Please Keep This For Your Records Instructor- Charlotte Johnson CODWELL DESK-713-718-8300 Days on campus M&W-9:30-11 AM Math 306 Course Syllabus COURSE DESCRIPTION Fundamentals of Mathematics I. Topics include real numbers, basic geometry, polynomials, linear equations, inequalities, quadratic equations and rational expressions. TEXTBOOK: Brittinger, Marvin L. Ellenbogen, David J. Prealgebra and Introductory Algebra (2rd Ed), Addison Welsey: Boston 2008. POLICY ON ATTENDANCE You are only allowed to miss 3(THREE) CLASS PERIODS. If you do not NOTIFY me and absences EXCEED FOUR CLASSES, you will IMMEDIATELY be ADMINISTRATIVELY WITHDRAWN. POLICY ON CALCULATORS CALCULATORS MAY NOT BE USED ON TEST. ONLY IN CLASS AND HOMEWORK. CELL PHONES AND PAGERS: PLEASE TURN OFF HOMEWORK POLICY Homework will be assigned regularly. HOMEWORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER 11 AM ON DUE DATE. POLICY ON CHEATING Cheating on examinations can result in TOTAL DISMISSAL from Houston Community College Systems. Any talking during Exams will be considered cheating. POLICY ON GRADING MAJOR TEST 40% HOMEWORK 15% COMPUTER ASSIGNMENTS 10% QUIZZES 10 % FINAL EXAM 25% AVERAGE FINAL GRADE 90-100 A 80-89 B 70-79 C 60-69 D 50 AND BELOW F OVER FIVE ABSENCES W Any student making below 60 for the course average will receive the grade of F.In some cases a student who receives a W will be withdrawn from all other courses, and may lose all financial assistant that he may currently be receiving. FINAL EXAM- STUDENTS MUST MAKE AT LEAST A 60 ON FINAL EXAM IN ORDER TO PASS TO NEXT CLASS. STUDENTS MUST TAKE FINAL EXAM TO RECEIVE A GRADE IN CLASS. TEST: NO MAKE-UP EXAMS (EXCEPT FOR EMERGENCYS) OR QUIZZES. FREE- PERSONAL TUTORING, COMPUTERIZED TUTORING AND DVD’S ARE AVAILABLE TO ANY STUDENT WHO SEEKS THE ASSISTANCE. FREE TUTORING AVAILABLE IN THE MATH LAB – NORTHLINE- MON- THUR 9-9 P.M. FRI & SAT -10-4 P.M. PINEMONT-MON-THUR -9-7PM