Pathway Specification Form (PSF) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Start date Awarding institution Location(s) of delivery Pathway accredited by (if applicable) Final award(s) Pathway title 6a Progression route 7 Anglia Ruskin Pathway Leader (and co-ordinators at other locations of delivery) Programme 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Anglia Ruskin University For Foundation Degrees only – Section 6a can be deleted for other pathways Programme Leader Managing Department Faculty Pathway Code UCAS code (Undergraduate only) Relevant QAA subject benchmark statement(s) and any PSB reference point(s) Aims PSF Template – August 2006 1 Version: 0; Date Amended: DD/MM/YYYY 16 Intended learning outcomes and the means by which they are achieved and demonstrated A. Knowledge and Understanding On successful completion of the pathway Learning/teaching methods and strategies: a student will be expected to be able to: Assessment methods and strategies: B. Intellectual (thinking), practical, affective and transferable skills On successful completion of the pathway a student will be expected to be able to: Learning/teaching methods and strategies: Assessment methods and strategies: PSF Template – August 2006 2 Version: 0; Date Amended: DD/MM/YYYY 17 Entry requirements: 18 Marking system All constituent modules for this pathway are assessed by fine grading except for the following modules which are assessed, either in part or in whole, on a Pass/Fail basis: 19 Exceptional variation from Anglia Ruskin Academic Regulations and/or design principles PSF Template – August 2006 3 Version No: 0; Date Amended: DD/MM/YYYY 20 20.1 Level 0 Details In order to complete this pathway a student must successfully complete all the following compulsory modules (totalling ____ credits): Module Code 20.2 Module Title Credit Existing (E)/ New (N) In order to complete this pathway a student must successfully complete at least ______ credits from the following list of designated modules: Module Code Module Title Credit Existing (E)/ New (N) 21 Level 1 Details 21.1 In order to complete this pathway a student must successfully complete all the following compulsory modules (totalling ___ credits): Module Code 21.2 NB this level must contain at least one 30, 45 or 60 credit module Module Title Credit Existing (E)/ New (N) In order to complete this pathway a student must successfully complete at least ______ credits from the following list of designated modules: Module Code Module Title Credit Existing (E)/ New (N) 22 Level 2 Details 22.1 In order to complete this pathway a student must successfully complete all the following compulsory modules (totalling ___ credits): PSF Template – August 2006 NB the level must contain at least one 30, 45 or 60 credit module 4 Version No: 0; Date Amended: DD/MM/YYYY Module Code 22.2 Module Title Credit Existing (E)/ New (N) In order to complete this pathway a student must successfully complete at least ______ credits from the following list of designated modules: Module Code Module Title Credit Existing (E)/ New (N) 23 Level 3 Details 23.1 In order to complete this pathway a student must successfully complete all the following compulsory modules (totalling ___ credits): Module Code 23.2 Module Title Credit Existing (E)/ New (N) In order to complete this pathway a student must successfully complete at least ______ credits from the following list of designated modules: Module Code 24 NB the level must contain a Major Project of either 30, 45 or 60 credits for an honours degree Module Title Credit Existing (E)/ New (N) Level 4 Details - Masters Awards NB a pathway leading to an MA, MSc, LLM or MBA award must contain a Major Project of either 30, 45 or 60 credits 24.1 In order to complete this pathway a student must successfully complete all of the following compulsory modules (totalling ___ credits): PSF Template – August 2006 5 Version No: 0; Date Amended: DD/MM/YYYY Module Code 24.2 Module Title Credit Existing (E)/ New (N) In order to complete this pathway a student must successfully complete at least ______ credits from the following list of designated modules: Module Code Module Title 25 Award Classification 25.1 Undergraduate Awards Credit Existing (E)/ New (N) List any Modules that must be included in the calculation of the final degree classification. [NB This is a proposed, award-specific, variation to Anglia Ruskin's Academic Regulations and is subject to approval by the Senate’s Academic Standards, Quality and Regulations Committee]. Module Code 25.2 Module Title Credit Postgraduate Awards List any Modules that must be included in the calculation of awards with distinction [NB This is a proposed, award-specific, variation to Anglia Ruskin's Academic Regulations and is subject to approval by the Senate’s Academic Standards, Quality and Regulations Committee]. Module Code PSF Template – August 2006 Module Title Credit 6 Version No: 0; Date Amended: DD/MM/YYYY 26 Structure diagram and guidelines for students on module selection See the accompanying guidelines for details of the requirements for this section Please ensure that the structure diagram(s) include:All module codes and titles Semester of delivery All modes of study All locations of study SAMPLE STRUCTURE DIAGRAM BA (Hons) XXXXX (full-time) Year 1/ Level 1 Designate options: Sem 1 Compulsory Module code: Module title (x credits) Sem 2 Compulsory Module code: Module title (x credits) Module code: Module title (x credits) Module code: Module title (x credits) Designate options: Module code: Module title (x credits) Module code: Module title (x credits) Year 2/ Level 2 Sem 3 Compulsory Module code: Module title (x credits) Designate options: Module code: Module title (x credits) Module code: Module title (x credits) Sem 4 Compulsory Module code: Module title (x credits) Designate options: Module code: Module title (x credits) Module code: Module title (x credits) Year 3/ Level 3 Sem 5 Compulsory Module code: Module title (x credits) Designate options: Module code: Module title (x credits) Module code: Module title (x credits) Sem 6 Compulsory Module code: Module title (x credits) Designate options: Module code: Module title (x credits) Module code: Module title (x credits) PSF Template – August 2006 7 Version No: 0; Date Amended: DD/MM/YYYY 27 Intermediate award details Give details below of any specific module requirements for achieving intermediate awards PSF Template – August 2006 8 Version No: 0; Date Amended: DD/MM/YYYY