Notes of Guidance - Course Tariffs

Course Tariffs
A Course Tariff has attached to it qualifications from UK or international tertiary/Higher
Education or Further Education institutions which have been pre-approved via the Course
Tariff approval process to allow entry onto a specified Anglia Ruskin course with credit. A
database is kept of all pre-approved tariffs, called the Course Tariff Database.
Course Tariffs are approved by the Faculty AP(E)L Adviser, or may be sent to the APL Subpanel for approval if additional consultation or advice is required.
All paperwork that needs to be completed for a tariff application can be found on the
curriculum website:
If required, copies of approved course tariffs are stored on the J-Drive at:
J:\Services\Academic Office\Public\Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL)\COURSE TARIFFS
Approval Process
Tariffs are normally received by the AP(E)L Adviser from a course leader, who is
proposing a tariff onto their course.
All Course Tariff documentation should be made available electronically so that a
copy of the approved tariff can be kept on the J-Drive for easy reference.
The Course Tariff proposal will be considered for approval by the AP(E)L Adviser;
who will ensure that all the necessary information has been provided and clarify any
issues with the proposing team. The required documents are:
Application for Course Tariff Approval Form
All sections should be completed
Course Tariff Mapping Table (CTMT)
A mapping table should be completed for each proposed course tariff
Alternatively, mapping in a format other than the Course Tariff Mapping Table
may be provided, as long as it is clear what is being mapped from and to.
Operational Checklist for Admissions Office
- this information will ensure that all areas of the admissions process are
The Faculty AP(E)L Adviser should tick his/her decision on approval of the Tariff on
the Application Form as either: approved, conditional, rejected, or sent to Sub-Panel if
wider consultation or advice is required on any issues.
All Course Tariff proposal documents should then be forwarded electronically to the
Administrative Officer, Academic Office, who will then complete the approval process
by obtaining confirmation from the Admissions Offices that the proposal meets
operational requirements (or forward the proposal to the APL Sub-panel if requested).
The Administrative Officer will email the proposing team, AP(E)L Adviser and
Admissions Offices to confirm completion of the approval process when the tariff has
been added to the Course Tariff Database and is operational.
SF – Revised Jan 2013 (v4)
Course Tariffs
Exceptional Approval Process via the APL Sub-panel
Normally Course Tariffs are approved directly by the AP(E)L Adviser. However, if an
AP(E)L Adviser decides that a Course Tariff proposal should be referred to a meeting
of the APL Sub-panel, it shall be added as an agenda item at the next available
meeting. Meeting dates are available on the Curriculum website,
When listing a tariff proposal on the agenda it should be made clear what the external
award is, and which Anglia Ruskin course credit is being awarded against.
The tariff proposal is then copied and circulated with the standard paperwork sent to
APL Sub-panel members.
If necessary, the tariff proposer may be invited to attend the APL Sub-panel to
answer any questions that Sub-panel members may have. If the proposer cannot
attend then the Faculty AP(E)L Adviser can present the tariff proposal on their behalf.
The proposal can be discussed without being presented by either the proposer or
Faculty AP(E)L Adviser but this may delay approval if the APL Sub-panel requires
any clarifications.
The decision on approval should be recorded in the minutes of the meeting at which
the proposal is considered.
Recorded Details of Approved Course Tariffs
Course Tariff Database
Following approval, details of the tariff should be added to the Course Tariff database
as soon as possible by the Administrative Officer. As soon as the tariff is on the
database an applicant can enter the specified Anglia Ruskin Course with credit using
the qualifications which have been approved.
The Course Tariff Database can be located at:
Start/All Programs/SITS Vision 8.5.0/University Statistics and Admin Data/Microsoft
[NB: If the Microsoft Access file (APLPT-840) is not accessible via the
above route, you will need to copy it from the J Drive onto your desktop –
available at: J:\Services\ITServices\Public\SITS Access Databases]
Anyone wishing to view the Database can do so with a Read-Only access by logging
in using the following information:
User Name:
Academic Office Hard Copy
A hard copy of tariff approval documentation should be filed in the Academic Office,
Quality Assurance Unit.
SF – Revised Jan 2013 (v4)
Course Tariffs
J Drive
Electronic copies of the Course Tariff proposal documents should be filed on the J
Drive and the Course Tariff Approvals List should be updated with details of the tariff.
These can all be located within the Course Tariffs folder on the J Drive:
J:\Services\Academic Office\Public\Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL)\Course
Operational Use of Course Tariffs
Study at Partner Colleges - Applications for entry via a tariff for students studying at
partner colleges should be made by the partner college using Section 2 of the APCL
App1 form. These applications are approved by the Faculty AP(E)L Adviser and the
Faculty is then responsible for:
i) advising the partner college of the decision on approval,
ii) recording the decision on the S.2 spread sheet on the J Drive,
iii) informing the Assessment Unit of credits to be added to SITS.
Study at an ARU campus - Applications for entry via a tariff for students applying to
either UK/EU or the International Admissions Offices for study at an ARU campus are
handled directly by ARU Admissions Officers. The Admissions Office ‘APTProcForm’
is sent by the Admissions Officer directly to the Assessments Unit to advise of the
APCL credits to be added to SITS.
SF – Revised Jan 2013 (v4)