English 1301 Spring 2011 Calendar SUBJECT TO CHANGE READER TO BE ADDED BY 3/15/2011 Week One MARCH 22: Introduction to course, Discussion of Syllabus and class expectations Introduction to essay construction and format, Writing sample OW: purchase both texts and supplies for course, be prepared by next class MARCH 24: How to read a text for this class, Discussion of Rhetorical strategies, Construction of introductions and conclusions, Necessary information v. Unnecessary information, Assign Paper One OW: WHB—Ch. 7 pp. 142- 160 NR-Week Two MARCH 29: Discussion of expository writing, Quiz #1, Discussion of assigned readings, Discussion of workshop rules and guidelines, OW: Paper One final copy is due next meeting with copies for each class member. REMINDER: I do NOT accept late papers for ANY reason. If you can't be present in class, I expect your paper sent VIA email PRIOR to class time. MARCH 31: Paper One Due Workshop #1 OW: HB—Ch. 9 pp. 183-209 NR-Week Three APRIL 5: Quiz #2, Discussion of assigned readings, Specific strategies for critically analyzing a text, Writing Response #2, Assign Paper Two OW: HB—Ch. 12 pp. 242-253 NR-APRIL 7: Quiz #3, Discussion of assigned readings, Writing Response #3, How to incorporate source material into your writing, Analysis of various mediums other than writing OW: Paper Two final copy is due next meeting with copies for each class member. REMINDER: I do NOT accept late papers for ANY reason. If you can't be present in class, I expect your paper sent VIA email PRIOR to class time. Week Four APRIL 12: Paper Two Due Workshop #2, Midterm Review OW: Study for midterm. Bring a new blue book for the text. If you do not have one 20 points will be automatically deducted from your score. APRIL 14: Midterm OW: HB—pp. 210-236 NR-Week Five APRIL 19: Quiz #4, Discussion of assigned readings, Assign Paper Three, Writing Response #4, How to persuade an audience OW: HB—pp.322-329 NR-APRIL 21: Quiz #5, Discussion of assigned readings, Writing Response #5, Discussion of researching methods, bibliographic information, works cited, How to use quotations, paraphrases and/or summaries OW: HB—pp.347NR-Week Six APRIL 26: Quiz #6, Library (?), Database research techniques, Independent research OW: Paper Three final copy is due next meeting with copies for each class member. REMINDER: I do NOT accept late papers for ANY reason. If you can't be present in class, I expect your paper sent VIA email PRIOR to class time. APRIL 28: Paper #3 Due Workshop #3 OW: NR-Begin gathering your essays and working on the revisions for your portfolio. Week Seven MAY 3: Quiz #7, Discussion of assigned reading, Writing Response #7 OW: Complete your portfolio. It is due next class. MAY 5: Portfolios Due, Final Exam Review OW: Study for final. Bring a new blue book for the text. If you do not have one 20 points will be automatically deducted from your score. Week Eight MAY 10: Final Exam tba