QSC 19th October 2011 CURRICULUM MANAGEMENT CHANGES Plan CM1 forms have been submitted for the following for approval by QSC: FACUTLY OF ARTS, LAW AND SOCIAL SCIENCES REF AWARD TITLE ALSS 01-11 BA (Hons) Creative Music Technology and Music Page 1. ALSS 02-11 BA (Hons) Page 3. ALSS 03-11 Community Arts: Theatre Practice NATURE OF CHANGE Proposal to delete pathway at sole delivery site in Cambridge Deletion proposed due to small cohort size Students not impacted, existing students will be seen out With effect from September 2011 Proposal to delete pathway at sole delivery site University Centre Peterborough Deletion proposed due to pathway rationalisation exercise Students not impacted, existing students will be seen out With effect from September 2011 BA (Hons) History and English Literature Proposal to delete two pathways at sole delivery site University Centre Peterborough BA (Hons) History and Sociology Deletion proposed by University Centre Peterborough Students not impacted, existing students will be seen out With effect from September 2011 Page 5. QSC CM1 Proposals 19th October 2011 Page 1 of 6 OUTCOME COMMENTS/CONDITIONS Approved Approved Approved Academic Office LORD ASHCROFT INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SCHOOL REF AWARD TITLE LAIBS 01/11 PG Dip Human Resource Management Page 7. LAIBS 02/11 BA (Hons) Tourism Management Page 9. LAIBS 03/11 PG Cert Management PG Dip Page 11. QSC CM1 Proposals 19th October 2011 NATURE OF CHANGE OUTCOME COMMENTS/CONDITIONS Proposal to provide block delivery mode at Chelmsford within a standard semester pattern The proposed delivery mode will be in addition to trimester delivery at Chelmsford, Cambridge and University Centre Peterborough Proposal is following changes in the CIPD’s professional standards, the alternative delivery will replace the CIPD Flexi programme and offer students three one-day workshops across the semester No students impacted, current students will remain on their existing CIPD programme of study With effect from January 2012 Proposal to provide an additional delivery mode by distance learning to the existing face-to-face delivery mode to be hosted by Chelmsford only The pathway would be delivered in collaboration with Education for Advancement (EFA) whom Anglia Ruskin University already have a collaborative agreement with for the distance learning BA (Hons) Law No impact to students With effect from February (2012 subject to successful pathway approval event) Proposal to delete pathways delivered at Cambridge only, known as the CiM and DMS respectively Recruitment to the MSc Management will continue No impact to students With effect from November 2011 Page 2 of 6 Approved Approved for September 2012 start unless it can be demonstrated that the Pathway Team are ready for an approval event to take place by December 2011 Approved Academic Office FACULTY OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE REF AWARD TITLE FHSCE 01/11 MSc Medical and Healthcare Education PG Dip Page 13. PG Cert FHSCE 02/11 DN230008S DN230008D DN230008T Overseas Nurses Programme Level 2 DN215008S Overseas Nurses Protected Learning Level 2 MSc OUTCOME COMMENTS/CONDITIONS Proposal to add full-time delivery mode at Chelmsford and Fulbourn No impact to students With effect from January 2012 Change of responsibility between departments Old department: Page 15. FHSCE 03/11 NATURE OF CHANGE Adult Critical Care PG Dip Page 17. QSC CM1 Proposals 19th October 2011 Approved New department: Primary and Public Health Proposal will move the modules which have an acute care focus to the more appropriate department and aid administrative arrangements External Examiner duties will be accommodated No impact on students, all current students will be able to complete their studies without any impact With effect from September 2011 Proposal to change pathway titles Old pathway title: Acute Care New pathway title: MSc/PG Dip/ PG Cert Adult Critical Care Proposal to address the concerns raised by the validation panel meeting in April 2011 to change the title to reflect the theoretical nature of the pathway No impact on students as course has not yet commenced Validation event scheduled to take place on 4th November 2011 With effect from October 2011 PG Cert Approved Page 3 of 6 MSc/PG Dip/ PG Cert Applied Theoretical Perspectives in Adult Critical Care Not approved Proposed pathway title too complex, committee suggest the title be debated at the validation event and resubmit Academic Office REF AWARD TITLE FHSCE 04/11 PG Dip Counselling PG Cert And Page 19. NATURE OF CHANGE Proposal to change pathway titles for intermediate awards within MSc Counselling Old pathway title: Counselling Studies OUTCOME COMMENTS/CONDITIONS New pathway title: PG Dip/PG Cert Counselling Studies PG Dip Advanced Counselling Skills PG Cert Counselling Skills Previous change to pathway title (MSc) from PG Cert Counselling to PG Cert Counselling Studies FHSC34/10 The proposed changes of the tiles better reflect the focus and nature of the pathway which applied clinical counselling practice No impact to students as course has not yet commenced With effect from October 2011 Not approved Proposed titles are not deemed suitable for intermediate awards for MSc Counselling FACULTY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY REF AWARD TITLE FST 01/11 Change of Programme title Current pathways: HNC Engineering (HRC, UCP) BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering MSc Engineering Management MSc Mobile Telecommunications BEng (Hons) Integrated Engineering (UCP only) FdSc Engineering (UCP, Huntingdon) FdSc Motorsport Engineering (COWA only) Page 21. Partner delivery sites in brackets QSC CM1 Proposals 19th October 2011 NATURE OF CHANGE Proposal to change programme title Old Programme title: OUTCOME COMMENTS/CONDITIONS Design and Engineering New Programme title: Engineering Proposal due to the phasing out of several pathways, all remaining pathways to be delivered will be engineering related and not related to design All current students will be impacted but Faculty does not foresee any issues With effect from September 2011 Page 4 of 6 Approved Academic Office REF AWARD TITLE FST 02/11 Change of Programme title Current pathways: BSc (Hons) Business Information Systems (Harlow College, LICT Kuching, Aegeon Omiros Athens) BSc (Hons) Network Infrastructure & Security MSc Business Information Systems MSc Network Management (Amity – recruitment not yet permitted) MSc Network Security (SAM Trinidad recruitment not yet permitted) BSc (Hons) Business Technology Management (Excelsior) Page 25. NATURE OF CHANGE OUTCOME COMMENTS/CONDITIONS Proposal to change programme title Old Programme title: Old Programme title: Computing Approved Business Technology Proposal due to the phasing out of several computing pathways, all remaining pathways to be delivered will be more business technology related This title change would also help avoid confusion with the Computer Science programme All current students will be impacted but Faculty does not foresee any issues With effect from September 2011 Proposal to delete pathway Proposal due to the introduction of MSc Civil Engineering to provide a larger applicant base and increase the use of common modules Existing one part-time student will be offered a transfer to MSc Civil Engineering or to continue on the current programme of modules With effect from September 2011 Proposal to delete pathway at Cambridge Proposal due to pathway recruitment being less than 10 students per year, as in line with the Corporate Plan More existing module options will be provided on the Electronics and the Audio and Music Technology pathway to attract future students with an interest in Audio Engineering Students not impacted, existing students will be seen out With effect from October 2011 Partner delivery sites in brackets FST 03/11 MSc Structural Engineering Page 29. FST 04/11 BSc (Hons) Audio Engineering Page 37. QSC CM1 Proposals 19th October 2011 Page 5 of 6 Approved Approved Academic Office REF AWARD TITLE FST 05/11 BSc (Hons) Multimedia, Animation and the Web Page 39. FST 06/11 HNC Engineering Page 41. FST 07/11 HNC Electronics Page 43. FST 08/11 MSc Construction Management NATURE OF CHANGE Proposal to delete pathway at Chelmsford Proposal is in line with department restructuring plans The hub for Media/Digital Media courses will be established in Cambridge where the facilities are being significantly modernised for this purpose Students not impacted, existing students will be seen out With effect from October 2011 Proposal to delete pathway at Huntingdon Regional College and University Centre Peterborough Delivery at Chelmsford will not be impacted Proposal due to the course being replaced by FdSc Engineering at our regional partner colleges Students not impacted, existing students will be seen out With effect from October 2011 Proposal to delete pathway at Cambridge (sole delivery site) Proposal due to student recruitment being very low, in line with the Corporate Plan Students not impacted, existing students will be seen out and are all part of the BEng Electronics course With effect from October 2011 Proposal to provide an additional Distance Learning delivery mode to the existing taught delivery full-time and part-time mode Proposal aimed at increasing accessibility of the pathway to overseas students With effect from September 2012 (subject to a successful pathway approval event) Page 45. QSC CM1 Proposals 19th October 2011 Page 6 of 6 OUTCOME COMMENTS/CONDITIONS Approved Approved Approved Approved Academic Office