Kirk Kirksey, Vice President for Information Resources UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas “Computer analysis lets us see the effects of many variables and their interactions. This is a picture that we could not have achieved before. It is superior to the experiencebased knowledge of an operator . You might say truth replaces knowledge.” Six Sigma Quality Roadmap Data Based Analytics The Dawn of the Electronic Medical Record Data integration from multiple systems Singular view of treatment proccess Interface (e.g. HL7, SOA, CCOW, etc) intensive Patient centric Treatment and process focused Lousy platform for analytics d d d d d d d d d d d d d Level 1 Function Clusters Level 2 Communications Level 3 Integration Level 4 Linked Repositories Administrative Interface Engine Master Patient Index Medical Entities Dictionary Standards (HL7, SOA), DICOM) Clinical Analytics Financial Today ANCILLARY GLUCOSE ANCILLARY GLUCOSE ANCILLARY, GLUCOSE GLUCOSE GLUCOSE GLUCOSE GLUCOSE GLUCOSE GLUCOSE GLUCOSE GLUCOSE GLUCOSE GLUCOSE GLUCOSE GLUCOSE GLUCOSE GLUCOSE ISTAT ICUSL GLUCOSE ISTAT SSL GLUCOSE, PLASMA GLUCOSE, SERUM GLUCOSE,PLASMA GLUCOSE,PLASMA GLUCOSE 1 HOUR GLUCOSE, 1 HOUR GLUCOSE, 1 HOUR GLUCOSE, 1-HR 50 MG GLUCOSE,1HOUR GLUCOSE 1 HOUR U GLUCOSE QUAL 1 H FOR GTT GLUCOSE, URINE 24HR GLUCOSE 2 HOURS GLUCOSE, 2 HOUR GLUCOSE, 2 HOUR GLUCOSE,2HOUR GLUCOSE 2 HOURS GLUCOSE 2 HOUR POST PRANDIAL U GLUCOSE QUAL 2 H FOR GTT GLUCOSE 1/2 HOUR GLUCOSE, 0.5 HOUR U GLUCOSE QUAL .5 H FOR GTT GLUCOSE 3 HOURS GLUCOSE 3 HOURS GLUCOSE, 3 HOUR GLUCOSE,3HOUR GLUCOSE, 3 HOUR U GLUCOSE QUAL 3 H FOR GTT GLUCOSE 4 HOURS GLUCOSE, 4 HOUR U GLUCOSE QUAL 4 H FOR GTT GLUCOSE, 5 HOUR BEDSIDE GLUCOSE BEDSIDE GLUCOSE GLUCOSE BY METER GLUCOSE WHOLE BLOOD GLUCOSE, WHOLE BLOOD GLUC-WHOLE BLOOD WB GLUCOSE WB GLUCOSE WV GLUCOSE CEREBROSPINAL FLUID GLUCOSE CEREBROSPINAL FLUID GLUCOSE GLUCOSE (CSF) GLUCOSE (CSF) GLUCOSE, CSF FASTING GLUCOSE GLUCOSE FASTING FOR GTT GLUCOSE, FASTING GLUCOSE, FASTING GLUCOSE,FASTING U GLUCOSE QUAL FASTING FOR GTT GLUCOSE, BODY FLUID GLUCOSE, BODY FLUID GLUCOSE, FLUID GLUCOSE, FLUID GLUCOSE,FLUID GLUCOSE,FLUID GESTATIONAL GLUCOSE DIABETES SCREEN GLUCOSE, GESTATIONAL SCREEN GLUCOSE, GESTATIONAL SCREEN GLUCOSE,P INTERPRETATION MEAN BLOOD GLUCOSE MEAN BLOOD GLUCOSE GLUCOSE PP (50 GRAM) GLUCOSE PP(50 GRAM) GLUCOSE TOLERANCE 1 GLUCOSE TOLERANCE 2 GLUCOSE TOLERANCE 3 GLUCOSE TOLERANCE 4 GLUCOSE TOLERANCE 5 GLUCOSE TOLERANCE 6 ANC .URINE GLUCOSE ANC. URINE GLUCOSE GLUCOSE, RANDOM URINE GLUCOSE, URINE GLUCOSE, URINE RANDOM 96 different glucose procedur Analytics organization of the data Workflow based on analytics Data normalization and rationalization (vocabularies and data dictionaries) Transformation Meta data Organization and processes dedicated to analytics Dedicated integration function New skills Level 1 Function Clusters Level 2 Communications Level 3 Integration Level 4 Linked Repositories 3 Meta Data (instruments, reagents) Administrative 4 1 Data Normalization and Business Rules (What is gender?) Clinical Workflow Requirements (race/ethnicity, problem lists) 5 Organization and Analysis Analytics Financial 2 Data Dictionaries (What’s a clinic?) The Analytics Organization Data Integrity Data Definitions Meaningful Analytics Feedback and Monitor Emerging high speed network standards LTE (Long Term Evolution) over Winmax as a global standard An Internet of devices Latency reduced by 75% Verizon and AT&T to build LTE networks Use the Meaningful Use Quality Reporting measures as a starting point for quality reporting and monitoring across UT System health institutions. Health institution presidents approved 10 quality measures prior to MU finalization Money Leverage Meaningful Use Definitions EMR position at UT System health institutions To qualify for Medicare incentive payments, Medicare Eligible Professional (EP) successfully demonstrate meaningful use for each year of participation in the program. Payment First Year Medicare EP Qualifies as Meaningful User 2011 2012 2013 2014 2011 $18,000 2012 $12,000 $18,000 2013 $8,000 $12,000 $15,000 2014 $4,000 $8,000 $12,000 $12,000 2015 $2,000 $4,000 $8,000 $8,000 2016 $0 $2,000 $4,000 $4,000 Total $44,000 $44,000 $39,000 $24,000 2015+ $0 To qualify for Medicaid incentive payments, Medicaid EPs must implement or demonstrate meaningful use of certified EHR in the first year of participation and demonstrate meaningful use in years 2-6. Payment First Year Medicaid EP Qualifies to Receive Payment 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2011 $21,250 2012 $8,500 $21,250 2013 $8,500 $8,500 $21,250 2014 $8,500 $8,500 $8,500 $21,250 2015 $8,500 $8,500 $8,500 $8,500 $21,250 2016 $8,500 $8,500 $8,500 $8,500 $8,500 $21,250 $8,500 $8,500 $8,500 $8,500 $8,500 $8,500 $8,500 $8,500 $8,500 $8,500 $8,500 $8,500 $8,500 $8,500 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 $8,500 $63,750 $63,750 $63,750 $63,750 $63,750 $63,750 Population criteria Initial Patient Population = AND: Inpatient encounter Denominator = AND: Principal Diagnosis of Ischemic stroke AND AND AND AND AND AND AND OR: LDL-c >=100 mg/dL OR: LDL-c NOT Measured Within the First 48 Hours of Hospital Arrival OR: LDL-c NOT Measured Within 30 Days Prior to Hospital Arrival OR: Pre-Arrival Lipid-Lowering Agent NOT: NOT: NOT: NOT: NOT: NOT: Age < 18 at time of Admission Length of stay > 120 days Comfort Measures Only Clinical Trial (Problem List) Clinical Trial (Discharge Dx) AND: Elective Carotid Intervention AND: Elective Surgery Procedure Stroke 6 - Ischemic stroke patients prescribed statin medication at hospital discharge Population criteria Denominator = (continued) AND NOT: AND NOT: AND NOT: AND NOT: AND NOT: diagnosis) AND NOT: reason) AND NOT: reason) DischargeTransfers Patient condition deceased Patients with a Reason For Not Prescribing Statin Medication at Discharge (problem list) Patients with a Reason For Not Prescribing Statin Medication at Discharge (discharge Patients with a Reason For Not Prescribing Statin Medication at Discharge (With patient Patients with a Reason For Not Prescribing Statin Medication at Discharge (With medical Numerator = 17 AND: Elective Carotid Intervention AND: Elective Admission Encounter AND: Statin Medication Prescribed at Discharge Four EHRs in use at UT health institutions. ◦ Epic – UTMB, UTHSCSA, UT Southwestern ◦ MediTech – UTHSC Tyler ◦ AllScripts – UTHSC Houston ◦ In house developed – MD Anderson Use remaining HIT Fellowship dollars ($1M) to assist components achieve meaningful use Insure data definitions are consistent allowing collective reporting and comparisons Hospital registration for MU January 2011 Physician practice reporting period begins October 1, 2011 $30-40M across UT System???? Quickly form MU/Quality Measures Task Force Appoint full time project manager Prepare Statement of Work for MU Gap Analysis. Must be parallel analysis Determine other quality measures to be included Deliverables: ◦ Gap by institution (what is being collected correctly what is not) ◦ Identify templates/techniques in use now that could be leveraged ◦ Estimate remediation costs (workflow changes likely to be most expensive) for 2011 and 2012 ◦ Design common reporting process and technical platform for UT System