Propositions 1. That Marxism remains valid even with collapse of socialist systems around the world. 2. That states who practice the “Stand Your Ground” law should abolish it. 3. That the illuminati is a conspiracy theory. 4. That the feminist movement has adversely affected the family as a child nurturing entity. 5. That the creation theory be given equal treatment with the evolution theory in Texas Public Schools. 6. That pornography be specifically prohibited in the Unites States. 7. That abortion is morally objectionable. 8. That Texas legislation forbidding homosexual behavior between consenting adults should have been rescinded. 9. That God is a figment of human imagination. 10. That all nuclear power plants in the United States now operating or in the planning stages be suspended. 11. That surrogate motherhood be banned in the United States. 12. That all cigarette advertising in the United States be prohibited. 13. That racism has ceased to be a significant barrier to minority upward mobility. 14. That allowing women in combat roles in the United States military will have a disastrous effect upon military preparedness. 15. That multiculturalism represents a significant threat to the national unity of the United States. 16. That police officers should wear body cameras while on duty. 17. That the Constitution of the United States be amended declaring English as the official language of the nation. 18. That the Catholic Church’s teaching of clerical celibacy should be altered to allow for a married priesthood. 19. That interracial and interethnic adoptions in the United States be encouraged. 20. That the laws of the United States be amended or modified to allow for physical torture as a viable punishment option. 21. That the participation of religious organizations in politics confuses the latter and corrupts the former. 22. That corporal punishment remains a viable tool for the discipline of children. 23. That laws prohibiting the consumption and use of recreational drugs by adults be abolished. 24. That people who apply for welfare, should be drug-tested. 25. That American civilization is corrupt and in decline. 26. That mandatory drug testing be instituted in public schools for students and faculty. 27. That state and federal laws be modified to legalizing physician assisted suicide (euthanasia) in all 50 states. 28. That the current assault on cigarette smoking and cigarette smokers represents an unnecessary infringement on the rights of American citizens. 29. That the state of Texas mandates the teaching ethics and morals in all Texas Public Schools. 30. That “democracy” is not an exportable idea. 31. The current Supreme Court interpretation of the separation of the church and state has changed the federal constitution and is a gross misinterpretation of the founding father’s intent. 32. That the current immigration policy of the United States be abolished. 33. That in general the American entertainment and news broadcast media fail in their service to the nation. 34. That the criminal justice system of the United States, as currently practiced, represents a clear and present danger to the health and safety of the republic. 35. That a “fair” trial is beyond the ability of the American jurisprudence system to deliver. 36. That the United States should stop its use of Drone strikes around the world. 37. That the “Affordable Health Care” plan will not work in the United States. 38. That the Federal Reserve Banking System as currently practiced, be overhauled. 40. That the state of Texas should not have .allow students, faculty, and administrators who are license to carry a firearm legally, have them on college campus. 41. That schools in Texas should abolish Standardize Testing such as the (STARR; TAKS; TAAS) 42. That local, state, and federal police agencies are violating the fourth amendment to the constitution. 43. That the Federal Communication Commission not regulate broadband internet.