Houston Community College Intensive English Program Southwest College Advanced Grammar - ESOL 0355 Spring 2011 CRN Number 70638 Gulfton Center – Room 208 Days and Times: Tuesday and Thursday 8:30—10:10 Lab time: Tuesday 11:40—12:30 Credit hours: 3 lecture + 2 lab Course contact hours: 80 Course length: 16 weeks Type of instruction: Lecture and lab Instructor: Robyn Gavrila Instructor Contact details: Email: robyn.gavrila@hccs.edu Gulfton Center office phone: 713-718-7750 Office Hours: Before and after class in Room 208 Please come to see me if you have any questions or concerns. It is better to ask questions before you have problems with tests or the homework. Talk to me if you have been absent to arrange a time to hand in the homework and to discuss what you missed. Class Dates: 1/18/2011 – 5/12/2011 1. COURSE DESCRIPTION A continuation of ESOL 0352, this course provides a review of both essential and finer points of the grammatical structural features of formal written English. Emphasis is placed on active production and error analysis of standard English. 2. COURSE PREREQUISITES Successful completion of Intermediate Grammar, ESOL 0352 or passing grades in the Intensive English Program’s placement tests. 3. COURSE STATEMENT OF PURPOSE This course seeks to prepare students for college-level academic or workforce study by accomplishing the following objectives: • Students build on the syntactic knowledge that they have gained in previous study of English grammar, while being introduced to more advanced structures as well as the finer nuances involving tense and aspect of English verbs. • Students strengthen their abilities to produce the new grammatical structures in a variety of communicative contexts. 4. COURSE STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES After completing this course, students should be able to: 1. Demonstrate a working knowledge of all of the English verb tenses; 2. Transform active sentences into passive sentences, and vice versa; 3. Transform discourse into complex sentences using noun clauses; 4. Combine simple sentences into complex sentences using adverbial clauses. 5. LEARNING OBJECTIVES LEADING TO THE COURSE OUTCOMES ABOVE 1.1 Demonstrate a working knowledge of simple tenses: present and past; 1.2 Demonstrate a working knowledge of progressive tenses: present, past and future; 1.3 Demonstrate a working knowledge of perfect tenses: present, past and future; 1.4 Demonstrate a working knowledge of combinations of tenses, e.g. past perfect progressive; 1.5 Demonstrate a working knowledge of combined tense forms using modal verbs, e.g. should have . . . , must have . . . , etc. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Accurately describe the structure of the passive verb form; Summarize the conditions in which the passive verb form is preferred; Transform active sentences into passive sentences; Transform passive sentences into active sentences. 3.1 Distinguish between direct quotation and indirect quotation (reported speech); 3.2 Accurately transform sentences using direct quotation into sentences using indirect quotation, using the appropriate sequence of tenses, pronoun transformation and other required changes; 3.3 Accurately parse a sentence with an embedded quotation or question, identifying the basic parts of that sentence (subject + predicate); 3.4 Transform two simple sentences into an appropriate complex sentence using the process of nominalization to turn one sentence into a noun clause in the other. 4.1 Accurately distinguish classes of subordinating conjunctions according to function (time, causality, condition, reason, concession, comparison, contrast, etc.); 4.2 Transform simple sentences into complex sentences using appropriate subordinating conjunctions; 4.3 Demonstrate a working knowledge of construction of conditional sentences according to their truth conditions (i.e. real v. unreal) and time (i.e. present v. past); 4.4 Accurately distinguish between the meaning of sentences containing wish and that of sentences containing hope. 6. Spring 2011 COURSE CALENDAR, ESOL 0355, ADVANCED GRAMMAR WEEK 1: Chapters 1 and 2 WEEK 2: Chapter 3 Test #1 Chapters 1--3 WEEK 3: Chapter 4 WEEK 4: Chapters 6 and 7 WEEK 5: Chapter 9 WEEK 6: Chapter 10 WEEK 7: Chapters 8 and 11 WEEK 8: Chapter 12 WEEK 9: Chapter 13 WEEK 10: Chapter 14 WEEK 11: Chapter 15 WEEK 12: Chapter 16 WEEK 13: Chapter 17 WEEK 14: WEEK 15: Chapter 20 Review for final WEEK 16: FINAL EXAM Tuesday May 10 Test #2 Chapters 4,6, 7 Test #3, Chapters 9 and 10 Midterm Exam on March 10 Test #4 Chapters 12, 13, 14, 15 Test # 5 Chapters 16,17, and 20 Note 1: Exercises not covered in class are to be done by students as lab work or homework. Note 2: This is an approximate schedule; I may make minor changes to it if necessary to cover the material. 7. IMPORTANT DATES Week 5 Gulfton Blood Drive Week 6 Presidents’ Day Holiday Week 7 Gulfton Alumni Panel Week 8 Go Western day SPRING BREAK Week 11 Gulfton International Festival Week12 Last day to withdraw from classes Week 15 Deadline for HCC scholarship application Week 16 Final Writing Exam Week 16 Final Grammar Exam Wednesday February 16th Monday February 21st Wednesday March 2nd Thursday March 10th March 14th -19th Thursday April 7th Thursday April 14th before 4:30 p.m. Wednesday May 4th Monday May 9th Tuesday May 10th Week 16 Conversation Finals Grades available on-line By appointment Friday May 20th 8. INSTRUCTIONAL METHODS: These may include: Readings with a grammar focus Listening activities to hear the grammar in spoken English Writings whose purpose is to use the grammar Student-produced dialogs using the language (pairs or groups) Activities for spoken practice of grammar In lab, grammar computer programs, writing activities using the grammar In lab, grammar book exercises Error correction exercises Discover or recall the grammar from example sentences Exercises in the course book or on handouts Lecture 9. STUDENT ASSIGNMENTS: Written exercises from the grammar book or handouts Listening exercises for grammar and pronunciation of grammar Dialogs and written work using the grammar Homework exercises Homework is due on the next class day unless otherwise stated by the instructor. Homework one day late will receive a grade of 50%. If you are absent you are still responsible for the homework, so work missed while absent has to be done on your return. Please get a classmate’s phone number or email me to find out what you missed to be well prepared for class. 10. STUDENT ASSSESSMENT: Chapter tests Quizzes on homework or topics we have been studying Homework, lab and in class assignments Dictionaries and electronic devices are not allowed in tests and quizzes. Make up policy: At the end of the semester, I drop the lowest test score but not the midterm or final. Be in class for all tests to maximize your scores. 11. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: Understanding and Using English Grammar ________ Edition by Betty S.Azar Buy a NEW book. The Azar book is used for exercises as well as being a good reference text 12. HCC ADA POLICY: Students with Disabilities: Students with a documented learning or physical disability which might affect their performance in class should contact the HCCS South West College disabilities counselor, Dr. Becky Hauri at West Loop campus. 713-718-7910. Faculty is only authorized to provide accommodations by the Disability Support Service. Please see this website for more information: http://hccs.edu/student-rights 13. HCC POLICY ON ACADEMIC HONESTY: (Cheating) Academic Honesty (Dishonesty = Cheating): Any form of cheating or copying, (plagiarism) will result in a 0 for that assignment and possibly recommendation for probation or dismissal from the college system. Cheating includes copying from another student during a test or giving another student answers in a test. Another form of cheating is copying from the Internet or another text and handing it in as the student’s work. 14. HCC POLICY ON STUDENT ATTENDANCE: If you exceed a total of 10 hours of absence in any class (4 days of any class including labs), you can be dropped from ALL classes. This will make F1 students out of status and cause visa problems. Please email me if you are absent and talk to me on your return to get homework. Tardiness and in-class time absence: Classes and tests begin promptly. Lateness counts as class or lab absence. Three tardies (lateness) = 1 absence. Lateness after lunch, leaving early or disappearing during class or lab also count as absences. 15. HCC POLICY ON STUDENTS REPEATING FOR A THIRD TIME: Repeating students: Students who repeat a course three or more times will face a tuition fee increase at HCC and other Texas public colleges and universities. If you are having trouble in class, talk to the teacher. Students should get help so that they do not fail. Students who need extra help can see me after school or in break times or find a class buddy. Also, they can go for tutoring. Tutoring is available after school Tuesday to Thursday from 1:30 to 2:30 in room 105 and Fridays from 9 -11 in the audio lab. If a student fails a class for the second time, he or she will receive an F for that class. Get assistance from a counselor before withdrawing if you are not receiving passing grades. Note: International students will be out of status if they drop their classes and may have to return to their home country. Speak with a counselor or the advisor before dropping classes to make sure of the procedures. 16. HCC POLICY ON SEXUAL HARRASSMENT: Sexual harassment in any form is not tolerated at Houston Community College. It is a violation of HCCS policy for an employee, agent, or student of the college to engage in sexual harassment as defined in the EEOC guidelines (EEO/AA Compliance Handbook 47). See HCCS Student Handbook for more information. 17. HCC WITHDRAWAL DEADLINE: To drop a class, you must see a counselor or advisor. Go to the office or front desk of your campus to find out where to go. The last day students may withdraw or be dropped from a class with a grade of W is Thursday April 14th before 4:30 p.m. Students who have excessive absences after that date will receive the grades they earn. F1 students will be out of status if they withdraw from classes. They should get advice from a counselor or advisor for help if they plan to withdraw. 18. INSTRUCTOR REQUIREMENTS The teacher needs to: • Create a rich learning environment for grammar learning and student interaction • Give a variety of assignments on a range of topics connected to the course including online • Make tests, classes, and assignments clear • Provide grading scales and assessment • Tell students about important HCC policies such as attendance policies and academic honesty (no cheating) • Make a class calendar available • Make arrangements to keep in contact with students when they need help or have questions • Give help when needed To succeed in college the students need to: • Work hard and attend all classes and be on time. Good attendance + hard work = SUCCESS • Pay attention in class. Listen to the teacher carefully and ask questions • Be respectful. Listen to other students in the class and encourage everyone to contribute. • Work with other students and enjoy learning for a good learning environment. • For students to stay focused, turn off cell phones or use vibrate mode for emergencies and NO TEXTING. • Concentrate. Use English only in class time. Sit next to someone not speaking your language. • Eat well for energy. The brain needs good food. Eat breakfast at home and lunch in break times. • Do homework. The brain learns by seeing new words and ideas many times in different ways. • Do your own work and learn. Copying from the Internet and other sources is not learning. • Have fun learning. Read, write, listen and speak English in daily life through: TV, neighbors, students and coworkers, and volunteer in the community. • Use technology for learning on-line in English learning sites. 19. PROGRAM DISCIPLINE REQUIREMENTS: Students in 0355 Advanced Grammar will have to fulfill the following requirements in order to pass the class: A minimum of three chapter tests + a midterm or four chapter tests, all of which must test for both recognition and production of grammatical structures within a communicative context A lab program consisting of grammar exercises correlated to the grammar presented in the classes A final examination 20. HCC GRADING SCALE A 90-100 B 80-89 C 70-79 IP Below 70 In progress, but not passing 21. INSTRUCTOR’s GRADING CRITERIA: 45% Chapter Tests 10% Homework, quizzes, lab 20% Midterm exam 25% Final