2013 Annual Foster Parent Satisfaction Survey Referring to the last 12 months, please answer the following questions by putting the appropriate number in the blank after each question. Use the scale as indicated below. Comments on each section would be greatly appreciated. 5 Completely Agree 2 Mostly Disagree 4 Mostly Agree 1 Completely Disagree 3 Neutral NA Not applicable or Don’t know I. Initial and Ongoing Training If you initially licensed for foster care during the past 12 months: The orientation training prepared me appropriately as I/we learned about foster parenting. ___ PRIDE Pre-Service Training provided adequate training for my role as a foster parent. ___ All foster parents experience during the past 12 months: I feel the content of on-going training offered is exactly what I need. ___ I feel the number of hours required annually is appropriate. ___ Comments:_______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ II. Placement Arrangements I feel that I/we received all of the information that was available on the child(ren) at the time of placement. ___ The initial communication with the case manager or county supervisor was appropriate and adequate. ___ I was satisfied with the overall with the way the agency helped prepare me for working with the child(ren). ___ Comments:_______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ III. Child and Family Team Process I feel that value was placed my input both prior to and during the team meeting. ___ I believe the agency is sensitive and responsive to issues of race and culture with regard to the families served and with my own family. ___ The timeliness of notification for meetings and upcoming appointments is adequate. ___ Comments:_______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ IV. Agency Communication The agency’s reception desk staff members were courteous and helpful. ___ I have experienced good communication and support from the agency’s licensing worker. ___ The agency’s supervisor(s) were prompt to assist me when the case manager is unavailable. ___ Please answer the following questions regarding all case managers you have worked with during the past 12 months. If you are not associated with PATH or have only worked with one case manager, put N/A in the blanks: The first case manager seemed to fully understand and respond to the needs of the child(ren) as well as my needs as the foster parent. ___ The second case manager seemed to fully understand and respond to the needs of the child(ren) as well as my needs as the foster parent. ___ My PATH case manager seemed to fully understand and respond to the needs of the child(ren) as well as my needs as the foster parent. ___ I have experienced good communication and support from the agency. ___ The agency was helpful to me in dealing with the schools, courts, birth families, and other people outside of the agency. ___ Comments:______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ V. Financial Considerations I always receive monthly maintenance payments and other reimbursement payments on time. ___ The maintenance payment and other reimbursements adequately compensate me. ___ Child care reimbursement is available to meet the needs of the foster children in my care. ___ Comments:______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ VI. Ongoing Support I consistently receive the support and information I need to carry out my role as foster parent. ___ The newsletter is a good way to provide information to foster parents. ___ The Foster/Adoptive Parent support group is a great way to receive training and support. ___ Comments:_______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ VII. Summary Overall, I am happy with my experience as a foster parent? ___ I would recommend foster parenting to a friend. ___ Please list ways the agency could improve the support given to you in your work as a foster parent. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Name (Optional): _______________________________ I would like to be contacted by phone: No____ Yes____ Phone #_________________________ 2