CHEMICAL WASTE: MONITORING AND DISPOSAL University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Environmental Health & Safety Dr. Michael Charlton, Director MED 1.343T 210-567-2955 Revised January 2005 New Disposal Procedure September 2001 In an effort to streamline and improve the chemical waste disposal process, the Dept. Of Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) has revised the chemical waste labeling and pickup procedure: Goals of Chemical Disposal Procedure: Increase lab safety. Meet OSHA and EPA regulations. Quantify amount and type of waste. Consolidate and unify lab waste handling procedures. Integrate labs and safety office. Step #1: EH&S will provide chemical waste disposal tags and chemical labeling stickers. Use the labeling stickers as you see fit to label primary and/or secondary containers. The stickers are meant to help you meet OSHA and EPA labeling requirements. New Chemical Label/Sticker! Step #2: The lab personnel will be responsible for filling out the front of the tag and attaching it to the container before calling for chemical waste pickup. Request Chemical Waste Pickup: Have chemicals labeled and ready for pickup. Go to the EH&S web page, click the chemical button and submit your request. /safety/reply/replyform. html Or Call EH&S at 5672955. Give information regarding chemicals Tell us if you need tags and/or stickers. Scheduled Pickup Days: Chemical waste pickups are currently scheduled for Tuesdays or Thursdays depending on your location. Your Input is Important: The Dept. of Environmental Health & Safety is always interested in your input and suggestions for making this process simple and efficient while meeting the needs of everyone involved. Any questions or comments can be directed to Mike Gilmer, Sam McDaniel or Ozzie Crespo at (210) 5672955. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.