EQ Presentation

Understanding Emotional
Competence Workshop
MGT 620
Workshop Goals
• Increase your understanding of Emotional
• Understand your own strengths and areas
for improvement.
• Set goals and make a plan for improving
your Emotional Intelligence.
Film Exercise
Career Goals
Analyzing Differences
Debrief Differences
Areas for Development
Development Plan
Tue 9/15
Thur 9/17
11:00 to 11:30
11:30 to 12:00
1:00 to 1:30
1:30 to 2:15
2:15 to 3:00
3:00 to 4:00
Ground Rules
• All participation is voluntary.
• You do not have to share any of your
• Other people’s scores and self-assessments
should be held in confidence
• Focus of the workshop is on behavior at
work and school.
• Rick is available for follow-up discussion.
Definition of EQ
• “The capacity for recognizing our own
feeling and those of others, for motivating
ourselves, and for managing the emotions
well in ourselves and in our
EQ is…..
• Separate and distinct from cognitive
• Learned behavior.
• Rooted in different (lower, older)parts of
the brain from cognition.
A Little Bit About Brain
• Amygdala: emotional center of the brain
Has our emotional memory
Matches stimulus to memory
Sends signals to rest of brain
Triggers flight or fight response
Can bypass cognitive reasoning part of the
brain “amydala” hijack.
• Neocortex: thinking part of the brain
– Applies rules and reason to make sense of stimulus.
• Neocortex in the prefrontal lobes manage the
emotional response generated by the amygdala.
Stifles or controls the feeling to deal with it more
• Slower process than the amygdala
EQ Intellectual Roots
• Competencies Studies Which separate “average”
performers from “superstar” performers.
– State Department
– IT managers
• Technical Competencies are threshold
competencies to enter an occupation but don’t
predict high performance.
• Organizations with a “higher EQ” perform better.
Goleman’s EQ Model for Work
• Emotional Self Awareness
• Accurate Self-assessment
• Self Confidence
• Emotional Self-Control
•Achievement Orientation
Social Awareness
•Organizational Awareness
•Service Orientation
Relationship Mgt.
•Developing Others
•Inspirational Leadership
•Change Catalyst
•Conflict Management
•Building Bonds
•Teamwork and Collaboration
What are your career goals?
Next 12 months
Over 2-4 years?
Write them our as completely as possible.
Manage MOD project more effectively by
developing MOD staff.
• Develop international consulting
opportunities in are area of training and
economic development?
• Share your goals with the group.
Where are Your Competency
• Competencies where you rated your self one
point or more differently from the raters? Note
– Raters higher than me
Emotional Self Awareness
Accurate self assessment
Organizational awareness
Conflict Management
– Self higher than raters
• None
Analyzing Your Differences
• Identify areas where you rated
your self higher than the raters.
• Identify areas where you rated your self
lower than the raters.
• Write our (in full sentences) why you think
these differences occurred.
• Share the differences with the group.
• Choose one to explore with the group.
What are your strengths?
• Competencies Raters rated over 4
Accurate self assessment
Service Orientation
Change Catalyst
Building Bonds
• Identify your strengths.
• Write-out (in full sentences) why you think you
are strong is this area.
• Share list with group and choose one area to
explore with group.
Areas for Development?
• Where were you rated 3 or lower
Emotional self-control
Inspirational leadership
Conflict Management
• Write our an explanation (in full sentences) of
why you think people rated you low is this area.
• Share your areas with your group.
• Choose one area to explore with the group
Select 3-4 Competencies You
Want to Develop
• Consider your goals, and your rating
– Inspirational Leadership
– Emotional Self-control
– Developing Others
Developing Your Emotional
• For the Competencies you selected review the
selected “Developmental Tips” in the booklet.
• For each competency:
– Define what specific behaviors you would like to
change to enhance these competencies.
– Identify three methods for changing.
– Share your plan with the group
• Share your goals and plan for the group.
• Choose one competency develop plan to discuss
with group
Specific Behaviors to
Specific Activities to Improve