Clue 1. Definition Clues 2. Synonym Clues Description and Clues The author gives a definition of specialized vocabulary. Clues: A writer provides a word or brief phrase that is close in meaning. Clues: 3. Example Clues Writers use examples to explain or clarify a word. Clues: 4. Contrast Clues Writers sometimes use ____________, words or phrases that mean the opposite, as a clue. Clues: Writers sometimes 5. Inference require readers to Clues determine the meaning of an unknown word through inference—a process that uses ___________________ ___ and skills. Example The professor is averse— opposed to—changing a student’s grade. Averse means _______________. The salesperson tried to assuage the angry customer’s feelings. She wanted to calm and soothe her. Assuage means ____________. The adverse effects of this drug include dizziness, nausea, and headaches. Adverse means ____________. My sister Kathy is lively and outgoing, but I am more introverted. Introverted means _____________. Smoking is a detriment to your health because it is estimated that each cigarette you smoke will shorten your life by one and a half minutes. Detriment means ____________.