These exercises contain items that are (depending on the version of MS Word you are using) either highlighted in yellow are enclosed in red brackets. When you move your mouse cursor over a yellow area or a red-bracketed area, a 'hidden text message' will appear on the screen. Please, keep your cursor to the far right while you are reading the text material. When you are ready to 'uncover' the hidden text, move your cursor to the yellow or red areas. Let's practice this 'uncovering' procedure: How much is one plus one? a. b. c. d. zero two five none of the above -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Word Parts The Prefix 'sub-' A prefix comes at the beginning of a word. When you come across an unfamiliar word, there are two techniques that can help you determine the new word's meaning: - look at the word and see if you can get a basic understanding of its meaning by using your knowledge of word parts - look for context clues by examining the sentence that contains the unfamiliar word, along with the sentence before and the sentence after subsubacute The hospital patient was informed that his condition was that of subacute asthma. subagent The agent was unable to attend the meeting, so she sent her subagent. subaqueous The subaqueous experimental lab was investigating the long-term effects of humans living on the ocean floor. subassembly The main assembly did not work properly because the subassembly had not been completely connected. subatomic The researchers designed an instrument to detect radiation particles at the subatomic level. subauricular The surgeon successfully removed the subauricular tumor. subbasement There was so little living area in their home, the owners decided to hire a construction contractor to build a subbasement. subcelestial With the terrible economic situation in our country, many critiques have suggested that our monies be spent on subcelestial matters instead of attempting to journey to the planet Mars. subclass In many foreign countries, women are considered to be subclass citizens. subclavian The medical doctor inserted a subclavian drainage tube into the patient's chest so that the excess fluid could be removed. subclinical It was difficult to detect the medical problem since all of her symptoms were in the subclinical range. subcommittee The Armed Forces Committee decided to establish a subcommittee to investigate the matters dealing with the current hostage crisis. subcompact The car manufacturer conducted a consumer survey to see if car buyers were interested in purchasing a subcompact automobile. subconscious The psychiatrist told the patient that his unusual behavior was being caused by a subconscious desire to please his mother. subcontinent The land mass was not quite large enough to be classified as a continent; therefore, the researchers identified it as a subcontinent. subcontract The principle contractor let subcontracts for: plumbing, roofing, and wiring. subcostal The chest tube was inserted in the subcostal region of the patient's chest in order to relieve the pressure on the lungs. subcutaneous The registered nurse gave the patient a subcutaneous injection of medicine. subdeacon The subdeacon conducted the church meeting because the deacon was working with a relief organization that day. subdistrict A large voter turnout was expected, so each district was divided into four subdistricts. subdivide The land developer subdivided the large parcel of land into 16 smaller tracts. subdue The law enforcement officer was able to subdue the man by placing him in handcuffs. subentry The traveling saleslady listed the restaurant bill as a subentry on the expense sheet. subfloor Before the expensive tile could be installed in the new home, a plywood subfloor needed to be constructed. subfreezing Extra precaution had to be taken to protect against the subfreezing weather. subglacial The mineral was initially formed as a subglacial deposit during the last ice age. subgroup The large class was divided into four subgroups in order to better address each assigned chapter. subheading The chemistry textbook chapter was so long that it was divided into nine subheadings. subirrigate To prevent large amounts of water evaporation, the farmer constructed a system of subirrigation pipes. subject The country's dictator imposed very strict laws upon her subjects. subjugate It was unclear whether the military forces would subjugate the enemy. sublet The construction job was so large, the contractor was forced to sublet several assignments to three subcontractors. sublethal Although the snakebite was harmful; fortunately, the dose of venom was sublethal. subliminal The psychologist scheduled the patient for a series of subliminal therapy treatments. sublingual The little boy was very afraid of injections, so the nurse gave the medicine sublingually. submarine A large portion of the Navy is made up of submarines. submerge The first step in the experiment is to submerge a sponge in the fluid. submersible The diver needed a submersible watch so she would know when the air tank was low on oxygen. submicroscopic An electron microscope is able to detect submicroscopic particles in a research lab. submit The criminal gang finally submitted to the overwhelming force of the SWAT (special weapons assault team) unit. subnormal Because of her genetic defect, she learned that her kidneys were functioning at a subnormal level. suboceanic A very unusual aquatic creature was recently discovered in a suboceanic region off the coast of Australia. suborbital The spacecraft was programmed for an orbital flight, but was restricted to only a suborbital schedule after it lost some of its fuel during takeoff. subordinate The department supervisory was in charge of training 16 subordinates. subscribe The advertisement was so interesting that he decided to subscribe to the new magazine. subservient There are some countries that have women serving in a subservient position as compared to men. subside It took three days for the flood waters to subside. subsidiary Time Magazine is a subsidiary of AOL-Time Warner. subsistence Unfortunately many people in the world are living at a subsistence level. subsoil Extracting minerals from the Earth usually means digging into the subsoil. substandard The product was substandard since it had several defective parts. substation UPS will soon build a more convenient substation near our workplace. substitute The substitute teacher was quite familiar with the instructional materials used in that class. substructure The elevated walkway collapsed because of a defect in its substructure. subsume Trains, cars, boats, and planes can be subsumed under the larger category of types of transportation. subsurface Subsurface travel is normal for submarines. subterfuge Through skillful subterfuge, she was able to avoid being arrested for theft. subterranean Many bats live in subterranean areas during the day and come out to feed at night. subtitle Subtitles allow people with a different language to enjoy foreign films. subtle The political commercial carried a subtle message concerning immigration. subtopic The topic of the chapter was biochemistry, with its two subtopics being biology and chemistry. suburb Over the years Houston has been surrounded by a number of suburban communities. subway Because of the soil characteristics of the Houston area, there are no subways.