Performance Evaluation – Unclassified, Unrepresented Employees Name: ____________________________________ Review Date: __________________________________ Title: ______________________________________ Evaluation Period: _______________ to _____________ Department: ________________________________ Date Started Present Job: ________________________ Manager/Director: ___________________________ Date First Employed at UC: _______________________ Instructions to evaluator: Objectively consider the employee’s performance in the current position and indicate the level most appropriate for each rating factor. The rating should reflect the employee’s actual job performance over the evaluation period, and not the anticipated performance or potential to perform the job. Care should be taken to relate performance, written Goals and Objectives, as well as the job description, in the determination of this rating. RATING SCALE 5 = Outstanding Performs at an exceptional level, above what is considered customary. Level of job performance is clearly superior within the unit, and recognizably so by peers throughout the division. Consistently and significantly exceeds established levels of performance. 4 = Exceeds Standards Performs all expected tasks effectively. Possesses all necessary skills. Goes beyond the usual. Has made a significant contribution to the unit, division, and university in more than a single effort and while performing the job at above satisfactory level. 3 = Meets Standards Performance meets the job requirements, and most expected tasks are completed satisfactorily. Employee is competent and dependable. Quality of work is consistent. 2 = Improvement Needed Performance is at the minimal level to meet job requirements. Skills need further development. Quality of work is inconsistent. 1 = Below Standards Performance is below the minimal level. remedial attention, and change. Requires significant supervision, 1. Assessment of Individual/Departmental Performance Goals and Objectives: Please review the status column of the employee’s Goals and Objectives, and attach a copy. Verify that the employee identified clear goals with effective measures leading to positive results. 2. Please list and describe at least three major work-related achievements that occurred in the current performance evaluation period. 3. Please list honors and/or recognition awarded in the current performance evaluation period. Include prestige awards, publications, speeches/presentations, degrees, certifications, key positions held in professional associations, etc. 4. Identify two or three major strengths of the individual. Use examples to show how these strengths have been demonstrated. 5. Attributes Affecting Job Performance: These factors may be defined in different ways in each department. It is up to the supervisor to communicate the standards and to define these factors as they relate to each individual’s responsibilities. Please rate these factors according to the following scale: 5 = Outstanding 4 = Exceeds Standards 3 = Meets Standards 2 = Improvement Needed 1 = Below Standards Ability to Withstand Pressure Adaptability Attitude/Cooperation Commitment to Division/Unit Communication Skills/Public Relations Dependability Initiative Interpersonal Skills Job Knowledge Service Orientation Comments: 6. Please rate the following performance areas according to the following scale, and provide comments: 5 = Outstanding 4 = Exceeds Standards 3 = Meets Standards 2 = Improvement Needed 1 = Below Standards a) Meeting Division Goals — directing unit and/or contributing in a manner to support divisional key themes and functional area goals Comments: b) Financial Responsibility — contributing to the financial success of the department: managing funding resources and deficits, creating cost efficiencies, and encouraging entrepreneurial activities Comments: c) Leadership –– for the unit and representative for the Division: serves as an effective role model, leading people to work together for productivity, quality, and service. Ability to give clear, concise directions, effectively delegate work, guide and direct subordinates, and influence others. Comments: Administrative & Business Services Administrative/Professional Staff Evaluation Form 2 d) Planning/Organization Skills — ability to effectively plan and organize work and establish priorities Comments: e) Human Resource Development and Management — providing effective supervisory and management skills including problem resolution, training and staff development, hiring and staffing, and maintaining employee morale Comments: f) Team Player — cooperating with others across the Division and with other units in the University Comments: g) Conflict Resolution/Change Management — resolving conflict, proposing/implementing creative solutions, and adapting to changing institutional culture Comments: h) Problem Solving/Reasoning–– demonstrated ability to think through a task, project, or controversial matter, draw proper conclusions from situations, and make sound recommendations and decisions Comments: i) Quality of Work –– accuracy, thoroughness and effectiveness on the job and demonstrated initiative to continuously improve processes and operations Comments: j) Quantity of Work––accomplishments and amount of work completed with regard to timeliness, current responsibilities and workload Comments: k) Professional Development (Self Improvement) –– initiative taken by the individual to improve job skills (attending training, self-study, and other development activities) Comments: l) Attendance –– sets example for unit in terms of attendance, absenteeism, and punctuality Comments: 7. Summary Evaluation: Use all qualitative information in this evaluation to determine the overall performance level. Please check one. _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ 5 = Outstanding 4 = Exceeds Standards 3 = Meets Standards 2 = Improvement Needed 1 = Below Standards 8. Developmental needs recommended by the evaluator: Outline specific steps this individual might take with support and guidance to improve/enhance present job performance or to prepare for promotion. Be specific as to areas and timetable. (Consider college credit/non-credit courses, seminars, training, special projects or assignments, specific coaching, etc.) Administrative & Business Services Administrative/Professional Staff Evaluation Form 3 9. Additional comments by the evaluator: 10. Comments by the employee: 11. Summary statement by the evaluator: To be completed after discussion with the individual. Indicate any significant reactions. Employee’s Signature: Date: Evaluator’s Signature: Date: Optional, at the Director’s Request Comments by Reviewer: Reviewer’s Signature: Date: Note: The above signature by the employee does not denote agreement or disagreement on the evaluation. All of the signatures are to represent the sharing of this performance evaluation with the employee. Any additional comments or clarifications can be attached. Rev 10/03 Administrative & Business Services Administrative/Professional Staff Evaluation Form 4