English 1301 Freshman Composition I, Fall 2014 Instructor Name: Sampada Chavan Email Address: sampada.chavan@hccs.edu Assignment #3: Summary/Strong Response Description of Assignment The Summary-Strong Response essay is just what the title says. It is the summary of an article and your response to the article’s arguments. In order to write this assignment, first of all you will have to understand the argument or points that the article’s writer makes. Your summary of the article will reflect your complete understanding of it, whereas, the response will be a piece by piece analysis of the writer’s argument/s. In both these activities, you will have to show a good comprehension of the article in hand, as well as show your own views regarding the ideas posed by the writer. Requirements You will have to choose one of the articles that I have chosen for this assignment (either Overall, Deresiewicz, Frazen, or Martin). Choose an article that you identify with the most and one that you have a significant knowledge of. You will use the text and our in-class writing for help while writing your summary. The summary will be approximately 300 words long, and you should develop it over time with rewrites. It should contain a few quotes from the primary article and must not contain any of your views, i.e the summary should be unbiased. Refer to the “How to Write Summary” handout when working on your summary. You will save your opinions for the response. Use the skills you learned in the belief/doubt game and make three distinct points to respond to the article. You will not make these points in the form of bullets or numbers, but they will be obvious from the way you write and your paragraph formation. When you make your three points, make sure that at least one point believes the writer, and one point doubts him/her. The third point can be either believe or doubt, which would show that you lean on one side of the argument rather than on the fence. You might need to look at outside sources to support your claims. Be prepared for your ideas to change and grow with research you do. You are required to use at least one outside and scholarly source for this essay. Format You will follow the MLA format in order to write this assignment. Feel free to search the internet for sources as well as guidance with the MLA format. Use Times New Roman pt. 12 font. The essay need not be a five-paragraph essay, but for all intents and purposes use this following format: Para Para Para Para Para 1 : Introduction (i.e. Summary) 2: Belief 3: Doubt 4: Belief/Doubt 5: Conclusion You may increase the number of paragraphs you dedicate to each belief/doubt, however, make sure you only address one idea in each point. The response should be concentrated toward only three distinct ideas of the original writer. Use quotes from the article to indicate which point you are responding to and state why you agree or disagree with them. Use outside research and your own thoughtful ideas to make the reader understand how you are reacting to the author. Grading Criteria I will grade your final draft on the following criteria: 3-5 pages long A succinct summary of the article Valid and knowledgeable response points Validity and use of outside sources to support your points Correct use of MLA format Due Date Check turnitin.com and class instructions