Student Questionnaire Introduce yourself. What year are you at HCC?

Student Questionnaire
Introduce yourself.
What year are you at HCC?
What are you studying?
What are your career goals?
What was your first impression of the assignment?
What was your first impression of the veteran?
Describe your experience doing the interview.
What did you learn about your veteran?
What did you learn about Houston history in general?
What did you learn about the Latino experience in Houston?
What did you learn about the oral history method?
What did your learn about the history profession?
Did you tell your friends/family that you working on this project?
What did they think?
How is this experience helping you academically/professionally?
Is there anything you did not like about this project?
Any suggestions for how to make this better for students next semester?
Anything else you want to add about your project and your experience?