0341-2010Course Syllabus-sp10.doc

GUST 0341
Name: Rosalyn Francis
E-mail: rosalyn.francis@hccs.edu
Office Location: Alief Campus Suite 118
Office Hours:By Appointment Only
Phone: 713-718-6991
Houston Community College is an open-admission, public institution of higher education offering
a high-quality, affordable education for academic advancement, workforce training, career
development, and lifelong learning to prepare individuals in our diverse communities for life and
work in a global and technological society.
“Books had the power to alter my view of the world forever.”----Pat Conroy
Course Number:GUST 0341 -18570
Course Compass ID Number:francis60399
Course Goals: The goal of this course is to teach students to analyze materials thoroughly,
locate main ideas, and critically read information in an effort to make wise decisions. Students
who successfully complete this course will take GUST 0342 the following semester, provided
that they have not retested and passed the TSI required examination (THEA, COMPASS,
Course Description: This is a pre-collegiate course designed to raise your reading and study
strategies so that you will be successful in subsequent college-level courses. You will develop
vocabulary enhancement techniques as well as ways to improve your comprehension. You will
have a variety of opportunities for practice and test rehearsals in the textbook, lab manual, and
Course Date: 01/19/2010 – 05/16/2010
Location:West Loop Center Rm C224
Meeting Day(s) and Time:MoWe 5:30 – 7:30PM
GUST 0341/Spr. 2010/PBB
Required Textbook and Support Materials:
 The Effective Reader, Alternate Readings Edition, 2nd Edition, D.J. Henry
 Blue/ black pen/red pen
 Binder with loose leaf paper/5 dividers
 Course Compass and MyReadingLab Access Codes
 Planner
 Dictionary
 Staple machine or paper clips/Highlighter
Instructional Methodology:
Because of the interactive nature of this course, a variety of instructional methods will be used
including, but not limited to: lecture, group discussion, group activities, and internet activities.
Course Goals and Objectives:
By the end of the semester, you will be able to:
Increased vocabulary and dictionary skills
Identify main ideas and supporting details
Define words in context
Develop stronger oral communication skills
Improve and develop stronger critical thinking skills
Locate topic sentences
Develop cooperative learning skills
Gain technological proficiency
Prepare for and take tests successfully
Read textbooks with improved retention
Locate and utilize a variety of library services and resource materials
Understand and apply basic patterns of organization
Attendance Policy:
Realizing that student success in college is largely dependent on attending class, it is imperative
that you make an effort to attend every class. On certain occasions, circumstances may arise such
as sickness, family issues, childcare, hospitalization and unavoidable transportation problems. In
that light, students are allowed to miss no more than 12.5% (4 times) of the total class sessions.
(Note: Any exceptions to this policy must be cleared with the instructor)
Tardy Policy:
Classes begin at the exact times specified in the schedule of classes. If you are tardy 3 times, it
will be counted as an absence.
Evaluation and Grading Scale
69 and below… IP
69 and below…. F*
GUST 0341/Spr. 2010/PBB
Superior College Level Work
Above Average College Level Work
Average College Level Work
College Level Work
(Students repeating the course)
Grades will be earned as follows:
Mid Term Exam
Final Exam
Quizzes & Tests
Project (Book Club)
Daily Work (Cooperative Group)
Lab (In-Class/Computer)
Group Presentations
**Students must make a grade of A, B, or C to pass this class.
Late Assignments:
There are NO curves. Your grade is reflective of YOUR efforts and achievements. Your
operational calendar details when projects and assignments are due. I will remind you in class;
therefore, late work is not acceptable. If a situation occurs where you must be absent from the
class and work is due, please contact your instructor immediately by e-mail.
Classroom Activities:
Mid-Term Exam: Each student is required to take a mid-term examination during the semester.
The test will cover a variety of materials discussed in class and found in your readings. You will
be given at least one week’s notice before an exam. Exam dates are also found in your operational
Final Exam: Each student is required to take a final exam. The test will cover a variety of
materials discussed in class and found in your readings. Exam date is found in your operational
Regular Quizzes: To ensure that each student is mastering the materials assigned for reading and
discussion in class, several quizzes will be administered on a variety of subjects throughout the
semester. Quizzes and tests will be announced.
In-Class Lab: To ensure that each student is mastering the materials assigned for reading
comprehension, several reading selections will be administered on a variety of subjects
throughout the semester. Reading selections will be announced in class.
Computer Lab: To ensure that each student is mastering the materials assigned for reading
comprehension, several computer activities (exercises, tests, etc) will be administered on a variety
of reading skills throughout the semester. Computer lab dates will be announced prior to the
Scholastic Honesty:
Cheating is never permitted under any circumstance. The penalties for cheating can be found in
the schedule of classes. Penalties range from failing the course to being removed from the
college. Cheating includes plagiarism and/or using the work of someone else.
Grade Reports:
GUST 0341/Spr. 2010/PBB
HCCS will longer mail out grade reports. Students get their grades online at http://hccs.edu.
Students who require a paper or hard copy of their grades must obtain an official transcript from
the Records and Admissions Office of their campus/college.
American Disabilities Act - ADA Compliance:
“Any student with a documented disability (e.g. physical, learning, psychiatric, vision, hearing,
etc.) who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact the Disability Service Office
at the respective college at the beginning of each semester. "Faculty are authorized to provide
only the accommodations requested by the Disability Support Services Office.” The Disability
Services Office number for Southwest College is (713) 718-7910. Dr. Becky Hauri is the ADA
contact counselor.
Sexual Harassment:
It is a violation of HCCS policy for an employee, agent, or student of the college to engage in
sexual harassment as defined in the EEOC guidelines (EEO/AA Compliance Handbook -online).
Academic Demeanor:
Beepers/Cell phones:
Turn off beepers and cell phones prior to entering class. All electronic devices should be turned
off during our class. If you have a home, family or work situation that requires you to wear a
beeper or a cell phone, please discuss this with the professor after the first class. No calls, text
messages, photographs, or any other electronic communication should be sent or received during
You are in college. You will be treated and respected as an adult. Because of the nature of
discussion involved in this class, it is imperative that we respect each other’s opinions and values.
Discipline problems are not tolerated. Any student failing to abide by appropriate standards of
conduct during scheduled College activities may be asked to leave that day’s class or activity by
the instructor or another College official. (The student has the right to return to the next
class/activity.) If a student refuses a request to voluntarily leave the classroom, security may be
summoned to remove the student so that the scheduled activity may resume without further
disruption. In cases of serious problems, the faculty member will document and report the
incident to his/her supervisor. Further disciplinary action may be pursued according to System
guidelines, presented in the HCCS Student Handbook.
The instructor reserves the right to change this syllabus except for the grading scale and
attendance policy. Students will be notified of all changes in writing or by way of verbal
announcement to the entire class prior to the change. You should always keep a copy of
your semester schedule of classes. It gives you many important facts and dates such as
breaks, exam dates, registration deadlines and fee penalties. It is also your student
Student Handbook:
All students are expected to familiarize themselves with the information, policies, and
other details in the Student Handbook. Please refer to:
GUST 0341/Spr. 2010/PBB