Course Syllabus Beginning Reading ESOL 0342 Semester with Course Reference Number (CRN) 76607 Instructor contact information (phone 713-718-7151 number and email address) Office Location and Hours Faculty Offices 124 Felix Morales Building Office Hours: M-Th, 8:15-9:00 a.m., W-2-3p.m. Course Location/Times Room 217 Felix Morales Building T/Th, 11:30-1:50 Course Semester Credit Hours (SCH) (lecture, lab) If applicable Credit Hours 3.00 Lecture Hours 3.00 Laboratory Hours 2.00 Total Course Contact Hours 80 Continuing Education Units (CEU): if applicable Course Length (number of weeks) Type of Instruction Course Description: Course Prerequisite(s) Academic A beginning course in reading English. Emphasis is placed on vocabulary building, reading skills and simple spelling. Instruction is individualized. Discipline/CTE Program Learning Outcomes Course Student Learning Outcomes (SLO): 4 to 7 1. Demonstrate familiarity with a basic target vocabulary 2. Read and understand a short passage in English, using appropriate target vocabulary 3. Read and understand a large volume of level-appropriate text. (Extensive reading) 4. Use a process for extracting meaning from an unfamiliar text Learning Objectives (Numbering system should be linked to SLO e.g., 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc.) Demonstrate familiarity with a basic target vocabulary Read and understand a short passage in English, using appropriate target vocabulary Read and understand a large volume of level-appropriate text. (Extensive reading) Use a process for extracting meaning from an unfamiliar text SCANS and/or Core Curriculum Competencies: If applicable Instructional Methods Computer Lab is one hour each week. Students will use Focus on Grammar and other materials as determined by the instructor. Student Assignments Demonstrate familiarity with a basic target vocabulary No assignments selected for this outcome Read and understand a short passage in English, using appropriate target vocabulary No assignments selected for this outcome Read and understand a large volume of level-appropriate text. (Extensive reading) No assignments selected for this outcome Use a process for extracting meaning from an unfamiliar text No assignments selected for this outcome Student Assessment(s) Demonstrate familiarity with a basic target vocabulary No assessments selected for this outcome Read and understand a short passage in English, using appropriate target vocabulary No assessments selected for this outcome Read and understand a large volume of level-appropriate text. (Extensive reading) No assessments selected for this outcome Use a process for extracting meaning from an unfamiliar text No assessments selected for this outcome Instructor's Requirements Academic Honesty : Students observed cheating on tests or assignments will receive a zero for that test or assignment. Attendance: It is important to attend class and come on time. If a student is late for class, they will receive a tardy. Three Tardies equal one absence. If you are more than 20 minutes late for class, you will be marked absent. If you have 1o absences, you will be dropped from the class. Make-up Policy: It is the student’s responsibility to make-up missed work. If a student is absent on the day dof a test, they will receive a grade of zero. Make-up tests will be given only if the students has notifi8ed the teacher before or on the day of the test and due to an emergency. Program/Discipline Requirements: If applicable HCC Grading Scale A = 100- 90 4 points per semester hour B = 89 - 80: 3 points per semester hour C = 79 - 70: 2 points per semester hour D = 69 - 60: 1 point per semester hour 59 and below = F 0 points per semester hour IP (In Progress) 0 points per semester hour W(Withdrawn) 0 points per semester hour I (Incomplete) 0 points per semester hour AUD (Audit) 0 points per semester hour IP (In Progress) is given only in certain developmental courses. The student must re-enroll to receive credit. COM (Completed) is given in non-credit and continuing education courses. To compute grade point average (GPA), divide the total grade points by the total number of semester hours attempted. The grades "IP," "COM" and "I" do not affect GPA. See "Health Science Program/Discipline Requirements" for grading scale. Instructor Grading Criteria Reading Test and Project Attendance & Participation 90% 10% 100% Instructional Materials Slice of Life, Starr and Tierney HCC Policy Statement: Access Student Services Policies on their Web site: Distance Education and/or Continuing Education Policies Access DE Policies on their Web site: Access CE Policies on their Web site: