DFTG-2371: PDMS Instructor: Dr. Osakue Quiz # 1: Piping Overview Student:_____________________________________________ 1. Date______________ Piping ____________ and drafting is the creation and documentation of industry standard layout of pipes, equipment, instruments and controls in piping systems. 2. Piping systems include __________________, industrial piping, civil piping, and transportation piping. 3. Industrial piping includes oil and gas, ____________, food and beverages, pharmaceuticals, etc. systems. 4. Pipelines are use for the _________________________ of materials over long distances. 5. ___________________ are equipment and tools used to measure, monitor, and control piping processes. 6. Piping system ___________________ carry the weight and external loads imposed on piping elements. 7. Piping structures include _______________________, pipe racks and sleepers, platforms and ladders and various types of supports and locators. 8. Piping ________________ are devices that provide power, process and store materials in piping systems. 9. Common piping equipment includes pumps, tanks, vessels, _________ ____________, towers, chillers, etc. 10. Piping diagrams and drawings are graphic _____________ of objects in piping systems. 11. Diagrams are graphic images that are created _________________ scale or created to scale but have incomplete technical information. 12. Drawings are graphic images that are created to ______________ with complete technical information. 13. Piping system elements may be categorized into equipment, lines, ______________, instruments, and structures. 14. Piping lines are hollow products used to transport materials between equipment and include ___________, tubes, and hoses. 15. Instruments in piping systems include _____________ and gauges, indicators and recorders, valves and actuators and controllers. 16. ________________ are devices attached to piping lines and equipment that provide means of changing flow directions and pipe sizes as well as allow branches and connections. 17. Piping diagrams include BFDs, PFDs P&IDs, piping isometric, and piping ____________ diagrams. 18. Piping drawings include plot, unit, and area plans. Others are equipment, equipment layout drawings and piping plans and ________________. 19. Plant _________________ are 3D graphic representations constructed at full-size. 20. Piping drawings and diagrams can be ___________________ from 3D plant representations. 21. A pressure class indicates approximately the ___________________ resisting capacity of a component. 22. 3D plant design is now the standard in the industry and PDMS is a _____________ leader in this business. 23. Equipment used to generate power for driving other devices is called ____________ mover. 24. Utility lines consist of the piping lines used to provide service ____________________ in the piping facilities. 25. In industrial piping, the common classes are 150, 300, 400, 600, 900, 1500, 2500, and _____________ psi. 26. In English unit system, the working pressure of a pressure class is often ______________ that the rated pressure value. 27. In Metric unit system working pressure of a pressure class is the same as the _________ rated pressure value.