Museum Paper.doc

Museum Paper
Visit the Menil Collection in Houston near the University of St. Thomas. Find an
object in the ancient artifacts room that relates to the course content and
timeline. (no later than the 1300's) Find three sources of information on the
period, style, and meaning of similar works from the same period, or you may
compare and contrast with a work of another period. Write a paper of at least
2000 words citing your sources in the body of the text. Use the MLA style.
Template for Museum Paper, Survey of Art I,
Professor Steven Potter
Use this as a guide to organize your essay. Follow the approximate word counts
for each section below.
Your name and ID
Introduce the object with a vivid description. Put the object in an object type
(portrait painting, monumental sculpture of the ruler, palace wall panel, etc.).
Include the basic subject matter. Also discuss the work in terms of form. This
includes color, dimensions, line, and mass, medium, scale, shape, space,
texture, and value. How big is it? What is it made of? What shape or shapes
does it use? Is it textured? Is the texture actual texture or visual texture? Is it a
dark piece, or light, or somewhere in between. Is there a value scheme like
predominantly dark with light accents or predominantly light with dark accents?
100-200 words
Critical Points
Discuss the most characteristic aspects of the piece. You should try to discuss
the work in terms of the principles of design such as: balance, composition,
contrast, dominance, harmony, movement, proportion, proximity, rhythm,
similarity, unity, and variety. These are the ways in which the elements above
interact...the dynamics of the piece.
100-200 words
Write a formal analysis leading to the characterization of the work's style. You
may want to use other pieces in the collection for comparative purposes.
300-400 words
Historical, Cultural Context
Identify the people who made the piece - where they lived, in what type of
organization, etc, then focus on what this piece meant to the people who made it.
Use your library research. You may want to use other pieces in the collection for
comparative purposes. Context includes answers to questions like:
Who made it? What biographical information is available on the artist? The
artist’s attitude, beliefs, interests, and values; education and training would be
possible areas to research and integrate into your discussion. In what historical /
cultural environment was the work of art created. What culture created it? In
what time period was it made?
This section should also include a discussion of content.
Simply stated, content includes both the obvious subject matter of the work as
well as the sometimes less obvious meaning or message of the work. You might
have to do a little digging here. The Internet is a valuable resource for some
preliminary research. You may want to follow that up with some actual library
research. Rice U., U of H, and the Museum of Fine Arts have the best Art
libraries in the city. Also use library search tool.
Approximately 800-1000 words
Restate your main points. Synthesize your major points into a concise cohesive
40-60 words.
-------------------------------------------------------Works Cited
You must include a list of at least three sources you found helpful in
understanding this object. Each source does not have to treat the object directly
(it probably won't), but it must help you understand some aspect of the historical
context or style of the piece. Annotate each work with approximately 100 words
for each entry (300 words total). Use the MLA citation style.
Checklist for Museum Paper
* Consult the template above for subject matter.
* Consult the Assessment Rubric below as you write.
* Upload your paper to
* Turn in typed, stapled, double-spaced essay following the word
* Turn your essay in on time. No lates accepted.
Important: Review the grading rubric for the paper below to see how your grade
is calculated.
Term Paper Assessment Rubric
Grade: A
* Provides a comprehensive and original description of the art object
* Completes a succinct but insightful formal analysis of the object
* Describes the iconography of the piece
* Provides a thorough and insightful discussion of the historical context
* Generates a thesis that joins the formal analysis and historical context in an
insightful and holistic manner
Grade: B
* Provides a comprehensive and original description of the art object.
* Completes a succinct but insightful formal analysis of the objects
* Describes the iconography of the piece.
* Provides a thorough and insightful discussion of the historical context
* Generates a thesis that follows logically from the formal analysis or historical
Grade: C
* Provides a logical description of the art object.
* Attempts a proper formal analysis of the object.
* Describes the iconography of the pieces
* Provides an adequate discussion of the historical context
Grade: D/F
Any two of the following four errors: Does not provide a logical description
of the objects or cannot formally analyze the objects. Does not handle
iconography or provide a discussion of the historical context.