Title Reference AR-RMD-HSMS02

Anglia Ruskin University Higher Education Corporation
Risk Management
Responsibilities for Health and Safety Management
Review dates
May - 11
Jan - 07
Jan - 08
P. Varley
Authorised Name:
M. Thorne
Vice Chancellor
Issued by
Risk Management
AR-RMD-HSMS02/Issue 9.0
Sept 2012
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Anglia Ruskin University Higher Education Corporation
Risk Management
Responsibilities for Health and Safety Management
Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary .................................................................................. 2
2. Responsibilities for Health and Safety Management ................................ 3
2.1 Policy..................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Compliance ........................................................................................... 3
2.3 Application............................................................................................. 4
3. Responsibilities for Health and Safety Management ................................ 4
3.1 Vice Chancellor and Board of Governors .............................................. 4
Health and Safety Policy Group .................................................................... 4
3.3 Secretary and Clerk .............................................................................. 4
3.4 Faculty Deans and Heads of Support Services ..................................... 4
3.5 All Managers ......................................................................................... 5
3.6 Policy Makers ........................................................................................ 5
3.7 Planners ................................................................................................ 6
3.8 Implementers ........................................................................................ 7
4. Health and Safety Objectives ................................................................... 8
5. General Recommendation’s ..................................................................... 8
Appendix 1 – Health and Safety Flowchart ................................................. 10
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Anglia Ruskin University Higher Education Corporation
Risk Management
Executive Summary
Under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and the
Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, Anglia
Ruskin have a duty to protect the health, safety and welfare of all
affected by our undertaking. Overall responsibility for the management
of Health and Safety lies with the Board of Governors and Vice
Chancellor, with certain aspects delegated to other parties.
These other parties, who will actively promote a positive safety culture,
and their duties, are as follows:
Policy Makers – members of the Health and Safety Policy Group
The Policy Makers are responsible for providing
leadership and direction to safeguard the health, safety and welfare
of those involved in Anglia Ruskin business
Planners – members of the University Health and Safety
Committee. The Planners are responsible for implementation of
the University HSMS
Implementers – members of the Cambridge and Essex Campus
Health and Safety Committees, and the Faculty Deans and Heads
of Support Services and safety coordinators. The Implementers are
responsible for ensuring local compliance with both the University
HSMS and Faculty/Support Services Health and Safety policies and
This policy also details the responsibilities of Anglia Ruskin’s
employees, with regard to the management of Health and Safety.
Originating Legislation:
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
Management of Health and Safety Regulations 1999
Other relevant documents:
Health and Safety Management System
Review, Formulation and Development of the University’s
Health and Safety Management System
Supervision and Management
Health and Safety Committees
The Provision of Health and Safety Assistance
Review, Formulation and Development of Faculty and
Support Services Health and Safety Management
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Anglia Ruskin University Higher Education Corporation
Risk Management
Responsibilities for Health and Safety Management
Anglia Ruskin is committed to ensuring that all its employees are
consistently provided with a level of competent Health and Safety
management appropriate to the degree of risk associated with their
Anglia Ruskin will ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that the
risks to the Health and Safety of staff, students and visitors will be
managed in compliance with the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act
1974, the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
and other appropriate regulations and guidance.
To comply with the relevant legislation and guidance, Anglia Ruskin
Appoint competent persons, within Risk Management, to assist
Anglia Ruskin in understanding, coming to terms with and
complying with the Regulations
Clearly define the role of all personnel in order to help them to
effectively meet their responsibilities within the University Health
and Safety Management System (HSMS)
Ensure that all staff are suitably trained to deal with the Health and
Safety issues relevant to their position
Identify the possible hazards to the health, safety and welfare of
staff, students and visitors through carrying out their legitimate
Anglia Ruskin activities (work tasks, study etc)
Identify and implement reasonably practicable control measures to
control the risks to the health, safety and welfare of staff, students
and visitors
Ensure that Faculty Deans and Heads of Support Services have
made arrangements for suitable and sufficient written assessment
of the risks posed to the health, safety and welfare of their staff,
students and visitors (who are required to carry out manual
handling operations)
Provide suitable and sufficient information, instruction, training and
supervision to all relevant staff, students and visitors
Ensure effective liaison with local authorities and other external
bodies where appropriate
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Anglia Ruskin University Higher Education Corporation
Risk Management
This policy document applies to all staff, as all staff has responsibilities
under Health and Safety legislation. It describes the responsibilities of
individuals and groups for the establishment, ongoing development,
and implementation, monitoring and reviewing of the HSMS.
Responsibilities for Health and Safety Management
The following responsibilities have been assigned for Health and
Safety management within the University (see Appendix 1):
Vice Chancellor and Board of Governors
The Vice Chancellor and Board of Governors have overall
responsibility for the establishment, ongoing development,
implementation, monitoring and review of the HSMS.
appropriate objectives and ensuring sufficient resources are allocated
to achieve these objectives
Health and Safety Policy Group
The Health and Safety Policy Group (HSPG) has been delegated
responsibility for planning and guiding the ongoing development,
implementation, monitoring and review of the HSMS
Secretary and Clerk
The Secretary and Clerk has been delegated the overall responsibility
for the day-to-day management of all Health and Safety issues,
including ensuring the Board are appraised of;
 The degree of compliance with current health and safety
 Areas or activities where health and safety procedures are
absent or inadequate.
 The achievement of specific health and safety objectives.
 Comparison of the University’s achievements in health and
safety with the performance of other organisations.
Faculty Deans and Heads of Support Services
The Faculty Deans and Heads of Support Services have been
delegated the responsibility for;
 Ensuring the planned implementation of the HSMS within
their area of authority
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Anglia Ruskin University Higher Education Corporation
Risk Management
 Producing detailed plans, which will enable the H&S policy to
be achieved
 Co-ordinate advice to ensure the effective planning of, as
well as the implementation of safety procedures, policies etc.
 The establishment, ongoing development, implementation,
monitoring and review of policies and procedures required to
control the Health and Safety issues specific to their area of
All Managers
All other Managers are responsible for the implementation of the
HSMS and local Health and Safety policies and procedures
Policy Makers
The Vice Chancellor and Board of Governors alongside the members
of the HSPG are assigned as the Policy Makers within Anglia Ruskin.
The Policy Makers are responsible for providing leadership and
direction so that the health, safety and welfare of all employees,
students and other persons affected by the University’s activities are
assured. The HSPG comprises:
Secretary and Clerk (Chair)
Director of Estates and Facilities Management
Head of Security
Director of HRS
Dean of Science and Technology
Head of Risk Management (ex-officio)
Their responsibilities include:
The review and development of the University Health and Safety
Policy Statement and HSMS
Ensuring, at strategic level, the ongoing development,
implementation, monitoring and review of the HSMS and Faculty/
Support Services Health and Safety policies and procedures by;
 Ensuring that there is a clear management structure in place
 Approving formal procedures
 Ensuring that any required resources are made available
Setting and agreeing corporate level plans for the improvement and
review of the HSMS and Faculty/ Support Services Health and
Safety policies and procedures. These plans will form a section of
the overall University, Faculty or Support Services strategic plans
and will contain specific objectives for the next year or longer
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Anglia Ruskin University Higher Education Corporation
Risk Management
3.7 Planners
Persons assigned responsibility as Planners (these are the members
of the University Health and Safety Committee) are responsible for:
Working with Risk Management in establishing detailed plans and
strategies for local implementation of the HSMS and Faculty/
Support Services Health and Safety policies and procedures.
These will;
 Establish priorities for attaining objectives
 Recommend to the Vice Chancellor the allocation of
resources for implementation of the objectives
 Set deadlines for implementation
 Ensure the participation of staff, as appropriate, in the
formulation and development of the plans and strategies
 Allocate responsibilities to individuals to achieve Health and
Safety objectives, and ensure these have been agreed with
each designated individual
Integrating the strategies to implement Health and Safety policies
and procedures into the general activities of the organisation
Producing formal procedures to plan the ongoing development,
implementation, monitoring and review of the HSMS and Faculty/
Support Services Health and Safety policies and procedures
Ensuring there are formal arrangements to ensure consultation with
employees, or their representative, on Health and Safety issues
that may affect them
Ensuring that there are formal arrangements for the acquisition and
dissemination of Health and Safety information, both within the
University and Faculties/ Support Services and as appropriate, to
other bodies
Ensuring that there are arrangements to ensure the Health and
Safety competency of all employees, students and contractors
Ensuring systematic risk assessment are undertaken and the
development and implementation of appropriate risk control
Ensuring that there are arrangements for the systematic auditing of
the HSMS
Ensuring that there are arrangements to ensure the University and
Faculties/ Support Units have access to appropriate sources of
Health and Safety expertise and advice to assist the formulation,
ongoing development, implementation, monitoring and review of the
HSMS and Faculty/ Support Services Health and Safety policies
and procedures.
Ensuring that they keep themselves up to date with changes in
safety legislation and good practices relevant to the University
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Anglia Ruskin University Higher Education Corporation
Risk Management
The members of the Essex and Cambridge Campus Health and Safety
Committees and the Faculty Deans and Safety coordinators and
Heads of Support Services are assigned responsibility as
Implementers. They are responsible for ensuring compliance with
the requirements of the HSMS and Faculty/ Support Services Health
and Safety policies and procedures within their area of authority.
These duties include:
The formulation, ongoing development, implementation, monitoring
and review of Health and Safety policies and procedures within
individual Faculties and Support Services
The provision of the necessary physical and human resources and
information to enable tasks to be carried out without risk to Health
and Safety. Where resources available to the Implementers are
insufficient, they should refer the matter to the Vice Chancellor
Active participation in planned inspections and accident
investigation activities
The provision of timely feedback on Health and Safety
performance, including successes and failures, to the HSPG in
order to help their review of the HSMS. This will include information
concerning deficiencies in Health and Safety plans, standards,
policies, procedures and systems
Ensuring an active participation of their staff in Health and Safety
Ensuring all their staff are competent to carry out their assigned
duties in a safe and effective manner
Co-operating with the Planners, Risk Management and Safety Coordinators1 in the implementation of their assigned functions
Ensuring that local emergency arrangements are maintained at a
suitable and effective level
The promotion and development by all safety advisors of a positive
safety culture
In addition to the duties detailed above, Planners and Implementers
have the same duties as all other employed individuals, as outlined
below. These general duties of employees are legal obligations and
are contained in the Health and Safety at Work, etc. Act 1974 and the
Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999.
Note: The Safety Co-ordinators are not responsible for the implementation of the HSMS or
the Faculty/Support Services Health and Safety policies and procedures, but will provide
professional support to the assigned Implementers
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Anglia Ruskin University Higher Education Corporation
Risk Management
Health and Safety Objectives
All persons or groups assigned responsibly for achieving health and
safety objectives shall;
Receive sufficient training to ensure they are competent to perform
their assigned duties
Produce detailed plans and strategy statements designed to ensure
that assigned objectives are achieved
Set a schedule for any required planning meetings in order to
maintain progress
Identify the expected outcomes from this planning process. These
should include:
 New procedures and supporting Safe Systems of Work (these
documents will be subject to the Control of Health and Safety
Documents procedure, AR-RMD-HSMS12)
 Reviewing and revising, as necessary, existing procedures and
Safe Systems of Work
 Identifying the outcome indicators that will enable Anglia Ruskin
to verify that objectives have been met
 Devising an implementation programme that contains detailed
targets to be achieved in order to meet the assigned objectives.
 This will also identify required resources, new competencies and
tools required
ensure successful
 Ensuring they take into account changes in legislation and
safety management relevant to Anglia Ruskin and information
provided by implementing managers and staff as well as
inspection and accident investigation reports
 Ensuring that the planning process is recorded
 Submitting progress reports on an agreed basis to the Health
and Safety Policy Group
General Recommendation’s
As stated in section 3 the main responsibility for ensuring the Health
and Safety of all persons who could be affected by the University’s
activities lies with the Vice Chancellor and those groups mentioned
above. However, each and every employee and student must play
their part otherwise a satisfactory level of safety will not be achieved.
In the context of this document the reference to employees should be
regarded to include all employed individuals including temporary
workers and trainees.
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Anglia Ruskin University Higher Education Corporation
Risk Management
The general duties of employees are:
 To take reasonable care for the Health and Safety of themselves
and other persons (including members of the public) who may
foreseeably be affected by their acts or omissions at work
 To co-operate with their managers, or any other person (e.g.
contractors working on site), to enable them to comply with the
duties and requirements imposed on them to the required standard.
This requires the employees to follow established safe systems of
work and any verbal work instructions given by their immediate
 Not to intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything
provided for the purpose of protecting their health, safety and
 Not to use machinery, equipment, substances, transport equipment
or other means of production, or safety device except in conformity
with the training and instruction provided
 To report accidents, and co-operate in their investigation, in order
that remedial actions can be developed to help prevent a reoccurrence
 To notify their manager of any work situation of which they become
aware that has the potential for serious or imminent danger to
Health and Safety
 To notify their manager of any shortcomings in protective measures
of which they become aware
Where necessary specific additional roles will be defined and formally
communicated to the relevant persons.
The responsibilities of Risk Management with assistance from Safety
Co-ordinators for providing specialist technical and legal advice are
detailed in the HSMS chapter on ‘The Provision of Health and Safety
Assistance’ (AR-RMD-HSMS16). They will be supported by other
health and safety specialists (such as RoSPA, HSE, and British Safety
Council) as required in;
 Assisting in planning and setting H&S objectives
 Advise on auditing and reviewing the HSMS
 Maintaining information and giving advice on Law and best practice
 Assisting in the development of facilities and safe systems of work
 Assisting in the provision of health surveillance and workplace &
equipment inspections
 Liaising with other H&S organisations
 Keep records of HSMS review for a minimum of three years
The roles of the Safety Committee and the Employee Representatives2
are detailed in the HSMS chapter on ‘Health and Safety Committees’
Note: As with Safety Co-ordinators, Employee Representatives are not responsible for the
implementation of the HSMS or the Faculty/Support Services Health and Safety policies and
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Anglia Ruskin University Higher Education Corporation
Risk Management
Appendix 1 – Health and Safety Flowchart
Anglia Ruskin Health and Safety
Board of Governors
Vice Chancellor
Policy Makers
Health and Safety Policy Group
University Health and
Safety Committee
Cambridge Campus
Health and Safety
Essex Campus
Health and Safety
Faculty or Central
Unit Committees
Faculty or Central
Unit Committees
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