Final Exam Study Guide.doc

Final Exam Study Guide
Dr. Esparza
1. Discuss the Great Depression. Explain the underlying causes of the depression
and the initial attempts to revive the economy. Describe the experiences of
Mexican Americans during the depression. Explain how the depression affected
American politics. Describe what the New Deal was and the controversies
surrounding it. Describe the Second New Deal and the effect if had on the lives of
Mexican Americans. Evaluate the success and failures (limits and legacies) of
both new deals. Discuss also the effects of the depression on the lives of the
American people. Provide details and include the following terms.
The Stock Market Crash, 1929 i.e. Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929,
Overproduction, Underconsumption, Unemployment, Industrial Production,
Lands; Herbert Hoover, 1929 i.e. Bonus Army, Hooverville, Gen. Douglas
MacArthur; Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR), 1932 i.e. New Deal, Bank Holiday,
Emergency Banking Act, FDIC, National Recovery Administration, Codes of Fair
Competition, Agricultural Adjustment Act; Great Plains i.e. Dust Bowl, Okies,
Okies vs. Mexicans; Second New Deal i.e. Public Works Administration, Civil
Works Administration, Civilian Conservation Corps, Works Project
Administration i.e. Arts Programs, Federal Writers Project, Federal Arts Project,
Federal Music Project, Federal Theater Projects, Slave Narratives; Alternative
Reform Programs i.e. Huey Long & Redistribution of Wealth, Share the Wealth
Policy; Recovery; Effects of Great Depression i.e. Labor Movement i.e. PecanSheller Strike, 1938, Emma Tenayuca, Pecan Shelling Plants, Texas Pecans
Shelling Workers Union, Response; Dust Bowl; Native Americans i.e. Indian
Reorganization Act, Mexican Americans, Spanish Land Grants; Women i.e.
Frances Perkins; Discrimination Reinforced i.e. Mexican Americans i.e. Latino
Politics & Voting Shifts, Deportation, Deportation Campaigns, League of United
Latin American Citizens, Goal, Stop Deportations, Eliminate Segregation, Jesús
Salvatierra vs. Del Rio ISD, 1930; The West; Gangsters i.e. Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI); Limits i.e. Economic Legacy, Welfare State, Political
Legacy, Social Legacy
2. Discuss World War II. Explain the various causes of World War II. Explain the
U.S.’s foreign policy that developed after the First World War and how that changed by
the 1940s. Describe the events (battles) of WWII, both in Europe as well as in the Pacific.
Describe also the American home front (impact of war at home) during WWII. Pay
special attention to the impact war made on society. Explain the end of the war. Describe
how the fighting ended and what caused it to end, both in Europe as well as in the Pacific.
Describe also the immediate aftermath of the war both in the U.S. and around the world.
Be sure to discuss the experiences of Mexican Americans both abroad/overseas and at
home during and after the war. Include the following terms to illustrate you point.
Axis Powers i.e. Germany, Italy, and Japan, Adolph Hitler, Benito Mussolini,
Emperor Hirohito; Allied Powers i.e. England, France, Russia, & the U.S.,
Winston Churchill, Charles de Gaulle, Joseph Stalin, FDR & Harry Truman,
Chiang Kai-shek; Renouncement of Treaty of Versailles, Annexation of Austria,
Appeasement of Hitler, Invasion of Poland, Blitzkrieg, Non-Aggression Pact,
U.S. & Nye Committee; Sino-American Hostilities, 1931 i.e. China, Japan
invades China in 1937, American Blockade of Japan, Japanese Attack on Pearl
Harbor; Mexican Americans on the Eve of WWII, Mexican Americans and
WWII, Mexican Americans in the Military i.e. Reasons for Enlisting, Mexican
American GI's, Texas; Pacific Fronts i.e. 200th and 515th Coast Artillery
Battalions & Bataan Peninsula, 96th and 27th Infantry Divisions & Battle of
Okinawa, 158th Regimental Combat Team & Bushmasters, 24th Infantry
Division, Las Aguilas Aztecas Squadron 201 i.e. Escuadrón 201, Aguilas Aztecas
(Aztec Eagles); European Fronts i.e. Company E of the 141st Regiment & Cpt.
Gabriel L. Navarrete, 88th Infantry Division & Blue Devils, 313th Infantry
Regiment; Mexican American Military Personnel i.e. Dora Ocampo Quesada;
Military Distinctions and Decorations i.e. Medals of Honor i.e. Cleto Rodriguez,
Macario Garcia, Latino Congressional Medals of Honor; WWII at Home i.e.
Liberty Bonds, Red Cross Campaigns, USO's, Senoritas USO; Employment
Opportunities i.e. Fair Employment Practice Committee, Mexican American
Women War Workers i.e. "Rosita la Remachadora", Riveting Rositas, "Rosie the
Riveter"; Braceros Program, Justice Delayed i.e. Zoot Suit, Pachuco, Pachuca,
Malinchistas, Pachuquismo, Calo i.e. "simon", “ponte trucha", "quvole", Criminal
Activity; Sleepy Lagoon Incident i.e. Jose Diaz, Sleepy Lagoon Defense
Committee, Zoot Suit Riots, U.S. Service Men, Vengeance Squads, Task Forces,
End of the Riots; The Sinarquista Movement i.e. Union Nacional Sinarquista
(USN); Operation Wetback, Internal Security Act, McCarran-Walter Act, House
Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC); Fight vs. Discrimination i.e. G.I.
Generation, Felix Longoria, Three Rivers, Texas, Hector P. Garcia, American G.I.
Forum, Lyndon B. Johnson, Arlington National Cemetery, Post-Longoria Affair;
Mendez v. Westminster School District of Orange County; Delgado v. Bastrop
ISD, 1948; American Race Relations i.e. Good Neighbor Policy, Alonso Perales,
Manuel Gonzalez, LULAC, Caucasian Race-Equal Privileges Resolution in 1943;
Japanese Internment Camps i.e. Japanese Americans, 442nd Regimental Combat
Team, Little Men of Iron, George Akyama, Kenny Namba, War Relocation
Camps, Executive Order 9066, Faustian Pact; End of the War i.e Europe i.e. DDay, 1944, Hitler’s Military Blunder, Stalingrad, The Race to Berlin, Horrors of
German Warfare i.e. Nazi Concentration Camps (Death Camps), Holocaust,
Auschwitz i.e. Medical Experiments, Severe Torture, Execution, Gas Chambers,
Black Wall, Nuremberg Trials, International Military Tribunal, 1945, Hitler; The
Pacific i.e. Japanese Resistance, Albert Einstein, Manhattan Project, Los Alamos,
New Mexico, 1945, Jornada del Muerte, Dropping the Bomb i.e. Hiroshima,
Nagasaki, Total Deaths, Radio Active Soil, US justifications for dropping the
bomb; Yalta Meeting; Conclusion i.e. Arms Race, Cold War
3. Discuss the experiences of Mexican Americans during the Cold War.
4. Discuss the Chicano Movement.
5. Discuss the experiences of Mexican Americans at the End of the 20th Century.
6. Discuss the experiences of Mexican Americans in the 21st Century.