Quiz 1: Engaging Teachers/Turning Research into Results Checklist before submitting: 1. Go back and reread the questions. Make sure that you have answered each part of every question. 2. Be sure that the responses you have given: a. Express your own views clearly, and that you have taken a position when required. b. Make sure the principles have been applied to a situation you know well, preferably from your own experience. 3. Consider having another person read what you have written and ask questions about parts that may come across as fuzzy or not clear. In any case, check for clarity. That’s it. Go ahead and submit. Grading Rubric: Quiz #1 1. Knowledge: Responses are clear, concise, and “on-target” accurate. 10 2. Application: The applications to real life are convincing and show that real learning has taken place. 10 3. Advocates well: The person takes a position on a given issue, clearly stating his or her position. 10 4. Correct use of English: Spelling, punctuation, grammar are correct. 10 5. Overall unity: The thinking is insightful, the reader feels significantly taught. Total Points 10 ---50