GEOL 1305- STUDY MATERIAL- SEE CHAPTERS INCLUDED IN FINAL BY BOOK TITLES NOT BY POWER POINT PLATE NUMBERS AT THE END OF THIS MATERIAL Matching [Q 1 to Q 40] Matching [Q1 to Q 5] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Superfund CERCLA RCRA National Priority List TCEQ A. B. C. D. E. 1976 Law to address hazardous waste Federal ID List of hazardous waste sites State Agency –a branch of EPA 1980 Law that addresses clean-up Another Name for CERCLA A. B. C. D. E. Ability of Material to Combust Can harm but not kill Based on pH concentration React vigorously to air/water(oxygen) Call Kill A. B. C. D. E. Related to Oil & Gas Drilling Local opposition to sources of pollution Predominantly residential waste Area designated to contain solid waste CH4 Matching [Q 6 to 10] 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Toxic Waste Hazardous Waste Reactivity Ignitibility Corrosivity Matching [Q 11 to Q 15] 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. NIMBY Municipal Solid Waste Sanitary Landfill Mass Burn Injection Well Matching [Q 16 to Q 20] 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Source Reduction Recycling Composting Common Hazardous waste PPP A. Enclosed Vessels B. Less volume/less concentration C. Overview of Waste Disposal Program D. Heavy Metals E. Affected by Scrap Metals Matching [Q 21 to Q 25] 21. 22. 23. 24. Asbestos PCB’s MTBE VOC’s A. Drinking water Biological Hazard B. Smog C. Toxic substance in transformers D. Gasoline Additive 25. E Coli E. Aerosol behavior Matching [Q 26 to 30] 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. BP Bhopal India Love Canal Chernobyl Olgallalla Aquifer A. Iso-cyanide B. Crude oil C. DDT D Nuclear E. Hazardous waste Matching [Q 31 to 35] 31. Ground Water Mining 32. Ground Water Contamination 33. Artesan Water 34. Cone of depression 35. Vadose Zone A. Unsaturated B. Shape of Water Table C. Flowing Well D. Affects Water Quality E. Affects Water Quantity Matching [Q 36 to Q 40] 36. Municipal Water Pollution 37. Agricultural Water Pollution 38. Industrial Water Pollution 39. Thermal water Pollution 40. Marine water Pollution A. Bacterial B. Non-Point Source C. Point Source D. Nuclear Plant E. Crude oil TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS [Q 41 to Q 60] 41. Portable water is defined as fresh unpolluted drinking water 42. Hydro-electricity is referred to as “in-stream” water use 43. Regulation NIOSH is related to Air Quality 44. Regulation NEPA is related to Hazardous waste 45. Only one out of 4 criteria are enough to list the contaminant as hazardous 46. Solid waste is defined as waste that is “generated on-site” 47. Hazards of livestock industry are related to the use of Hydro-carbons in chemicals present in “feed lots”. 48. The green revolution refers to the environmental movement that focuses on promoting use of non polluting substances 49. The current problem with Plastic is that it is a mixture of different chemicals with different temperature history and therefore difficult to monitor 50. The regulation related to BROWNFIELD is related to Small Business Liability Act 51. Windrow is a term associated with Air Pollution 52. Salt water intrusion takes place because it is lighter than fresh water and floats to the top in some wells. 53. Primary water treatment usually involves two steps, screening of large sediments and chlorination of the water prior to distribution. 54. A sewage sludge is organic and consists mostly of dead bacteria 55. flowing well will not develop if the aquifer is unconfined MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS [Q 56to Q 84] 56 to 74: From the list given (a to d) select the best match: a. Micro-nutrient, b. Macronutrient; c. Fertilizers; d. Phermore 56. Eutrophication results from the above use 57. Potassium belongs here 58. Synthetic Auxin is a type of ------------59. Boron belongs here 60. Scrubbers are used to reduce: a. Storm water pollution; b. Ground water pollution; c. Waste water pollution; d. Air pollution 61. The chief source of Perc in the environment is: a. Benzene from auto-emissions; b. TCE from dry cleaning fluids c. Refrigerant gases; d. Carbon Monoxide from fuels 62. The amount of Lead into the atmosphere: a. Has increased with the number of automobiles b.Is greatest in rural areas; c. Is directly related to the amount of acid rain; d. Has declined since the introduction of lead free gasoline 63. What is the source of radon: a. Oxides of nitrogen; b. Ozone breaking into O2 & O c. Release of hydrocarbons; d. Mining of Uranium ore minerals [64]: Atmosphere has the following layers: a. Stratosphere; b. Troposphere c. Thermosphere; d. Mesosphere 65. Ozone is present in this layer 66. Most of the weather related phenomenon take place in this layer [67-68] From the list of chemicals given: a. Carbon Monoxide; b. Lead; c. SO2 d. PM; e. Asbestos Answer the questions below 67. Which one is not a Primary Pollutant 68. Which one from above was banned in 1978 [69-71]: Most of the atmosphere is made up of three gases showing the following % a. 78.1%; b. 20.9% c. less than 1% 69. % of Nitrogen is---------------70. % of Oxygen is---------------71. % of CO2 is -----------------72. Which is not likely to be a Hazardous Air Pollutant: a. Pesticides; b. Gasoline; c. Arsenic; d. d. Dry Cleaning Fluid 73. Which of the following chemical is implicated in both global warming and Ozone Depletion: a. CFC’s b. SO2 c. Radon d. All of the above 74. Industrial dust and ash are considered: a. primary air pollutant; b. b. secondary air pollutant; c. photochemical smog d. particulates 75. What was the source of environmental problem at Love Canal a. radon gas leak; b. contamination of drinking water supply; c. explosion at the nearby refinery; d. d. seepage of hazardous chemicals from a nearby burial site Fill in the Blanks :[careful about use of words-some questions require 2 wods] 76. Thermal Inversion has _________ air trapped underneath the_________air [cold/warm] 77. Aquitards are _________________ while Aquicludes are __________________ [porous/permeable] 78. Agriculture in Asian Countries is referred to as Labor_________________ [intensive or extensive] 79. Mechanized Monoculture often leads to______________________of Genetic Diversity [loss or gain] 80. Trickling Filter is included under ________________________Treatment at WWTP [primary or secondary] 81. Biomagnifications affects animals at _____________________ Trophic Levels [higher or lower] 82. Acronym NPL stands for N___________P_______________L______________ 83. Acronym NEPA stands for N__________________E__________________P_______________A 84. CAA is an acronym for C _________________A_____________A__________ 85. DOT is the acronym for—D_____________________ O____________________ T___________________ 86. HMTA is the acronym for H_____________________M___________________T_____________________ ___A_____________________ 87. Acronym of FIFRA is F________________I_______ F___________________R________________A________________ 88. The 2 aquifers that provide drinking water to City of Houston are 1___________________________2_______________________________ 89. Acronym for TCEQ is T--------------------C----------------E---------------Q--------------90. Acronym for PPP is P________________________P_____________________P___________ 91. Excessive withdrawal of groundwater can lead to _______________[one word] KNOW THIS: A. The 3 major ways in which hazardous waste enters environment BOOK CHAPTER TITLES ARE: AGRICULTURAL METHODS WATER MANAGEMENT AIR POLLUTION SOLID WASTE HAZARDOUS WASTE [partial inclusion of ENV REGS]