Senate Minutes 10.15.15

Associated Student Government
Senate Meeting Minutes
Los Angeles City College | 2nd floor Multi-Purpose Room | Student Union Building
Thursday, October 15, 2015 |3:30 PM
Notice is hereby given that the Associated Student Government (ASG) of Los Angeles City College will convene their Senate Meeting at the place and time listed
above. The starting and ending times are approximate. This meeting is to be called under the authority of the California Government Code Section 54956. The
Board invites public testimony in conjunction with each item of business after formal discussion. The agenda is as follows:
Call to Order
Roll Call:
PRESIDENT, Bryant Woodert, present
PARLIAMENTARIAN, Kazi Mahmood, present
VICE PRESIDENT OF FINANCE, Sheldon Harvey, present
VICE PRESIDENT OF CLUBS, Saeed Hossaeini, present
EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, Tristan Bantog, present
SENATOR, Lavel Berry, present
SENATOR, Murat Gabriel, left at 4:34PM
SENATOR, Owen Grissom, present
SENATOR, Jenné Henry, present
SENATOR, Scheick Toure, present
SENATOR, Arsen Shakhbazyan, absent
ADVISOR, Alen Andriassian, present
Approval of Minutes Hossaeini motioned to approve the minutes, Grissom seconded. Berry corrects that the minutes need to be stated ASG officer
photos will be taken at the Foundation. Harvey adds that the moment of silence needs to be added.
Public Forum
This time is reserved for members of the public to address the Board on issues not already appearing on the agenda. Each member will be limited to
a total of Three (3) minutes. (Limited to 20 minutes)
Christine Tindberg: Student Learning Outcomes guidelines have changed according to accreditation institutes. A committee has proposed to uphold
the aesthetic beauty of the campus. Additional Student Learning Outcomes have been added to improve diversity and awareness. The college would
like to add Technical Proficiency. The addition of the Technical Proficiency will not affect the necessary classes to the general education
curriculum. Harvey: Add the expected learning outcomes to the class-learning outcome.
Reports (Each member will be limited to a total of Five (5) minutes)
A. President’s Report Student Affairs committee has had issues regarding bonds. Higher One grievances have been filed to the Student Affairs
committee for students losing money once leaving the campus. Scholarship for $30,000 has been pending with the President of the college.
Millennium Scholarship foundation would be divided into thousand dollar scholarships. President of the college would like to issue those
scholarships to CGCAs. Space beside the bookstore would be used to create a coffee space. $575,000 would be spent to create the cafeteria.
Club Rush was successful, and Performer Series has been drawing attention. Utilize your position as student leaders by advocating in your
Shared Council meetings.
B. Officer Reports/Committee Reports Toure: New VP was elected in the Region 7. Talk of baby-changing stations being made in the men’s
changing facilities. Harvey: Not a lot has happened in the Facilities Planning Committee. The financial aid office has not been particularly
hospitable. Typically during the summer, when it is hot. Additions to the Finance Committee agendas need to be sent earlier. Berry: Support
Staff does not have a particular boss but will be done through central coordinating of department needs. Some students have had to drop out.
Support Staff was able to help the Club Rush and Sip-N-See event. Furniture in particular buildings have been degrading. Possibly we can
create a stipend to maintain regular cleaning. Fire extinguishers are not easily enough accessible. Emergency kits are not supplied well enough.
In order to promote college safety, a video should be made in the event of an active shooter. Oscar: Election committee interviews went well.
Everyone should be advocating for student rights. Not all of our efforts should be focused on event planning. Do not vote without full
understanding on an action item. Ask questions. Oscar motioned to extend the officer reports by 20 minutes, seconded by Grissom. Motion
passed. Hossaeini: Club Rush was very successful. 50 clubs have been chartered. October 16 th is the last day to have clubs chartered. First
Club Council meeting will be next week. Date TBD. Henry: Administrators never replied about the luncheon. Mahmood: Refrain from
interrupting officers during their reports. Bantog: Agenda requests are due on Fridays before 2PM for both Senate and Finance Meetings.
NOTICE: In compliance with the Ralph M. Brown Act (California Government Code 54950-54963) this meeting shall be open to all members of the public, press, and media. In compliance with the California Public Records Act aka
CPRA (California Government Code 6250-6270), this agenda and all meeting materials distributed during this public meeting shall be made available and in alternate formats upon request. Please contact the Associated Student
Government (ASG) office located in the 2nd floor, Student Union Building in person or by phone at (323) 953-4000, Ext. # 2475. You may also address any comments, concerns, or requests to Bryant Woodert, ASG President, in
person at his office in the Student Union Building, by calling (323) 953-4000, Ext. # 2478, or via email:
Advisor’s Report The most important issues can be impacted during Shared Council meetings. Everyone can be advocating for student rights
regardless of their position within ASG. ASG does have opportunity to better access impact students. CCCSAA conference was cancelled due
to cancellations. Hossaeini motioned to extend the Advisor’s Report by 5 minutes, seconded by Grissom. General Assembly meeting is
November 13-15th. Meeting tomorrow will be at 8:30AM at LA Trade Tech.
Discussion Items (Each Discussion Item is limited to a total of Ten (10) minutes)
Bylaws Dixon will be added to the Bylaws Committee.
Building Fund Forum Berry: Copy center would be able to gain support from in order to gain revenue, provide employment, and address
student needs whilst being a lower cost than the Cafeteria. Oscar: The implementation of a mandatory fee upon the students would be wrong.
Forcing students to pay for the administrations mistake is wrong. Woodert: This is only a forum. Allsop: The fee would provide for a
foundation for future students to benefit from. Jonathan: Copy center would be easier to manage and would be more beneficial in the longterm. Without a proper lunch area it puts down the name of LACC. Henry motioned to extend the discussion item for 5 minutes, seconded by
Grissom. No objections. Motion passes. Tollefree: Regular forums should be put forth in order to gauge student consensus. Henry: Ballots to
receive student opinions should be put at student events. Item will be reviewed next week.
Office Etiquette Food should not be thrown out within the office. Officers should be aware of the manner in which they speak, and the music
they play. Close the office doors as well as bathroom doors once you are leaving. Please be respectful and sign-in before going to speak with
Dean Andriassian. Lock your computers once you are done with your business.
Action Items (Each Action Item is limited to a total of Ten(10) minutes) 4:00pm
A. Officer Appointments of Vacant Positions Alyssia Hogue: Applying for Senator of Commerce, or Media and Publications. Seeks to get
involved and improve the educational outcome of students within the college. Believes in the impact she can make within the college.
Experienced in making web pages. Manages multiple social media pages. Long-term goal is to transfer with two AA degrees to a UC and go to
law school. Diego Mendez: Major is Business with a focus in economics and Communications. Wants to join ASG to voice student opinions.
Applying for Senator of Enterprises and Commerce. Feels the problem of available resources (library on Fridays, gym, cafeteria). Joining ASG
would help him improve communication skills. Mandy Dixon: Majoring in Psychology. People person, who wishes to share a positive
experience with her fellow students. Long-term goal is to become a clinical psychologist. Running for any position available. Confident in her
ability to manage her time.
B. Appointment of Diego Garcia as Senator of Enterprise and Commerce Motioned by Harvey, seconded by Hossaeini. Oscar voted yes,
Harvey voted yes, Hossaeini voted yes, Berry voted yes, Grissom voted yes, Henry voted yes, Toure voted yes. Motion passed unanimously.
C. Appointment of Alyssia Hogue as Senator of Media and Publications Motioned by Hossaeini, seconded by Berry. Oscar voted yes, Harvey
voted yes, Hossaeini voted yes, Berry voted yes, Grissom voted yes, Henry voted yes, Toure voted yes. Motion passed unanimously.
D. Appointment of Mandy Dixon as Senator of Student Services Motioned by Grissom, seconded by Hossaeini. Oscar voted yes, Harvey voted
yes, Hossaeini voted yes, Berry voted yes, Grissom voted yes, Henry voted yes, Toure voted yes. Motioned passed unanimously. Henry
motioned to recess for 10 minutes, seconded by Harvey. Objected by Grissom. Motion passed unanimously.
ANNOUNCEMENTS Jonathan: Club Rush and Sip-N-See was a great event.
ADJOURNMENT Hossaeini motioned to adjourn to 6:50PM seconded by Berry. No objections
NOTICE: In compliance with the Ralph M. Brown Act (California Government Code 54950-54963) this meeting shall be open to all members of the public, press, and media. In compliance with the California Public Records Act aka
CPRA (California Government Code 6250-6270), this agenda and all meeting materials distributed during this public meeting shall be made available and in alternate formats upon request. Please contact the Associated Student
Government (ASG) office located in the 2nd floor, Student Union Building in person or by phone at (323) 953-4000, Ext. # 2475. You may also address any comments, concerns, or requests to Bryant Woodert, ASG President, in
person at his office in the Student Union Building, by calling (323) 953-4000, Ext. # 2478, or via email: