PE 102 Swim Syllabus

LACC Water Activities – Beginning Swimming
PE 102
Office Hours
M. Coulehan
323 593-4000
Extension 2867
Before and After
General Course Information and Description.
A laboratory Physical Education swimming exercise course designed to improve the student
physically in the areas of cardiovascular efficiency, muscular strength, body composition and
flexibility utilizing techniques from the American Red Cross including basic water safety, stroke
improvement and swimming technique.
This syllabus is subject to change by instructor at anytime.
PE 101 - The student will perform water adjustment skills to ready him/her for learning how to
swim. Authentic Assessment Task: The student will push-off the wall in shallow water, prone
glide with face in the water for 10 feet, turn over into a back float, and stand up.
PE 102 -Students will be able to demonstrate beginning swimming skills as appropriate to a
given task.
AUTHENTIC ASSESSMENT TASK – Measurement of breathing technique during freestyle
Upon the completion of the course and with active participation, the student will demonstrate the
following skills:
1 Ability to perform/demonstrate a variety of basic swimming strokes/skills.
2 Ability to demonstrate a variety of water safety skills.
3 Ability to perform all swimming exercises safely and correctly based on their individual
swim screening and fitness level.
4 Improvement in aerobic capacity, muscular strength, flexibility and body composition as
measured by active participation (daily grade) and swimming skills evaluation.
5 Ability to work in groups with increased awareness and appreciation of the others’ skills
and aptitude.
6 Improvement in health and wellness to choose to make swimming a lifetime activity.
The student is expected to dress appropriately swimsuit, towel, cap, goggles for swimming
physical activity.
Evaluation and Grading
Daily Grade
Skills tests value
Water Safety
Written Final
Make ups
Max is 45 per
50 points per
50 points
50 points
= time in another
beginning swim
Skills test measure swimming skill, stroke development and/or improvement and/or swimming
workout capacity.
Attendance and participating is extremely important. Please try to attend and participate in all
water sessions. Roll is taken every class session and it is the student’s responsibility to check in
with the instructor. If roll call is missed the student is to check in after the class. A tardy
deduction from the daily grade will amount to 10 – 20 points. If the gate is closed/shut the
student will not be admitted or will not receive participation points for that day.
An instructor may lower the grade or drop a student from a class for too many absences. The
instructor shall drop a student missing more than two weeks in a row, or. More than 20% of the
course. In the event of special circumstances, such as a long illness, death in the immediate
family, or court appearance, the student maybe reinstated by decision of the instructor.
A Standard of Conduct: Children are not allowed on campus unless the supervision of a
parent or guardian or are enrolled in an approved college program. Children may not attend
class with a parent or guardian unless the course is specifically designed to include children.
Children must be supervised so that educational activities are not interrupted. At no time should
a child be left unattended in any area.
OTHER: If you are a student with a disability, physical issue and or any other health/learning
related concern that may affect your grade, please inform all instructors as soon as possible.
Students with a verified disability who may need authorized accommodation(s) for this class are
encouraged to notify the instructor and the Office of Special Services in SSV110 as soon as
possible, at least two weeks before any exam or quiz. All information will remain confidential.