pathways will be delivered in both part-time and full-time modes with cohort sizes across both modes as follows: 2.2 BSc (Hons) Accounting & Finance: 10 minimum; 30 maximum; BA (Hons) Tourism Management: 10 minimum; 30 maximum; MSc Management: 10 minimum; 20 maximum. Conditions Approval is subject to the following conditions which were set by the Panel. A copy of the response must be lodged with the Executive Officer by the date(s) detailed below: 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 Details of Condition Deadline Response to be considered by The Proposal Team shall submit electronic versions of the revised Pathway Specification Forms (PSFs) detailing the modules to be delivered at Peterborough Regional College (paragraphs 4.1 & 4.3 and Appendix 1); The Proposal Team shall submit a full set of Curriculum Vitaes (CVs) for all tutors delivering on the pathways (paragraph 6.7); The Proposal Team shall provide a recruitment plan to ensure the appointment of at least one tourism specialist by September 2010 and a staff development strategy for all tutors delivering the pathways (paragraphs 6.5 & 6.7); The Proposal Team shall resubmit the Student Handbooks incorporating the Panel’s comments regarding consistency of terms, typographical errors, correct referencing, etc (paragraph 9.1). 12th June 2009 Panel Chair & Executive Officer 12th June 2009 All Panel members 12th June 2009 All Panel members 12th June 2009 Panel Chair & Internal Panel member Quality Assurance Division 2 Confirmed 2.3 Recommendations The following recommendations for quality enhancement were made by the Panel. A copy of the responses to the recommendations listed below must be lodged with the Executive Officer. The Faculty Board for the Ashcroft International Business School will consider the responses at its meeting of 7th October 2009: 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.4 Details of Recommendation The Proposal Team should expand upon the Personal Development Planning (PDP) programme at University Centre Peterborough and how it will dovetail with the PDP incorporate within the pathways by the Faculty (paragraph 6.8); The Proposal Team should reconsider the designate modules proposed for delivery at the Centre and in particular how they will be published to students to ensure positive management of expectations (paragraph 4.1 & 4.3). Deadline 18th Sept. 2009 18th 2009 Sept. Issues Referred to the Senate (or appropriate standing committee) The Panel did not identify any institution-wide issues as requiring the attention of the Senate or the appropriate standing committee of the Senate. Quality Assurance Division 3 Confirmed SECTION B – DETAIL OF DISCUSSION AND PANEL CONCLUSIONS 3 RATIONALE 3.1 Peterborough has been identified by HEFCE (POLAR Data) as one of the UK’s main ‘cold spots’ in respect of higher education provision, progression to HE and participation rates. It has also been identified by the Government growth agenda as a sub-region in need of significant ‘upskilling’ and the addition of these pathways will go some way to improving the access to appropriate HE qualifications within the greater Peterborough area. 3.2 With regard to the proposed BSc (Hons) Accounting & Finance, there is a total of 670 business units (defined by ONS as registered for PAYE/VAT 2005-2007) providing financial intermediation in the Peterborough catchment area. A total of 13,235 people are employed in those businesses (ONS 2008). The University Centre Peterborough (UCP) catchment is characterised by hard to reach organisations and potential students whose preference is likely to be for strong local links, smaller class sizes and close relationships with their tutors and student support. They will tend to prefer ready and easy access to a local institution rather than extensive travel to more distant sites which will significantly interrupt daily work. 3.3 With regard to the proposed BA (Hons) Tourism Management, there are a significant numbers of schools and FE colleges acting as feeders for such a pathway. In addition, this will provide progression opportunities for the new 14-19 Diploma in this field and a variety of Access to HE courses. Current enrolments at Peterborough Regional College (PRC) are as follows: Travel & Tourism Diploma (Level 2) Travel & Tourism Year 1 (Level 3) Travel & Tourism Year 2 (Level 3) 38 22 16 Tourism is a top-ten employment sector in Peterborough by concentration relative to UK average, with a need for increasing diversification, e.g. from agriculture and rural businesses into these areas and increased growth in leisure-based activities. The proposal will also build upon existing strong links with potential sector employers ranging from the corporate headquarters of Thomas Cook to the smaller, independent, award-winning Travel Counsellors. PRC has delivered Edexcel’s Tourism Management awards previously. 3.4 Those who hold a management qualification are unlikely to be qualified above Level 3. The East of England skills analysis (2002-03) reported that higher skills, in particular management skills are crucial for improved productivity and the growth of knowledge industries. The provision of the progression to MSc Management is considered timely and necessary therefore. Timely in that all recent regional surveys highlight the need for Level 6 and higher training for managers in key industries, all of which are experiencing downsizing and releasing middle and senior managers to the labour market. As a result they are actively seeking opportunities to upskill and diversify their individual skillsets prior to local and regional economic recovery. UCP has 10 students registered on the first year of the PG Dip Management and 7 students registered on the second year and a strong Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT) course. 3.5 The Anglia Ruskin University/University Centre Peterborough/Peterborough Regional College Joint Venture Company (JVCo) has agreed to release £40,000 for marketing initiatives focussed on raising awareness of September 2009 opportunities. With Anglia Ruskin’s HEFCE employer engagement bid offering a 50% reduction of the fee for HE pathways the opportunity arises for a relationship-building exercise with the local business community to pump-prime numbers onto some of these pathways. A school Compact has already been produced and is currently being rolled out across all eleven local secondary/VI Form establishments who have supported and joined, approved by AimHigher. Quality Assurance Division 4 Confirmed 3.6 Peterborough City Council has been very active over the past twenty years in bringing a University to Peterborough. The City is very much behind the UCP JVCo, which has been a legal entity since August 2008. In addition to the new HE building being constructed on the PRC campus [c.f. paragraph 6.3], Bridge House and Guild House in the city are also being considered for additional facilities for UCP. 4 CURRICULUM DESIGN, CONTENT AND DELIVERY 4.1 The Panel queried the choices of designates proposed within each pathway. The Proposal Team confirmed that eight designate modules had been added to the list for the postgraduate Management pathway while the BSc (Hons) Accounting & Finance provided students with no choice in their module diet. The Proposal Team continued that the BA (Hons) Tourism Management has fewer designate modules within its structure. However, the Panel still felt that the number of designates proposed was considerable when compared with the number and specialisms of the proposed teaching team. The Proposal Team explained that not all designates proposed would be offered to students each year and that more would be available as the student numbers had expanded as the pathway became established. The proposal sought to achieve manageability with flexibility. Economies of scale in the delivery of designate modules would be sought wherever possible between the two undergraduate pathways and UCP’s existing delivery of the BA (Hons) Business Management and thus it was anticipated early cohorts would be offered the more generalist business modules than the more specialist modules. However, UCP is able to sustain a module enrolment of eight students. The Panel urged the Proposal Team to be aware of managing students’ expectations positively and to be cautious of marketing the full designate list if all modules would not be offered later. 4.2 The Panel pursued the discussion by enquiring whether full-time and part-time students would be co-taught. The Proposal Team confirmed that they would, in part. Due to the larger credit accumulation of full-time students they would be registered on more modules per semester than the part-time students but for half the full-time students’ study they would be co-taught with part-time students. Many modules would be taught twice a week however to accommodate both modes of delivery and across all undergraduate business pathways. The Proposal Team confirmed that the maximum cohort numbers identified would be across both delivery modes. 4.3 The Panel noted that an Independent Learning Module had been included within the designate lists. The Panel cautioned against an over-reliance on such a module, especially if registration upon it was as a result of dissatisfaction with the alternative designate modules available. Independent Learning Modules can become time-consuming for tutors and costly for the institution. 4.4 The Panel explored the curriculum management of modules and the development of teaching materials. The Proposal Team explained that each module is allocated a Module Leader at the main campus who develops a Module Guide, which includes teaching materials and the assessment which must be undertaken by all students registered on the module globally. It was acknowledged that the extent of teaching materials provided by the Faculty’s Module Leader varies between individuals but tutors at collaborative partners are expected to develop their own additional modules and localise the materials where necessary, while following the schedule outlined by the Faculty. While UCP does not have Teaching Fellows students do benefit from Teaching & Learning Specialists who are developing interactive teaching patterns. Additionally, students and tutors access further materials uploaded onto Anglia Ruskin’s Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), WebCT. The Proposal Team was confident that its HE students experienced a good mix of teaching strategies. Furthermore, PRC has pledged money within their corporate plan to develop their VLE. Quality Assurance Division 5 Confirmed 4.5 The new UCP building [c.f. paragraph 6.3] would provide the pathway teams with a large lecture capacity to add to their teaching methods. Video-streaming will also be available within the new lecture theatre. Opportunities to link with lectures on the main campus may be explored in the future. The current BA (Hons) Business Management delivery extends invitations to the Faculty’s lecturers to give one or two sessions each semester. These guest lectures would be available to students on the new pathways where appropriate. Furthermore, UCP is in the process of developing an open lecture series, to be opened by Anglia Ruskin’s Vice-Chancellor. The Panel noted that Natural England has an office in Peterborough and its Head Office is in Sheffield. Opportunities to link with such organisations and invite guest speakers could be available. 4.6 The Panel noted that the BA (Hons) Tourism Management pathway required a field trip to be undertaken by all students. The Proposal Team confirmed that they already organised field trips to Barcelona and Paris for their FE students. 5 ASSESSMENT STRATEGY 5.1 The Panel acknowledged that the assessment strategies for the pathways were varied and that UCP would be following the assessment strategy as defined in the Pathway Specification Forms (PSFs) and Module Definition Forms (MDFs). The Proposal Team explained that many of the modules have formative assessment activities on WebCT. Quizzes are often set by the Faculty in Weeks 6-7. The Panel was pleased to hear about the formative assessment activities as the MDFs did not detail these. 5.2 The discussion continued with regard to assessment. The Proposal Team confirmed that peer assessment is used within their current assessment strategy and students are keen to identify colleagues’ poor Harvard referencing, etc. Group presentations have also been found to benefit from peer assessment. 6 STAFFING, LEARNING RESOURCES AND STUDENT SUPPORT 6.1 The Panel was invited to tour the learning resources available to University Centre Peterborough at Peterborough Regional College. The Panel saw several teaching rooms accommodating approximately forty with moveable furniture to enable lecture-style and group teaching activities. The Proposal Team explained that the rooms were re-equipped with SMART boards and light box projectors through monies received for the College’s CoVE status. The Panel was informed that laptops are available to borrow by students from a central pool of IT resources. An IT suite is available in the floor above the main business and management teaching rooms. The Panel was taken to the student café and observed a number of vending machines for snack food and drinks around the College. 6.2 The Panel was shown around the College Library by a librarian. The librarian confirmed that texts are bought in alignment with the recommended texts from Module Leaders and copies are allocated as one reference copy, one short-term loan, and the remainder as standard loans. The Programme Committees offer students an opportunity to request more copies of a text to be made available either by reducing the number of texts on standard loan or by purchasing additional copies. The Library operates an off-air recording service enabling students to borrow copies of television programmes, etc, which is in the process of being copied from VHS to DVD. Study areas are also available, which can be booked by students, for self-directed group work. 6.3 The Panel was informed that the majority of teaching on the proposed pathways would be undertaken in the new UCP building. The Panel was shown architects’ drawings of the new £75 million building and was able to observe its construction opposite the current College campus. The new building will provide state-of-the-art teaching rooms, a large lecture hall Quality Assurance Division 6 Confirmed and conference rooms, as well as housing a small HE study area, a café and a 'one-stop shop' student support centre for the exclusive use of Higher Education students. The building will have its own JANET link so complications with firewalls, etc, experienced previously with the PRC link should no longer be an issue, thereby improving students’ access to Anglia Ruskin’s electronic resources. The construction is currently running ahead of schedule and is expected to be available for habitation from September 2009. 6.4 The Panel was invited to visit the College’s travel agency, The Travel Place. Open from Monday to Friday between 9.30am and 2.30pm, The Travel Place is an independent travel agent, offering a wide variety of holidays, foreign currency ordering service and airfare quotations to students and staff. The facility was felt to be a valuable resource for the BA (Hons) Tourism Management enabling students to appreciate the travel industry with a potential for work experience also. 6.5 The Panel queried the teaching teams for the proposed pathways. The Proposal Team explained that, under the JVCo Agreement, UCP draws tutors from PRC. PRC operates a rigorous continuing professional development (CPD) programme with new academic staff not already in possession of a teaching qualification required to achieve one within two years of their appointment. Tutors are required to pursue an ongoing CPD programme reporting to their appropriate Curriculum Director. Where appropriate, individuals may be recommended to register for a PhD. PRC’s Human Resources Department is in the process of reconsidering the HEA agreement it has with Anglia Ruskin and the College is joining Anglia Ruskin for CISCO updating. The Proposal Team believed that the crosscurriculum/cross-disciplinary teaching teams which the proposals would develop would be a strength to UCP’s business and management provision. 6.6 The Proposal Team explained that UCP and PRC had a well-established partnership with the Ashcroft International Business School (AIBS). Previously the partnership has not been strong in taking academic research into further papers and/or PhD registrations but the Faculty has a vision to be a practice-based business school with case study materials being brought into colleagues’ teaching. 6.7 The Panel noted that, as detailed in the CVs, the number of tourism and accounting specialists appeared to be very few. The Proposal Team confirmed that new staff would be sought in readiness for the second year of delivery if this approval event was successful. One tourism specialist had already been appointed and there remained a further tourism vacancy. Two further vacancies were to be filled within the management discipline area. The Panel noted that the approval document included a statement that ‘AIBS can provide the management expertise and subject knowledge to support in the local delivery …’ (Document 1, pg 5) and queried whether the Faculty would be expected to fill any gaps in the delivery team. The Proposal Team confirmed that this was not the case and that the statement referred to AIBS’ role in managing the pathway content and providing Module Guides, etc. The Panel noted that several specialist accounting modules were to be delivered by a tutor with a first degree in Psychology. The Proposal Team confirmed that the tutor did hold accountancy qualifications but that these had not been detailed in the CV submitted. The Panel agreed that the delivery team proposed currently were well-able to deliver the BA (Hons) Tourism Management at Level 1 but that additional specialists would need to be appointed to deliver the pathway at Levels 2 and 3. 6.8 The Proposal Team explained that Liz Knight, PRC’S Curriculum Director (Arts & Science), was working with our University to develop cross-discipline work in Personal Development Planning (PDP). The proposal is to link PDP with students’ employability. PDP is embedded within AIBS’ pathways within the Learning & Skills Development in Business, Research Skills and Undergraduate Major Project modules. However, it is proposed that UCP students will also undertake the local PDP project. Quality Assurance Division 7 Confirmed 7 QUALITY ASSURANCE AND ENHANCEMENT 7.1 The Panel noted that the proposed pathways would follow the same processes as the existing AIBS provision at UCP with students receiving an AIBS-derived Module Guide, the same assessment undertaken by students globally, students’ assessments moderated by the Faculty and ratified by the Faculty’s Department Assessment Panel and externally scrutinised by AIBS’ External Examiners within a global sample. The module tutors would be invited to the Faculty’s Moderation Days as currently and the Pathway Leaders would be invited to the Faculty’s Business & Management Discipline Network Group. 8 NATIONAL, PROFESSIONAL AND STATUTORY BODY REQUIREMENTS 8.1 It was confirmed that neither pathway was subject to the requirements of a national, professional or statutory body, although completion of the BSc (Hons) Accounting & Finance provided graduates with exemptions from some accounting professional bodies’ units. 9 DOCUMENTATION 9.1 One member of the Panel in particular had considered the Student Handbooks in considerable detail and agreed to forward her referenced notes to the Proposal Team for their reference. The Panel urged the Proposal Team to be clear and consistent in their use of terms, e.g. MDFs or Module Guides. The Panel recommended that the Proposal Team bring forward the more helpful information contained with the Student Handbooks, such as how to check your Anglia e-mail account. Additionally, the Panel recommended simply referencing the source document for information and regulations through a web link, etc, rather than copy verbatim the complementary document. Furthermore, the Proposal Team was recommended to check for typographic errors. 10 MISCELLANEOUS 10.1 The Panel thanked the Proposal Team for their hospitality and their robust answers to the Panel’s questions. 11 CONFIRMATION OF STANDARDS OF AWARDS 11.1 The Panel confirmed that the proposed delivery of the BSc (Hons) Accounting & Finance, BA (Hons) Tourism Management and progression to MSc Management pathways satisfied the University’s Academic Regulations with regard to the definitions and academic standards of Anglia Ruskin awards and, hence, the QAA’s Framework for Higher Education Qualifications. DRAFT UNCONFIRMED CONFIRMED FILE REF OFFICE FILE REF Quality Assurance Division 8 10th June 2009 29th June 2009 27th July 2009 J:\Services\Academic Office\Quality Assurance Division\Events\2008-09\AIBS\BU15 University Centre Peterborough - Accounting, Tourism & MSc Management\Reports\Accounting, Tourism & MSc Management @ UCP report.doc AIBS/UG-PG/89/BA (Hons) Tourism Management, BSc (Hons) Accounting & Finance and MSc Management at University Centre Peterborough Confirmed SECTION C – DETAILS OF PANEL MEMBERSHIP AND PROPOSAL TEAM Internal Panel Members: Dr David Reid (Chair) Deputy Dean and Head of Built Environment Department Faculty of Science & Technology Dr Tory Young MA English Pathway Leader Department of English, Communication, Film & Media Faculty of Arts, Law & Social Sciences External Panel Members: Dr Barbara Dexter Quality Enhancement Manager University of Derby Prof. Andrew Holder Professor of Environment & Tourism Centre for Research into Environment & Sustainable Tourism (CREST) University of Bedfordshire Executive Officer: Claire Moorey Faculty Quality Assurance Officer (Ashcroft International Business School) Quality Assurance Division, Academic Office Members of Proposal Team: Paul McDermott Academic Director University Centre Peterborough Perry Gardner Higher Education Programme Leader Peterborough Regional College Ellie Mills Higher Education Programme Leader Peterborough Regional College Paul Cooper Curriculum Director (ICT, Sport, Travel & Tourism, Hospitality) Peterborough Regional College Selina Reveley Curriculum Director (Education, Business, Management, Health & Care) Peterborough Regional College Adam Mee Advanced Curriculum Manager Peterborough Regional College Sandhya Sastry BA (Hons) Business Management and BA (Hons) Marketing Pathway Leader Peterborough Regional College Quality Assurance Division 9 Confirmed Sue Nuttall Travel & Tourism Co-ordinator Peterborough Regional College Chris Pursehouse Lecturer (Marketing) University Centre Peterborough Dr Jenny Gilbert Deputy Dean Ashcroft International Business School John Rayment JV Co-ordinator Ashcroft International Business School Quality Assurance Division 10 Confirmed SECTION D – OUTCOME DATA Programme Department Faculty Collaborative Partner New/amended Awards Approved (nb intended awards Chelmsford Chelmsford Ashcroft International Business School University Centre Peterborough Title(s) of Named Pathway(s) Attendance mode and duration only, not intermediate awards) BSc (Hons) Full-time – 3 years Part-time – 6 years Accounting & Finance Validating body (if not Anglia Ruskin University) Professional body accreditation Proposal Team Leader Month and Year of the first intake Standard intake points Maximum and minimum student numbers Date of first Conferment of Award(s) Any additional/specialised wording to appear on transcript and/or award certificate Date of next scheduled Periodic Review Awards and Titles to be deleted (with month/year of last regular conferment) Not applicable Not applicable Perry Gardner February 2010 September and February 30 max.;10 min. across attendance modes February 2013 None. 2009/10 None. NEW MODULES APPROVED None. Quality Assurance Division 11 Confirmed Programme Department Faculty Collaborative Partner New/amended Awards Approved (nb intended awards Chelmsford Chelmsford Ashcroft International Business School University Centre Peterborough Title(s) of Named Pathway(s) Attendance mode and duration only, not intermediate awards) BA (Hons) Full-time – 3 years Part-time – 6 years Tourism Management Validating body (if not Anglia Ruskin University) Professional body accreditation Proposal Team Leader Month and Year of the first intake Standard intake points Maximum and minimum student numbers Date of first Conferment of Award(s) Any additional/specialised wording to appear on transcript and/or award certificate Date of next scheduled Periodic Review Awards and Titles to be deleted (with month/year of last regular conferment) Not applicable Not applicable Ellie Mills September 2009 September and February 30 max.;10 min. across attendance modes July 2012 None. 2009/10 None. NEW MODULES APPROVED None. Quality Assurance Division 12 Confirmed Programme Department Faculty Collaborative Partner New/amended Awards Approved (nb intended awards Chelmsford Chelmsford Ashcroft International Business School University Centre Peterborough Title(s) of Named Pathway(s) Attendance mode and duration only, not intermediate awards) MSc Full-time – 18 months Part-time – 3 years Management Validating body (if not Anglia Ruskin University) Professional body accreditation Proposal Team Leader Month and Year of the first intake Standard intake points Maximum and minimum student numbers Date of first Conferment of Award(s) Any additional/specialised wording to appear on transcript and/or award certificate Date of next scheduled Periodic Review Awards and Titles to be deleted (with month/year of last regular conferment) Not applicable Not applicable Perry Gardner September 2009 September and February 30 max.;10 min. across attendance modes February 2010 None. 2009/10 None. NEW MODULES APPROVED None. Quality Assurance Division 13 Confirmed FOR FRANCHISE APPROVALS ONLY: LIST OF MODULE TUTORS AND MODULE CODES & TITLES (FOR INCLUSION IN THE REGISTER OF TEACHING STAFF) Marion Beard Dave Bimson Graham Bowes Andy Burton Jane Edlington Perry Gardner Peter Gardner Melissa Gauntlett Peter Gray Peter Hopgood Chris Jakeman Lynne Kirkham Chris Mayley Adam Mee Ellie Mills John Mullen* Sue Nuttall Chris Pursehouse Selina Reveley Monica Sage Sandhya Sastry Stephen Sharpe* Mike Walton Jacquie Wilkinson Debbie Williams Various BD130003S Tourism Geographies, BD330001S Developing Tourist Destinations BC315017S Strategic Management, BD315010S International Marketing, BC415022S Strategy into Action BD130002S Managing People, Finance & Marketing, BD415006S Learning & Development BD130002S Managing People, Finance & Marketing, BB215007S Budgeting, Planning & Control, BB215006S Management Accounting, BB315003S Auditing, Control & Communication, BB315006S Ethics & Governance, BC415006S Entrepreneurship & Innovation BD215006S Sociology of Leisure & Tourism BD215002S Learning & Development BD315013S Marketing Consultancy, BD315016S Strategic Marketing: A Contemporary Review BD130003S Tourism Geographies, BD230001S Ecotourism, BD315009S Wildlife & Tourism BC215010S Research Skills, BC415014S Leadership & Change BC115002S Business in Focus, BD215012S Marketing Research BB115004S Web Design for Business, BB315010S Taxation of UK Corporate Organisations, BB430001S Business Planning & Finance BD115002S Current Issues in Tourism, BC115996S Independent Learning Module, BD215014S Tourism Marketing, BD215008S Urban Tourism, BD215007S Sustainable Tourism Solutions, BC330998S Undergraduate Major Project, BD315018S International Tourism Management, BC315996S Independent Learning Module, BD315001S Dark Tourism BC115004S Learning & Skills Development in Business BB215005S Information Systems, BB315008S Project Planning & Control BD415011S Professional & Organisational Development BD115002S Current Issues in Tourism, BD315018S International Tourism Management BD215014S Tourism Marketing, BD215012S Marketing Research, BD315013S Marketing Consultancy, BD315010S International Marketing, BD315016S Strategic Marketing: A Contemporary Review, BD415021S International Marketing, BC415022S Internet Marketing BD215002S Learning & Development BC115004S Learning & Skills Development in Business BC130001S Business Environment, BB215005S Information Systems, BC230001S International Business, BC215010S Research Skills, BC315003S Cross-Cultural Issues in International Management, BC415001S Business Environment, BC415019S Project Management, BC415020S Research Methods for Managers BC415016S Operations Management BB215001S Advanced Financial Accounting, BB215007S Budgeting, Planning & Control, BB215004S Financial Accounting, BB315005S Financial Management, BB315009S Strategic Management Accounting, BC415014S Finance for Non-Financial Managers BB115002S Introduction to Business Law BC115001S Analysis of Business, BC115002S Business in Focus BC460998S Postgraduate Major Project, BC445998S Postgraduate Major Project, BC430998S Postgraduate Major Project * Ashcroft International Business School member of staff Quality Assurance Division 14 Confirmed Appendix 1 Award Pathway Title Required amendments BSc (Hons) Accounting & Finance 3. Add University Centre Peterborough as location of delivery; 7. Add University Centre Peterborough’s Pathway Leader to list; 26. Add University Centre Peterborough’s structure diagram. BA (Hons) Tourism Management 3. Add University Centre Peterborough as location of delivery; 7. Add University Centre Peterborough’s Pathway Leader to list; 26. Add University Centre Peterborough’s structure diagram. MSc Management 3. Add University Centre Peterborough as location of delivery; 7. Add University Centre Peterborough’s Pathway Leader to list; 26. Add University Centre Peterborough’s structure diagram. Claire Moorey Executive Officer 27 May 2009 Quality Assurance Division