Houston Community College: Spring 2011 Biology 1407: General Biology II: CRN # 62708 Town and Country Campus Mon (Lab 528) & Wed (Room 515); 8:00 - 11:00 a.m. Instructor: Dr. Judith Solti Telephone: Town & Country Square (713) 718-5415, leave voice mail e-mail address: DocExo@AOL.com (personal) or judith.solti@hccs.edu (work) Availability: M-Th 2 – 5 p.m.; by appointment on Fridays or Saturdays Course Description & Objectives: This 4 credit course focuses on the mechanisms of evolution, biological diversity, and the form and function of both plants and animals. Emphasis is placed on the anatomy/physiology of humans. The objective of this course is to give an in-depth study of the biological sciences, especially for those students pursuing health or life sciences majors. Refer to the student handbook for the HCCS mission statement. Prerequisite: General Biology I: 1406 or equivalent is required. Required Textbooks: Campbell, N.A., BIOLOGY, 8th Edition Vol. II, Benjamin/Cummings Pub.,2008 Merritt, R.G. and Keating, R.J., LABORATORY EXERCISES FOR COLLEGE GENERAL BIOLOGY 2, 2nd Edition, 2003. Course Material: Reading your textbook, lab book and any handouts IS required. You are expected to complete the assigned reading for each topic prior to class. Remember that you are responsible for the reading material. Optional Material: Class notes may be purchased in the HCCS T&C Bookstore: Solti, Judith, BIOS MEANS LIFE, Vol. II, 3rd Edition, 2010. Interesting supplementary material may be found on Dr. Solti’s Learning Web at www.hccs.edu. Attendance Class attendance is MANDATORY. Attendance will be taken at the start of every class period. If you are absent, you are responsible for all material covered. Four absences (either excused or unexcused) may result in administrative withdrawal (W) from the class. It is your responsibility to provide proof of any excused or emergency absence. Tardiness is disrespectful to the Instructor and other students. If you arrive late, it is your responsibility to inform the Instructor before you leave class that day or you will be marked absent. If you must leave class early for any reason, please discuss your departure with the Instructor prior to the beginning of class or you will be marked absent. Late arrivals, early departures, and excessive absences will affect your grade. Withdrawals: April 14, 2011 is the last day an instructor or counselor may withdraw you from classes. After that date, withdrawal is not permitted and students must receive a final grade other than “W”. Therefore, if you are unable to complete the course, you must request that your instructor or counselor officially withdraw you by April 14th or risk getting an “F” in the course. Student Conduct (refer to Student Handbook): HCC views college-level students as adults who subscribe to a basic standard of conduct. Therefore, appropriate student conduct is expected in the classroom at all times. Lecture Examinations: Students are expected to participate in all examinations. Make up exams will be given only for valid excuses (must substantiate/have a doctor’s note) or you will be given a “0”. If a student arrives late, they will have only the time remaining from the official start of the exam. Students must take the final exam during the scheduled time/date or a grade of “F” will be given for the final exam. No exam grades will be dropped from the student’s average. Spring 2011 Biology 1407 CRN # 62708 Mon(Lab 528)/Wed(Rm 515); 8-11am Bonus Point Opportunities: Pop quizzes will be given throughout the semester to gauge progress as well as to earn bonus points. There is NO make-up for a missed pop quiz since it also rewards attendance. Another bonus point opportunity, service learning (volunteering), will be provided at a later date. Laboratory Conduct and Examinations: Students are expected to abide by the rules of safety at all times during the laboratory exercises and are required to read and sign the HCC "Biology Laboratory Safety Rules and Regulations." Although students work in groups, individuals will complete their own lab reports (if not, the situation will be treated as academic dishonesty). These lab reports are to be stapled and turned in at the beginning of the next session or when requested. Unstapled lab reports will be handed back and given a “0”. Lab reports turned in late will start at a grade of 50% before being graded. All late lab reports must be turned in before the scheduled Lab Practical Exam. There is no make-up for a missed Lab Practical Exam - it is an automatic “0”. Scholastic Dishonesty During Examinations: A written warning will be issued for a first suspicion of dishonesty on a lab report. Further dishonesty will result in a grade of “0” on those reports. In the case of dishonesty on an examination (refer to Student Handbook), a grade of “0” will be given for the exam and the student will not be allowed to complete the exam or stay in the room. If dishonesty becomes a chronic and persistent problem, the student may receive an “F” for the course. Miscellaneous: Smoking is not allowed in the class or lab. Cellular phones must be turned off and out of sight, especially during exams . Video recording is not permitted. Tape recorders or laptops may be allowed with permission. If you have ANY problem that you would like us to address, please inform the Instructor as soon as possible. Students with disabilities (ADA) should inform their Instructor as soon as possible for a referral to the ADA counselor for "reasonable accommodations" recommendations. Students who repeat a course for a 3rd or more times WILL face tuition/fee increases at HCC and other Texas public colleges and universities. Please ask your Instructor/Counselor about opportunities for tutoring/other assistance prior to considering course withdrawal or if you are not receiving a passing grade. Keep ahead of the material! Educators suggest studying 2-3 hours for each hour of class time. For this class, that equals 12-15 hours/week of studying. GRADE COMPUTATION 4 Lecture Exams = 480 pts 1 Lab Practical Exam = 100 pts Mini A&P Exam = 100 pts Lab Reports/Hmwk = 100 pts Partic/Attend. = 20 pts Final Exam = 200 pts Total =1000 pts IMPORTANT DATES Jan 31, 2011 Feb 21, 2011 March 14-20, 2011 Apr 14, 2011 Apr 22-24, 2011 May 9-15, 2011 GRADING SCALE 1000-900 pts = 100-90% = A 899-800 pts = 89-80% = B 799-700 pts = 79-70% =C 699-600 pts = 69-60% = D 599-0 pts = 59-0% = F = 48% = 10% = 10% = 10% = 2% = 20% =100% Official date of record School closed- Presidents’ Day Holiday School closed- Spring Break Last day for administrative/student withdrawals (4:30 p.m.) School closed-Easter Holiday Final exams COURSE SCHEDULE CHAPTER# 22 DATE Jan 19 TOPIC Introduction/Darwin Jan 24 Jan 26 Populations/Origin of Species History of Life/Tree of Life 23, 24 25, 26 Page 2 LAB# --1 Spring 2011 Biology 1407 Jan 31 Feb 2 Tree of Life 1st EXAM (Ch 22-26) Feb 7 Feb 9 CRN # 62708 Mon(Lab 528)/Wed(Rm 515); 8-11am 26, Review EXAM 2 -- Bacteria Protists 27 28 3 -- Feb 14 Feb 16 Land Plants, Seed Plants Fungi 29, 30 31, Review 4 -- Feb 21 Feb 23 PRESIDENTS’ DAY HOLIDAY 2nd EXAM (Ch 27-31) -EXAM -7 Feb 28 Mar 2 Animal Diversity Invertebrates 32 33 8 -- Mar 7 Mar 9 Vertebrates Animal Form and Function 34 40 --- Mar 14 - 16 SPRING BREAK -- -- Mar 21 Mar 23 Animal Nutrition 3rd EXAM (Ch 32-34, 40-41) 41, Review EXAM -Pig Lab Mar 28 Mar 30 Circulatory System Immune System 42 43 Pig VT, Models Models Apr 4 Apr 6 Excretory System Mini A&P Review 44 Review Models -- Apr 11 Apr 13 Mini A&P Exam Endocrine System 45 Models Apr 18 Apr 20 Reproductive System 4th EXAM (Ch 42-46) 46, Review EXAM Models -- Apr 25 Apr 27 Review for Lab Practical Nervous System Lab Review 48 Models Models May 2 May 4 LAB PRACTICAL EXAM No Class: Study Day --- LAB EXAM -- May 11, Wed FINAL EXAM:8 - 10 am Cumulative Rm 515 . EXAM Page 3 Models